Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Ten Thousand Beasts Buried! Stuck in a ghost hole! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“What is corpse incense konjac?”

Everyone was pulled back from their shocked emotions by Zhang Chen’s words, and looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

“The corpse incense konjac is a fungus that can produce hallucinations!”

Zhang Chen said, with a solemn look in his eyes.

“Aren’t fungi just like mushrooms?”

“Can this thing grow so big?”

Sun Honglei was shocked and said that although he has lived here for a long time, his previous memories are long gone.

“Too unscientific!”

“According to the growth rate of fungi, such a large corpse fragrant konjac may grow for more than tens of thousands of years!”

“But Jingjueguo is not only three or four thousand years old…”

“That’s not right! Could it be a problem with the flow of time?”

Lin Yu said halfway through, and suddenly said as if he realized something.

Zhang Chen nodded: “The flow of time here is much faster than the outside world, so this thing can grow into a king who rules this exquisite ancient city!”

“Isn’t the king of Jingjue Ancient City the Jingjue Queen?”

Yaya was a little surprised.

Everyone seems to have no idea what Zhang Chen meant.

I saw Zhang Chen glanced at Yaya, then turned to point at the huge corpse incense konjac and said, “All the weirdness in this ruined city originates from this corpse incense konjac king!”

“Its seeds and smells make all living creatures that breathe with their lungs in the environment, so they are controlled by him!”

“It’s no exception to the mice in the cracks in the walls!”

“I was also controlled by this thing before?”

Sun Honglei said in shock.

Zhang Chen nodded slightly: “The queen of the ancient kingdom of Jingjue is indeed the queen of Jingjue, but the king of the ruined city now is it!”

“It really is an imaginary space, and a single plant can become the king of the ancient city!”

“It’s amazing!”

Lin Yu said with shock on his face.

“Actually, there is one thing I don’t quite understand.”

“Why does this thing control the creatures in the ancient city of Jingjue?”

“Doesn’t it have thoughts and self-consciousness?”

In addition to shock, Huang Lei’s eyes were full of confusion.

“That’s right, after all, this thing is also a big mushroom, how can it still become a fine?”

Sun Honglei also nodded.

Others also nodded, and this is the same reason after thinking about it.

Zhang Chen shook his head, his eyes flashed with deep solemnity: “For survival!”


“This thing is so big, is there any natural enemy?”

Huang Lei was surprised.

Suspiciousness flashed in Lin Yu’s eyes, as if thinking of something, he suddenly lost his voice: “Could it be food?”

Everyone’s faces were full of surprise. Mushrooms grow underground, so what food do they need?

However, after Zhang Chen heard Lin Yu’s words, he nodded in approval and said, “The corpse fragrant konjac is different from ordinary fungi. It only grows beside the corpse and uses the carrion for nourishment!”

“If the corpse fragrant konjac is of the size, how much nourishment does the carrion need?”

Everyone took a deep breath, Zhang Chen said so clearly, if they couldn’t understand it again, they would become real fools.

Sun Honglei’s reaction was the mostStrong, in addition to shock, there is a strong anger in his eyes: “Mother! I almost became a late night snack for this thing!”

“Forget it, you’re not enough to stick between your teeth, at most it’s a grain of white rice!”

Huang Lei said with a wry smile, his face couldn’t hide the shocking expression, a plant that keeps the creatures in the entire abandoned city in captivity sounds really numb to the scalp!

“It really is.〃!”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly said cleverly: “Will Xiaobo and Chana have already been eaten by this thing?”

Everyone was silent for a while. Although everyone didn’t say anything about it, they were actually worried. Hong Lei was a fool to play cards. Good luck, Huang Lei and Chana might not have such good luck.

It’s really a miracle to stay in such a ghost place for the first half of the year and not die!

“It’s no use worrying!”

“Life and death are destiny, wealth and honor are in the sky, let’s hurry up and take a look!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and said.

“I hope Bo Ge and Chana can have the same luck as Hong Lei!”

Huang Lei prayed silently, nodded and followed Zhang Chen.

Everyone was wearing masks and scarves. Although they were already close to the huge corpse incense konjac that looked like a high-rise building, they didn’t feel like they had entered a state of hallucination.

“Oh my God!”

“Really big!”

When Sun Honglei saw the rhizomes at the bottom of his eyes were tens of meters in diameter and about 100 meters high, he felt extremely shocked. It was hard to imagine that such a huge plant grew up by eating dead corpses.

“There won’t be any entrances in this thing, right?”

Huang Lei looked at it in surprise.

Although this looks like a plant, it gives people the feeling of a building!

It seems that there is something like an organ lurking here!

“be careful!”

“There’s something weird in here!”

Zhang Chen was alert and said, according to his conjecture, in order to survive, the corpse fragrant konjac must have a large number of dead corpses, but its seeds and taste can make living beings hallucinatory.

But it doesn’t have the ability to kill creatures!

Then the only way is to let those hallucinated creatures die by themselves, or kill each other!

After they entered the ancient city, although they saw strange things, they did not encounter any danger.

He has a hunch that danger may be lurking in this huge corpse incense konjac!

Everyone was also on alert, followed behind Zhang Chen, wandered along the roots of the corpse fragrant konjac, carefully looked around the environment, and did not miss any details.

“There should be an entrance to the underground here!”

Zhang Chen walked side by side.

“Is it an agency?”

Sun Honglei said in surprise.

Everyone also looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

“I don’t know!”

“However, the nutrient-absorbing organ of the corpse incense konjac is at the root, and the creature it controls can only absorb it if it dies underground!”

