Chapter 184 A knife off the cliff! Power from the abyss! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone was relieved when they saw that Chana was all right, but when they heard Huang Lei’s words, they all looked at Chana in doubt.

The appearance of Sun Honglei and Huang Bo is already weird enough, I didn’t expect Chana to be even weirder, lying directly in the coffin of Queen Jingjue, and she looks exactly like Queen Jingjue!

“I can’t remember…”

I just woke up and saw you….

Chana said weakly.

“Forget it, it’s fine!”

Seeing Zana’s weak appearance, Huang Lei couldn’t bear to ask any more, so he sighed.

Everyone nodded slightly and didn’t ask any more questions.

Fat Di and Yaya helped Chana up from Zhang Chen’s arms and comforted Chana.

“I thought how powerful this elite queen is, but I didn’t expect it to be over in one fell swoop!”

Sun Honglei seemed a little disappointed.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

“Yeah, what a pity!”

“It looks so beautiful, if it’s gone, it’s gone!”

Huang Bo glanced down at the bottomless abyss, and said.

“Scorpion woman, almost killed Chana just now!”

“Xiaobo, don’t be fascinated by ghosts!”

Sun Honglei glared at Huang Bodao.

“I just sigh, don’t take it seriously!”

Huang Bo said haha.

“We have gone through a lot of hardships along the way!”

“Fortunately, everyone is fine, let’s figure out a way to see how to get back now!”

Huang Lei took a deep breath and said to everyone.

Everyone was stunned, looked around, and found that there was no exit except the abyss. If you want to go back, you can only go back the same way!

It’s just that they are now in the imaginary space, and they can only return to the ancient city of Jingjue if they return the same way!

“It shouldn’t be that simple!”

21 Zhang Chen suddenly said.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen with some doubts, not quite understanding what he meant.

“Is there no way to leave the imaginary space?”Lin Yu was surprised.

“There must be a way!”

“However, it shouldn’t be here!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and said, in fact, he is not sure, but there is always a feeling of uneasiness in his heart, which is a combination of intuition from the experience of frequent tombs.

Everyone was a little confused, and just wanted to ask another question, but suddenly heard Sun Honglei’s surprised voice: “Zhang Chen, where is your knife?”

Zhang Chen turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw the black gold ancient knife inserted on the lid of the coffin disappeared!

He recalled that after the strange man used the coffin cover to block the black gold ancient knife, he did not pay attention to the black gold ancient knife, and now it seems that it was probably taken away by that person!

Everyone also thought strangely. In the midst of doubts, they suddenly heard Huang Bo scream, and pointed to the dark abyss with a terrified expression!

Everyone turned their heads to look and saw a golden light emitting from the abyss!

That golden light is extremely fast!

Immediately into everyone’s field of vision!

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank sharply, and murmured, “An ancient black gold knife?”

In just an instant, the black gold ancient knife was shot at the bottom of the deep rock wall!

And it’s very powerful!

Shoot directly through the rock wall!

Zhang Chen subconsciously stretched out his hand and caught the black gold ancient knife, his pupils were full of shock: “He threw it up?”

Everything happened so fast!

Everyone didn’t have time to think and react at all. When they saw the black gold ancient knife falling into Zhang Chen’s hands, everyone’s face immediately showed shock.

“Why did the knife come up from below?”

Huang Lei looked confused, and felt that his brain was not enough.

“Isn’t this knife thrown up by that weirdo?”

Huang Bo said in horror, I don’t know how deep this abyss is, and it can penetrate the tongue-like rock wall when thrown from the bottom. How powerful is this?


Before Zhang Chen could answer, he heard the slight sound of rock cracking under his feet. He looked down and saw a crack that spread rapidly on the hole pierced by the black gold ancient knife!

“I go!”

Huang Bo also saw the crack, lost his voice, and the crack spread very fast, and was heading towards the feet of everyone!

Everyone hurried back to dodge!

But a more terrifying scene appeared!

I saw that the tongue-like rock under my feet suddenly broke!

Everyone didn’t even have time to escape, and they fell towards the endless abyss along with the broken rocks!

Everything is too fast, from the appearance of the black gold ancient knife to the breaking of the rock, it only takes less than ten seconds!

It’s just that no one could have imagined that these ten seconds became the beginning of their death!

The rock that stretched nearly 30 meters suddenly broke, and even Zhang Chen was not in a hurry to escape!

Not to mention others!

In the bottomless dark space, the screams of everyone resounded!

That voice was full of misery and despair!

“Damn it! I’ve had blood mold in my eighth life! I just escaped from death, and now I’m going to return to the west completely!”

“I’m not reconciled!”

Sun Honglei’s voice resounded through the abyss.

“Stop shouting!”

“Death will not make people quiet!”

Huang Bo scolded bitterly, in the face of natural forces, no matter how great the ability is, it is useless!

