Chapter 181 Gatekeeper Zongzi! Huang Bo! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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After entering, everyone found that it was like getting into a huge and wet sponge!

Behind you, you can still hear the roar of the beast!

However, everyone has escaped the catastrophe!

“Hong Lei, yes!”

“Don’t stay in vain in this ancient city! ”

Huang Lei said a little excitedly, they were almost ready to jump into the crack just now!

“That is!”

The voice of Sun Honglei came from the innermost.

“Hong Lei, continue to make holes in front of you and see if you can get in through the rhizome?”

Huang Lei suddenly said.

“You are the rat!”

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then turned to curse.

“Hey, don’t be in a hurry!”

“I just saw that this corpse incense konjac grows from the depths of the crack. Since our purpose is to get under the crack, why don’t we go down the inside of the corpse incense konjac!”

“This is a natural safe passage!”

Huang Lei said excitedly.

Zhang Chen nodded slightly when he heard the words, and then said to Sun Honglei: “Huang Lei’s idea is good, just go ahead and have a look, maybe there really is a passage leading to the bottom in the middle!”

“it is good!”

Sun Honglei nodded and continued to tear with his strong arms!

He lived like an orangutan in this ancient city for half a year. His arm strength has been exercised several times stronger than before, and the inside of this corpse fragrant konjac is relatively soft.

The task of opening the way is not difficult for him.

Soon, Sun Honglei opened a passage. After about fifteen meters, a huge irregular space appeared in front of everyone, and the space stretched to the top.

It’s like the gut in the human abdomen.

And his current position is the position of the middle stomach!

“What’s that bulging thing on here?”

Sun Honglei glanced around and raised his head suspiciously.

Everyone also saw that the walls were full of bulging bags, and suspicion flashed in their eyes.

“It seems to be moving!”

Huang Lei suddenly pointed at the bulging bag in surprise.

Everyone looked curiously, and saw that the bulging bags suddenly split open, and then spit out a lot of white things like silkworm cocoons!

And there’s more and more of that!

The silkworm cocoon-like thing is covered with mucus, it looks extremely disgusting, and the number is increasing!

Everyone’s complexion changed greatly, goose bumps all over the body!

007 Sun Honglei kicked away in disgust, and saw that the white thing that was kicked away suddenly burst open, revealing a white and swollen corpse.

“Dead corpse!”

Sun Honglei covered his mouth and said in horror.

Everyone also felt disgusted for a while, and subconsciously ducked back.

“Zhang Chen, will we also be eaten by this corpse fragrant konjac?”

Huang Lei covered his mouth and asked Zhang Chen who didn’t speak.

“Follow me!”

Zhang Chen turned his back to the crowd, and after saying a word, suddenly his body burrowed into a dark hole.

The entrance of the hole is like a slide, as soon as Zhang Chen’s figure entered, he disappeared without a trace!

When Sun Honglei saw Zhang Chen go down, he also hurriedly got in.

Huang Lei and others quickly followed.

Everyone who got in felt like they were riding a roller coaster, descending rapidly around the slippery passage, and it was still in a rotating way!

About ten minutes later, everyone felt a warm feeling hit, only to find that they had come out of the passage and fell into an underground pool!

Fortunately, the pool is not deep, only about one meter five.

The resistance of the water surface resisted the impact of their falling, so that everyone was not injured.

“I’m going, it’s really a big fate, if I fall on a stone, my old life will be gone!”

Huang Lei walked towards the shore while wiping the water on his body.

Everyone also climbed ashore from the water. After cleaning up the water stains on their bodies, Lin Yu took out a flashlight and looked around, and found that they seemed to be in a huge underground cave.

And the bottomless crack is nowhere to be seen!

“There are also hot springs!”

“That’s great, I’ll take a shower first!”

Sun Honglei gritted his teeth and said while wiping his body in the water.

Everyone was a little speechless, secretly said that Hong Lei’s heart is really big, but seeing him wash a pool of black water again, he didn’t dissuade him, after all, no one wants to be with stinky people.

Lin Yu glanced around and said, “There may be volcanic activity underground, so hot springs appear.”

Huang Lei nodded slightly.


Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, slammed his mouth and said, “Then the tomb of Queen Jingjue won’t be in the volcano, right?”

“It would be difficult to do that!”

“The presence of volcanic activity does not mean that there are volcanoes, and besides (cbee) most of the volcanoes are extinct volcanoes, so don’t worry about this!”

Lin Yu shook his head.