Zhang Chen speculated that he even suspected that the tomb of Queen Jingjue might be under the corpse incense konjac!

So he had to find the entrance to the underground.

Everyone nodded in agreement, but after walking around, they didn’t see where the entrance was.

Everyone was a little suspicious at the moment.

Zhang Chen also stopped and looked up at the huge top above.

I saw densely packed bats hanging like fruit above, but these bats seemed to be in a dormant state and had no intention of attacking them.

It’s not the first time they have seen the scene of swarms of bats. Although they are a little nervous, they are not panicked. As long as they don’t disturb them, it doesn’t matter.

And they are looking for the entrance to the bottom, not going up.

“This smells really bad!”

Huang Lei looked down and saw that the ground was full of bat feces with a pungent smell, and he couldn’t help frowning.

“It is rumored that the ghost cave people live in underground ghost caves, but it is really strange to build such a large-scale city on the ground!”

Seeing Zhang Chen continue to walk forward, Lin Yu exclaimed in admiration.

Hearing Lin Yu’s words, Zhang Chen suddenly stopped progressing, glanced at Lin Yu and said, “You only know one of them and do not know the other!”


Lin Yu looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

“Ghost caves only exist in imaginary space, and the ancient city of Jingjue really exists in history. After the decline of Jingjue Kingdom, Queen Jingjue is likely to protect Jingjue Kingdom!”

“I used some mysterious power to send the ancient city of Jingjue here!”

So, it’s probably not what it used to be!

Zhang Chen said.

“You said that the ancient city we are looking at now hides the original appearance of this place?”

Lin Yu was a little surprised, and was secretly surprised by how holy this Queen of Absolute Essence was, to be able to transfer a city to another time and space.

“This exquisite queen is too powerfulBar? ”

“What if we see her?”

Sun Honglei said worriedly.

“It’s simple, won’t you just use your beautiful charm to conquer her?”

Huang Lei Road.

“Go! Anytime, I still have the heart to joke, and I’m not the right age for her!”

Sun Honglei glared at Huang Leidao.

Everyone was talking and walking when Zhang Chen suddenly stopped again and pointed to the road ahead. The entrance should be here!

Everyone was startled, and when they took a flashlight, they saw a huge crack running through the city in front of them, and the corpse fragrant konjac grew out of this bottomless crack.

“Oh my God!”

“The Great Rift Valley isn’t that deep, is it?”

Sun Honglei picked up a stone and threw it into the dark crack!

But there is no sound of landing in the crack, only the sound of ghost howl!

“¨. This is good, the entrance is found, but I can’t go down!”

Huang Lei said helplessly, not to mention that the ropes are gone now, even 80% of them are not enough to go down.

“Isn’t this Queen of Essence buried in the core of the earth?”

Sun Honglei scratched his head, showing a slightly depressed expression.

“Okay, stop being alarmist here, why don’t you say it’s in the magma!”

Huang Lei pouted, as if he still had a grudge against Sun Honglei for tearing his clothes.

“Shall we dance?”

Lin Yu suddenly said.

Huang Lei, Sun Honglei, and Yaya stared at Lin Yu with surprise: “What’s wrong?”

Lin Yu pointed at the trembling person directly opposite the crack and said, “If you don’t jump, you’re going to die!”

Everyone looked up in surprise and saw a dense army of beasts standing above the crack on the opposite side!

Bison, wolves, vultures….

There are tens of thousands of them, and they stand motionless on the edge of the crack, looking at them with greedy eyes!

It seems that you can jump over at any time with a deep jump!

Everyone’s scalp was numb for a while, this number is too much!

Zhang Chen’s pupils also shrank when he saw this, but after seeing the strange eyes of the army of beasts, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Don’t be afraid!”

“They are all controlled by the corpse incense konjac, and they will immediately jump into the abyss!”

Sure enough, as soon as Zhang Chen’s voice fell, the army of beasts fell into the bottomless abyss like dumplings!

Oh my God! Mass suicide!

Sun Honglei was shocked, seeing tens of thousands of lives dying in front of him, his whole body stood upside down.

(Wang Haozhao) Everyone also turned pale for a while. The shock of this personal experience is difficult to describe in words. The scene in front of them will only make them feel the greatness of nature and the insignificance of themselves.

“Zhang Chen, we have one behind us too!”

Just as everyone stared at the army of animals that committed suicide, Yaya sounded with a cry.

Everyone only felt the ground tremble, and they turned their heads in fear, but saw the army behind them covered in color, and countless mice, lizards, hares, and insects and snakes rushed towards them overwhelmingly!

And the speed is extremely fast, it seems that it is also controlled by the corpse incense konjac!

However, although their target is not them, it is inevitable that they will be affected by being here. Once surrounded by this group of lifeless things, I am afraid that they will be disabled for life!

Zhang Chen frowned. He didn’t expect that such a change would happen later. In a hurry, he glanced at the bottomless crack and said, “Get ready to jump!”

Everyone’s faces are pale, do they really want to fight to the death?

But there is a bottomless abyss below!

“Come here and hide!”

Just when everyone was in a difficult decision, Sun Honglei’s half-length character suddenly appeared on the rhizome of the corpse incense konjac, and he was recruiting everyone.

Zhang Chen was stunned, and saw Sun Honglei, like a dexterous groundhog, tearing the rhizome of the corpse incense konjac abruptly with his arm!

Everyone looked surprised. They didn’t expect that Sun Honglei would actually learn this kind of skill after staying here for half a year!

The situation was urgent, everyone no longer hesitated, spread their feet, and got in with their heads. .

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