Chapter 482: The Queen of Absolute Essence! Gurichana! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Seeing Huang Bo’s appearance, everyone suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief.

grandsonHong Lei struggled to get up from the ground, patted off the dirt on his body, stepped forward, squatted in front of Huang Bo, stared at Huang Bo suspiciously and said: “Be honest, you help Queen Jing Jue guard the door, how much do you earn? ”


Huang Bo was just about to refute but was suddenly stunned. He noticed that he was wearing the armor of an ancient soldier, and he was holding a half iron in his hand!

Seeing everyone nodding to him, he turned his head sharply, and sure enough, he saw a stone gate with a huge eye carved behind him!

“This is Queen Jingjue’s underground palace?”

Huang Lei said with a look of surprise, as if he was here for the first time!

“You’re still pretending to be stupid, you show people the door for half a year, and you know what to ask!”

Huang Lei laughed.

“Half a year?”

“I really stayed here for half a year?”

Huang Bo sucked in a breath of cold air and looked at the crowd in surprise.

“What do you think!”

“I’m not the same!”

Sun Honglei pouted.

“What do you mean? You also stayed here for half a year?”

Huang Bo looked confused, feeling that he couldn’t understand what everyone was saying.

“Huang Lei is different from you, you are underground, he is on the ground!”

“You are Zongzi, he is an orangutan!”

After Huang Lei said he was happy, everyone couldn’t help but laugh.

Sun Honglei glared at Huang Lei resentfully. Although he was depressed, he couldn’t refute it. After all, Huang Lei was telling the truth.

However, Huang Bo still had a dazed expression on his face, staring blankly at the crowd and asking: “What do you mean?”

Lin Yu explained to Huang Bo what happened before.

After Huang Bo heard it, he screamed!

A smile appeared on his face at the moment: “That’s okay, how can I say that brother has also been a general guarding one side for half a year, I am curious now that Hong Lei has been an orangutan for half a year, has he given birth to a son and a half daughter with the same kind?”

“Xiaobo, you white-eyed wolf!”

“If I hadn’t shouted just now, you would have been hacked to death by Zhang Chen!”

Sun Honglei’s face flushed red.

“Let’s get down to business!”

Zhang Chen looked at the huge stone gate of the underground palace and waved his hand to everyone.

The crowd soon quieted down.

Zhang Chen glanced at Huang Bo and said in surprise, “Do you remember how you entered the underground palace?”

A look of confusion flashed in Huang Bo’s eyes, as if he was trying hard to recall the past. After a long time, he covered his head and said, “I just remember when I first woke up, I was here, and then I want to find an outlet to talk to you guys. And will…”

Then I saw this stone gate. I thought it was the entrance to the underground palace. You will definitely find it here, so I wanted to go ahead and wait for you!

“But I didn’t expect to be knocked unconscious!”

“I can’t remember what happened next!”

Zhang Chen’s eyes tightened, and he stared at Huang Bo and said, “Are you sure you were knocked out by someone else?”

Huang Lei and others also stared at Huang Bo in surprise.

“I’m not sure if it’s a human being, but I must have been knocked unconscious by someone!”

Huang Bo recalled.

Everyone looked surprised, so, it’s either a human being or a zongzi!

“its not right!”

“Why is there a stone man missing?”

Sun Honglei suddenly pointed to the side of Shimen in surprise.

Everyone looked up and saw that both sides of the stone gate were empty. They were all surprised. When they came up, they clearly saw two stone figures standing on the left and right sides of the stone gate.

One is Huang Bo, but the other is missing!

“Xiaobo, where is your brother?”

Sun Honglei stared at Huang Bodao in surprise.


Huang Bo, who was nervous, scolded immediately after hearing Sun Honglei’s words.

“You two have been guarding the gate with guns for half a year, saying it’s your brother, that’s right!”

Sun Honglei said depressedly.

“Don’t make trouble, Hong Lei, I think something is wrong, I’m afraid that the stone man who disappeared is weird!”

Huang Lei said solemnly, he vaguely felt that what Huang Bo said had been knocked unconscious, maybe it had something to do with the stone man.

Sun Honglei also knows that things are a little serious. The stone man can disappear inexplicably. Needless to say, it must be a zongzi, and ordinary zongzi will attack people. Like this kind of zongzi that can hide, 80% have wisdom!

Lin Yu used a flashlight to take pictures along the sides of the stone gate, but did not find any trace of the stone man, and his face was a little awkward now.

“Let’s hurry up and find a way to enter the underground palace!”

“I always feel that the stone man might be hiding somewhere to shade us!”

Lin Yu said worriedly.

“One stone man is Bo Ge, is it possible that the other stone man is Chana?”