Fatty goes aroundAfter looking at it for a while, I found that it is well-connected and there are dark cave entrances everywhere, so I anxiously said: “How should we go?”

After she finished speaking, she suddenly saw Zhang Chen closing his eyes and moving his nose slightly, as if he smelled something special.

“What are you smelling, Zhang Chen?”

Fatty asked curiously.

Lin Yu and Yaya also looked in surprise.

I saw Zhang Chen wave his hand to signal everyone not to speak. After a while, he opened his eyes, looked at a cave and said, “There is an exit there!”

Everyone has already realized that Zhang Chen was just looking for an exit.

“You can smell it through your nose, where is the exit?”

Fat Di said with a look of surprise.

“The flow rate of the outlet air is different from other places!”

Zhang Chen replied without explaining much, got up and walked towards the depths.

Everyone hurried to follow.

Sun Honglei, who was still taking a bath early, saw that everyone had left, crawled out of the pool with a depressed expression, and followed.

Entering the cave and walking for about ten minutes, everyone came out of the wet and low cave.

The front is an open field, and there is no dome in sight. There is a high cliff about 30 meters in front of it, and there are vegetated streams all around.

Everyone was surprised when they saw it, and it felt as if they had entered the underground grassland world!

“Where are you going now?”

Sun Honglei stuck his head out and asked Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen looked around, his eyes fell on the 30-meter-high cliff, and he said, “Go up and have a look!”

“Okay, I’ll go explore the way!”

Sun Honglei nodded and walked forward sensitively. He easily climbed up the 30-meter steep slope.

Everyone looked surprised. Just now, Hong Lei looked like a very sensitive ape when he was wrapping the cliff with his bare hands!

“Come on up!”

“There is a stone gate here!”

Suddenly, Sun Honglei’s voice came from above, and everyone’s expressions changed slightly. Doesn’t the presence of a stone gate mean that the tomb was found?

“Is it the tomb of Queen Jingjue?”

Huang Lei, Lin Yu, Zhang Chen and others climbed up and said.

“do not know!”

“The door is very big, with an eye carved on it, and there are stone soldiers guarding the door!”

Sun Honglei’s voice came from above again.

Zhang Chen was stunned, listening to Sun Honglei’s description, I’m afraid it is really possible to find the entrance to the underground palace!

Huang Lei and others also came to the strength and climbed up.

Soon, when everyone climbed the cliff, they saw a huge underground palace entrance in front of them!

That stone gate is even bigger than the bronze gate seen in the Cishan Tomb that day, and the door frame of the stone gate was built in the shape of a snake head!

There are two stone men with spears standing on both sides!

“It should be the entrance of Queen Jingjue’s underground palace, that’s right!”

Zhang Chen said slightly.

“Hey, I didn’t expect it to go so smoothly!”

Huang Lei was a little surprised when he heard the words. From entering the imaginary number space until here, he only encountered trouble once, which he did not expect.

Compared to the previous experience, this time is really easy.

“How do you open this door!”

Sun Honglei touched the back of his head and looked at it, and found that the stone gate was extremely thick and huge, and it was impossible to enter by strength alone.

He took a few steps forward and wanted to get a closer look, but he didn’t expect to get close.

The stone man guarding the gate suddenly moved, and a long spear flashing with cold light slammed into Sun Honglei’s heart!

The stone man’s movements are extremely fast!

Sun Honglei ducked sideways subconsciously, staring at the stone man with anger on his face, and scolded: “Grandma, what is this thing!”

The stone man’s face was expressionless, and he was shot down again!

Sun Honglei turned pale in shock, rolled on the ground to avoid it again, and shouted, “Damn it! The stone man has become a master, and he can even do martial arts!

Huang Lei also looked surprised. This stone man was extremely agile, without any mechanical dullness, just like a real person!

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, he raised his hand and shot the black gold ancient saber towards the man. The stone man seemed to sense the danger, waved the long spear in his hand, and stabbed the black gold ancient saber with his backhand!


A crisp sound of gold and iron colliding sounded.

I saw that the long spear in the stone man’s hand broke instantly, and the black gold ancient knife was heavily inserted into the stone gate!

“I’ll go to your uncle!”

Sun Honglei, who suffered a loss, suddenly got up from the ground and flew to throw the stone man to the ground!

Just like ufc wrestling, ride on the stone man and turn your fists to the left and right to open the bow!

While beating and scolding.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded, this Sun Honglei was too fierce.

Zhang Chen frowned, he didn’t thinkThe stone man was able to avoid his blow just now. No matter what the stone man was, it was not something that Sun Honglei could deal with.

