Chapter 186 Crystal ice corpse in magma! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Oh my God!”

“What is the origin of this guy!”

Huang Bo also had a shocked look on his face. They didn’t pay attention to their feet before, if it wasn’t for Zhang Chen to remind who could see the footprints that were half a finger deep on the ground.

Zhang Chen’s seemingly illusory speculation just now seems to be correct!

With that weirdo’s strength, he wouldn’t leave such a footprint on the ground unintentionally, its purpose must be to lead them to the crater!

Just why did that weirdo do this?

Are you trying to kill them?

But with his strength, he can fight head-on with everyone!

Or are you afraid of Zhang Chen and want to frame them?

Just how could he be sure that his group would be fooled?

Huang Bo was puzzled.

Lin Yu looked down at the footprints for a while, and wiped along the dents of the footprints with her fingers. After carefully observing for a while, her face suddenly sank and said, “The traces of these footprints were indeed created just now!”

Everyone’s heart sank again, it seems that the weirdo is indeed ahead!

“Zhang Chen, let’s go there rashly, what if that weird person is not good for us?”

Huang Lei was a little embarrassed, and they didn’t know whether the other party was an enemy or a friend.

But Zhang Chen shook his head: “No!”


Huang Bo showed a puzzled look, he didn’t understand why Zhang Chen could be so sure.


Zhang Chen said, he already had a guess in his heart, that person might be the guy who came out of the bronzes of Changbai Mountain!

hurt yourself?

Will not!

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he continued to walk in the direction of the flashing red light along the footprints.

Everyone followed closely, with nervous expressions on their faces.

As everyone gets closer and closer to the crater!

They strangely found that the temperature in the air not only did not rise, but contained a hint of cold air!

“Did I have hallucinations?”

“Why do you feel so cold?”

Huang Bo shuddered, his face full of surprise.


“Why is it as cold as blowing the air conditioner!”

Sun Honglei also had a surprised expression while holding his arms.

The physical quality of the others was much worse than that of Huang Bo, Sun Honglei and the two who had lived in the imaginary space for half a year.

“Zhang Chen, what’s going on?”

Huang Lei’s lips were a little blue, and he shivered.

Zhang Chen’s situation is better than other people, he has Qilin bloodline, he is immune to all poisons, and he is not afraid of cold and heat!

However, although he is not afraid of cold, he is much more sensitive to air-conditioning than everyone else.

He frowned and looked at the crater. He noticed that the coldness was flowing from the direction of the crater!

sunburnChill in hot magma?

Rao is a well-informed Zhang Chen, and a hint of surprise is inevitable in his heart!

“You guys be careful!”

“There is something strange in the crater, this cold air is coming from there!”

Zhang Chen reminded, but even though he said so, his footsteps were still not slow, and he even accelerated a bit!

Everyone was a little surprised. They felt it carefully. It seemed as if Zhang Chen had said that this strange cold air was indeed coming from the fiery red crater!

“I go!”

“Are the volcanoes in the imaginary space full of ice?”

Huang Bo said in surprise.

“It’s so weird!”

Sun Honglei also smacked his mouth.

Others have solemn expressions and no emotion.

Although I can’t see anything now, everyone’s heart is shrouded in an inexplicable pressure.

About five minutes later, the hot air waves mixed with the icy cold air condensed into air waves, which continuously impacted everyone’s faces!

Everyone really experienced the feeling of ice and fire!

Then the strong firelight illuminated everyone’s vision clearly!

I saw a crater with a diameter of about fifty meters in front of them about ten meters away!

The magma in the crater rolled, and the suffocating heat wave continued to spread around!

But it’s nothing!

The weirdest thing is that the center of the crater is bubbling with bubbles, and the bubbles are not tumbling magma!

It’s a mass of air-conditioning that exudes a biting chill!

“Is there really an iceberg under the crater?”

Sun Honglei was surprised and lost his voice.

Everyone shook their heads slightly, and their eyes were full of surprise, and they couldn’t understand why the lava was bubbling up with cold air!

Zhang Chen’s eyes were fixed on the center of the crater, but his attention was not on the bubbles, but the magma around the bubbles!

The magma level there is much higher than the surrounding area!

And this gap is still increasing!

It seems like something is about to come out of the lava!

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank, secretly said that the guy was hiding in the magma, right?

He turned his head and waved to the crowd: “Back up! There is something to come out!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then took a few steps back consciously, and looked at Zhang Chen with surprise!

Even Sun Honglei, who has the least common sense, knows that the temperature in magma can incinerate gold and iron. What else can survive in magma?

But the doubts in everyone’s heart just arose, and suddenly a big bag suddenly swelled up in the center of the magma!

Then the hot magma suddenly exploded!

A white object suddenly shot out of the lava!


Sun Honglei shouted and hurriedly pulled everyone back, for fear of being affected by the sputtered magma!

The faces of the three girls changed greatly, and they couldn’t help screaming.

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank sharply, the ancient black-gold knife was instantly across his chest, and his eyes were fixed on the white object!

But when his eyes caught the true face of the thing, his face suddenly changed greatly!

“Ice corpse?”

he muttered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a transparent corpse wrapped in crystal-like ice suddenly fell into the magma and tumbled violently!

The temperature of the tumbling magma is at least 2,000 degrees, but even this high temperature cannot melt this ice corpse!

The ice corpse is spinning rapidly, and white cold air is constantly sprayed around!

Everyone sucked in a breath of cold air. Obviously, the cold air they felt just now was emanating from this ice corpse!

“I am not wrong, right?”

“Transparent ice corpse?”

Huang Bo’s eyes were as wide as the copper bells, and he seemed unable to understand this scene!

“Looks like a woman…”

Sun Honglei observed the features of the corpse most carefully, and was stunned.

“The world is so big that there are no wonders. An ice corpse that can’t even melt the magma is really rare!”

Lin Yu’s eyes glittered with brilliance, and he felt the urge to move the ice corpse to the university for research, but he also understood that the ice corpse was in the center of the crater, and it was impossible to get it out.

“No, shouldn’t ice corpses only exist in glaciers?”

“How come it’s in the lava?”

“And there can be no glaciers under the magma at all. Even if there is a space in the middle, the temperature of the geothermal heat will make the water condense into ice!”

Chana, who has been taciturn, stared at the ice corpse suspiciously.

Her words seemed to point out that everyone was still shocked by the strangeness of the ice corpse just now, and they didn’t even think about why this ice corpse appeared in the crater!

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, his eyes fixed on the ice corpse, as if he had found something, and his face was shocked: “Noright! ”

“This ice corpse was thrown here!”

“Look carefully, the edges and corners around the ice corpse are slowly melting, obviously it can’t exist here for a long time, otherwise it’s over!”

When everyone heard Lin Yu’s words, their expressions froze again, and they stared at the ice corpse carefully!

Sure enough, as Lin Yu said, although the ice corpse is only melting very slowly!

That is to say, this ice corpse definitely did not form naturally in the magma of the crater, so there is only one explanation!

This ice corpse was thrown here!

Everyone took a deep breath, and the figure of that weird person appeared in their minds!

It’s just that they don’t understand, what is the purpose of that weirdo!

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen dumbfounded, as if they wanted to confirm the answer in their hearts!

I saw Zhang Chen nodded.

Everyone was shocked, it really is! .

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