Fat Di said suddenly.

Zhang Chen was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: “I don’t look like you!”Everyone carefully recalled it, and it seemed to be the case. The other stone man was at least 1.8 meters tall and had a burly physique, obviously not Chana’s size.

“Is that possible, that Shi, like Bo Ge, is not a zongzi!”

“Is it also a human being controlled by the corpse incense konjac?”

Huang Lei guessed.

Everyone was silent for a while. Although Huang Lei’s statement has a certain possibility, the premise is that he has the ability to live forever!

Just as everyone was thinking, a violent vibration sounded behind them.

Everyone turned their heads in surprise, and suddenly found that the huge stone gate had a strange gap open!

“Automatically open?”

Huang Bo opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief.

Huang Lei and others also looked surprised, staring at Shimen dumbfounded!

I saw that the gap in the stone gate was getting bigger and bigger, and finally it was completely opened under the shocked eyes of everyone!

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank sharply, and he saw a figure suddenly flashed across the black mist behind the stone gate. Although it only flashed by, he still saw the silhouette of the shadow!

It is very similar to the stone man who started guarding the stone gate!

“Did this guy keep us going in?”

A strong shock flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes. He couldn’t feel hostility and death from the shadow. It seemed that the shadow was the same as Huang Lei guessed. It was not a dumpling at all, but a person!

Just who would that be?

In his mind, the strangeness of the Cishan Tomb instantly appeared. When the bronze gate opened, he realized that someone had been there!

It’s just that he only saw the traces left by the man at the time, but he didn’t see the man!

Now, I saw a person appear in front of my eyes!

Is it possible that the person who left the black gold knife in the Cishan tomb is the same person as this guy?

He pondered for a moment and decided to go in and see for himself what that person was trying to do!

Seeing that the stone gate opened automatically, Sun Honglei and the others were speechless in surprise. At random, they didn’t see the shadow behind the stone gate, but they still felt a strong sense of unease in their hearts.

If the stone gate cannot be opened, they will try their best to enter the underground palace, but now that the stone gate is automatically opened, they dare not enter!

“Is this an empty city plan?”

Huang Lei said suspiciously.

“In the past, underground palaces were afraid of robbing tombs, but this exquisite queen is really different. Not only did Bo Ge guard the door, but she also opened the door for Bo Ge’s face and let me in, tsk tsk!”

Sun Honglei slapped his mouth.

“I would like to meet Queen Jing Jue, but unfortunately we don’t have that fate!”

“I think there must be something weird inside. Since you think Queen Jingjue invited us in, then you should take the lead!”

Huang Bo sorted out his armor and glanced at Sun Honglei.

“That won’t work, I’m not the boss, I have to listen to Zhang Chen if I can’t get in!”

Sun Honglei pouted.

Seeing that Sun Honglei was not fooled, Huang Bo was also a little bored, so he turned his head and stared at Zhang Chen, wondering what Zhang Chen said.

“Go in!”

Zhang Chen glanced at everyone.

After hearing Zhang Chen’s words, the people who were still beating drums in their hearts froze and nodded.

After speaking, Zhang Chen walked towards the black Shekou.

As if entering the giant mouth of the monster, everyone followed Zhang Chen into the dark underground palace.

It is extremely dark inside, but this darkness seems to be different from ordinary darkness. This kind of darkness seems to have the ability to devour light, and people who are a few meters away can hardly see each other’s facial features.

You can only feel the presence of the other party by the sound of footsteps.

The strong light flashlight is not very useful here, at most you can see the distance of about ten meters in front.

And the most weird thing is that the air in the dark seems to flow very fast, and you will feel a slight heat sensation when you are in it, that is, the air conditioner with hot air is running in the room.

Although it is warm, it makes people feel a little stuffy.

“This is too dark!”

“Don’t women like to make the place where they live bejeweled?”

“This exquisite queen is not an African girl, is she?”

Sun Honglei walked forward cautiously.

“It’s really possible. Where have the ancients ever seen a black woman, if such a woman really came out, she might even be regarded as a god!”

Huang Bo agreed.

“Don’t talk nonsense, be careful not to be heard by Queen Jing Jue!”

Seeing that the two of them were talking more and more, Huang Lei persuaded them.


Just as Huang Lei finished speaking, Zhang Chen suddenly made a gesture of silence.

Sun Honglei opened his eyes wide and said to Zhang Chen with his lips: “Can you really hear?”

Zhang Chen didn’t answer, he pricked up his ears and listened carefully to the voice in the depths of the darkness, as if he could really hear something..

Everyone felt a little drumbeat in their hearts, but they didn’t dare to disturb Zhang Chen, they just waited nervously.