Sure enough, although the stone man was beaten by Sun Honglei, he missed the key point!

I saw that the stone man suddenly kicked the back of Hong Lei’s head with his legs!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed drastically, he could feel the power of it with one kick, Hong Lei was instantly kicked to the ground, rolled a few times on the ground, and seemed to faint!

“I go!”

“What kind of expert is this?”

Huang Lei’s face changed greatly, he knew about Hong Lei’s power, and three or four ordinary adults might not be his opponents.

I saw the stone man slamming a carp and stood up steadily, pointing the half of the spear in his hand to the mouth of the crowd: “The person who trespasses on the Queen’s tomb will die!”

Everyone’s faces were horrified, this is indeed the tomb of Queen Jingjue!

Zhang Chen frowned, and some couldn’t be sure whether this thing was a human or a zongzi, but since he stopped them, he would kill them!

He stretched out his hand, inserted it into the stone gate, and shook the ancient black gold a few times, and suddenly it fell into his hands!

He pointed at the stone man with a horizontal knife and approached slowly!

The stone man’s expression seemed to have noticed Zhang Chen as well, and his attention was all on Zhang Chen.

I saw Zhang Chen suddenly turning around 360 degrees, and the black gold ancient knife slashed down!

But what is the origin of this stone man, he has absolute confidence, this knife can kill the opponent!

But at this moment, Sun Honglei, who had passed out, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted to Zhang Chen anxiously, “He is Xiaobo!”


Zhang Chen’s black-gold ancient sword stopped firmly on the top of the stone man’s head, the huge power was still dissipated, and the shocking black-gold ancient made a humming sound!

The stone man also seemed to be shocked by Zhang Chen’s domineering saber qi, and he stood there dumbfounded!

The air fell into silence, and everyone stared at the stone man!

Zhang Chen’s eyes also flashed with surprise. He saw the stone man wearing a helmet, with only two eyes leaking out. The outline of those eyes was indeed somewhat similar to Huang Bo!

Zhang Chen flipped the back of the knife and slammed the stone man!

Sun Honglei and everyone’s faces changed greatly, for fear that Zhang Chen would shoot the stone man who was suspected of Huang Bo to death!


After a crisp sound, the iron helmet on the stone man’s head shattered instantly, revealing a familiar face!

What a wave!

Huang Lei’s face was full of horror, how could he never have thought that this person was really Xiaobo!

Sun Honglei let out a long sigh of relief, lying on the ground with a whimpering sound from his mouth. When he was just hitting the stone man, he accidentally saw the face under the iron helmet.

It’s none other than Huang Bo!

“Bo Ge, how did it become like this?”

Lin Yu was full of surprise, and looked at Huang Bo with a puzzled expression. He saw that Huang Bo was wearing the armor of an ancient soldier, his face was cold, and his pupils were cold.

The unfamiliar eyes were exactly the same as when Sun Honglei was discovered!

“Could it be that Bo Ge was also controlled by the corpse fragrant konjac?”

Fat Di was surprised.


Zhang Chen stared into Huang Bo’s eyes and nodded slightly, the word should be correct!

Just as everyone was suspicious, half of the long spear in Huang Bo’s hand suddenly stabbed towards Huang Lei, who was leaning forward to observe!

Huang Lei’s expression changed greatly!

Huang Bo’s speed was extremely fast, and everyone couldn’t react at all.

But at this moment, Zhang Chen’s stern shout suddenly sounded!

“Wake me up!”

Zhang Chen’s voice is like a bell, shaking people’s eardrums!

Huang Bo’s hand suddenly stopped, and the half spear in his hand was less than an inch away from Huang Lei’s throat!

Huang Lei’s face was pale, and the beads of sweat on his forehead were rustling down. His face was full of bitterness, and his heart was full of bitterness.

I saw that with the sound of Zhang Chen’s voice, Huang Bo’s attention was immediately attracted to Zhang Chen, and his empty eyes stared at Zhang Chen!

When he saw the golden light in Zhang Chen’s eyes flashing past, Huang Bo’s body trembled obviously!

Then he suddenly covered his head and screamed in pain, his body twisted and rolled on the ground.

Seeing this, Zhang Chen sighed in relief, raised his head and said to the worried crowd, “It’s alright!”

Everyone was shocked, and they saw Huang Bo rolling in pain on the ground. He quickly stopped, and then sat on the ground, looking at everyone with tears on his face.

“I miss you so much!”.

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