“Maybe this is life!”

“There is a saying that if you can’t change your destiny, enjoy it!”

“Let’s just enjoy the feeling of flying at the end!”

Huang Lei’s face was full of bitterness, and he opened his arms and sighed with emotion. After experiencing so many lives and deaths, when he really faced death, he felt that it was not so scary!

“Well, it’s flying…”

Huang Bo smiled bitterly.

The three girls are not as magnanimous as there are many men, just like loudspeakers, they have been screaming tirelessly!

“Maybe there is still life!”

Zhang Chen suddenly said to everyone.

“Can you still live like this?”

Feeling that the body was accelerating faster and faster, Sun Honglei said in surprise, with their current falling speed, even if they fell into the water, the terrifying impact would probably shatter people’s internal organs!

“The black-gold ancient knife should have been thrown from below by that weirdo. Since he can survive, so can we!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

Everyone was shocked. It seemed that what Zhang Chen said was really reasonable, but even if the odd man was not a zongzi, his physical strength was not comparable to them. How likely were they to survive?





Like falling into a pile of cotton, a series of muffled sounds sounded one after another!

Before everyone could react to what happened, theyFeel like a wet softness wraps them together!

The falling body stopped, and they didn’t seem to be injured!

However, it was extremely difficult to breathe, and the soft sponge-like things around them wrapped them round and round!


“Why is it so stinky, did it fall into the dung heap!”

Sun Honglei struggled to climb out, took a deep breath and cursed.

“Lin Yu, Fatty Huang, turn on your flashlight and take a picture, what the hell is this!”

Huang Bo rolled out and shouted loudly, but there was no response. He suddenly showed a puzzled look. He remembered that when he fell, Lin Yu and Huang Lei were obviously next to him, why are there no people now!

The line of sight here is darker than above, and there is nothing to see at all. He resisted the nausea and groped on the sticky things, and suddenly he touched a pair of big feet!


Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, no wonder it turned out to be head down!

He violently pulled it up, like pulling a radish, Huang Lei’s body was pulled out instantly!


As soon as Huang Lei came out, he retched hard with his throat stuck. The smell just now almost killed him!

“Fatty Huang?”

“What about the rest?”

Huang Bo was surprised.

“I do not know!”

Huang Lei was thrown into a mess, how could he know so much, he couldn’t stop shaking his head.

“There seems to be one under my butt!”

Sun Honglei heard Huang Bo and Huang Lei’s voice, and subconsciously digged under his butt. When he just fell, he remembered to hug someone, but he didn’t know who that person was!

With all his strength, he took out a slightly thin body from under his butt.

“Shut up!”

The man vomited hard as soon as he came out. After he vomited, he complained to Sun Honglei, “Brother Honglei, you will use me as your back when you die!”

“It’s Dr. Lin, sorry, sorry…”

Sun Honglei said with an embarrassed expression.

“Where are Zhang Chen and Fat Di?”

Huang Lei took a few deep breaths, and the 350 felt a little more comfortable. After hearing Lin Yu’s voice, he hurriedly used his flashlight to look around.

Lin Yu also took out his flashlight and looked around.

I saw that the place they were in seemed to be on a huge mushroom rhizome, and the force of their falling just now was offset by the soft rhizome of the mushroom!

So we can survive!

“Isn’t this the rhizome of the corpse incense konjac king?”

Huang Lei was shocked. He raised his flashlight and pointed it upwards, and he saw the huge rhizome under his feet extending all the way to the depths of darkness!

“Is that the corpse fragrant konjac king who controls us?”

Huang Bo was shocked and said that he had only mentioned the corpse incense konjac king before, but he had never seen it with his own eyes!


Suddenly Zhang Chen’s voice sounded, and everyone turned their heads in surprise. Sure enough, they saw Zhang Chen and Fat Di walking towards them completely intact.

“You better clean up the filth on your body!”

“This corpse fragrant konjac grew up eating carrion, and the flesh contains a lot of toxins!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the embarrassed people and said that when he was just falling, he had already used his night vision ability to see the rhizomes of the corpse incense konjac in advance. He didn’t worry about a few big men, and he saved three girls!


Hearing Zhang Chen’s words, everyone began to spit collectively.

Sun Honglei even used his fingers to pick his throat to induce vomiting!

“Just clean the skin off!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and said.

“I just said that the smell is wrong, it smells like a ditch, it turns out to be the smell of corpses!”

Sun Honglei said with disgust.

Huang Bo also cursed and approached Zhang Chen.

After Lin Yu cleaned up the filth on his body, he looked around with some doubts and said, “I remember when we were above the ancient city, groups of wild beasts jumped into the abyss. Logically, they should have landed here. Didn’t you see it?”

“Our current position is not necessarily the position where the beast committed suicide at that time!”

Huang Lei looked around at Dao, but just halfway through his words, he was suddenly stunned…

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