After a while, Zhang Chen pointed to the left and said, “Go this way!”


Everyone responded, but their faces were still suspicious. Just now, they stopped carefully, but they didn’t hear any sound, but Zhang Chen looked like he heard something.

・・・ Flowers 0 ・・

Everyone is not only a little hairy.

Soon after the crowd walked for about 100 meters, Zhang Chen stopped with his back to the crowd.

“Why don’t you leave?”

Huang Lei said cautiously.


Zhang Chen pointed to his feet and said to everyone.

Lin Yu flashed his flashlight towards his feet, and saw a bottomless abyss appearing in front of him, he gasped!

Just now, if I continued to walk a few steps forward, I was afraid that I would fall.

“The tomb of Queen Jingjue won’t be below, right?”

Huang Lei took a picture with a flashlight, and found that the abyss was bottomless, and when he looked down, he could feel a heat wave coming.

Sun Honglei picked up a stone from the ground and threw it down. After more than ten seconds, he still did not hear the sound of the stone falling, and his expression changed slightly.

“This is much deeper than the abyss in the Japanese pirate base!”

Huang Bo said in surprise.

“I don’t think it’s very likely that the Queen of Essence is below!”

Sun Honglei suddenly frowned.

“Did you find anything?”

Lin Yu cast suspicious eyes.

“That’s not it!”

“However, think about it, it’s so dark and hot down here, maybe there is something like volcanic lava, not to mention Queen Jingjue is a woman, even a gentleman doesn’t want to stay in such a ghost place after death. Bar?”

Sun Honglei said.

“But Queen Jingjue is the leader of the ghost cave clan. This bottomless abyss is very likely to be the ghost cave in the legend. After death, it is hidden in the depths of the ghost cave, so it’s true!”

…. 0 ……

Lin Yu pondered.

Huang Bo, Huang Lei and Yaya Fatty heard the argument between the two, they thought it was quite reasonable, and they couldn’t judge for a while, which was more likely.

“Queen Jingjue’s coffin is not here!”

Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen in astonishment, and saw a golden flame suddenly swirling around the black-gold ancient knife in Zhang Chen’s hand!

Everyone was surprised, and saw the golden flames shot towards the dark sky in an instant!

That speed is extremely fast, like a fashion that cuts through the night sky!

The darkness all around seems to be ignited by golden flames, and the light instantly covers everyone’s sight!

I saw that above the huge abyss, there was a boulder extending out, and on top of the boulder lay a huge copper coffin!

The weirdest thing is that there is a dark figure squatting on top of the coffin!

And Zhang Chen’s ancient black gold sword with flames in his hand was shooting at the figure!

Everyone was stunned by the scene in front of them, who would have thought that there are still people here!

I saw that figure facing Zhang Chen’s attack, suddenly turned over and jumped behind the coffin, and then violently lifted the coffin of Queen Jingjue, just blocking the black gold ancient knife!

As soon as the coffin was opened, there was a sound of mechanical rotation all around, and thousands of dazzling rays of light suddenly shot out from the dark dome!

Everyone who has just adjusted to the darkness, facing the sudden white light, suddenly feels blurred vision!

“There are organs!”


Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly exploded in everyone’s ears.

Although everyone couldn’t see anything, they could hear the sound of breaking wind in the air. With Zhang Chen’s words, their scalps felt numb, and they desperately avoided the surroundings!

Sun Honglei and Huang Bo’s reactions were extremely sensitive. Not only could they identify the position by listening to the sound, but also nimbly avoided the attack of the dark arrows. They also pulled Huang Lei and Fat Di to a safe place.

Seeing that everyone was not injured, Zhang Chen suddenly looked at Queen Jingjue’s coffin, and saw that strange figure suddenly jumped into the abyss!

What shocked Zhang Chen even more was that when the figure jumped down, he made an ok gesture to him!

The rain of arrows ended after five minutes of shooting!

Everyone who was lucky enough to get a life wiped the sweat on their foreheads and stared at the coffin whose lid was opened!

For fear of a mutation!

“Who was that person just now?”

Lin Yu said with a look of surprise.

“Whether that thing was a human or a ghost just now, why is it gone?”

Huang Lei was also shocked.

Zhang Chen didn’t answer, but stared at the coffin!

Seeing that Zhang Chen didn’t speak, everyone stared at him!

“ThatGuys don’t hide in coffins, do they? ”

Sun Honglei looked around and found no trace of the man, so he wondered.

But as soon as he finished speaking, a beautiful figure wearing a phoenix crown and a robe suddenly stood up in the wide open copper coffin!


When he saw that face, Fatty covered his mouth in horror and shouted.


I am updating big chapters now, one chapter is better than two chapters, don’t shout less! two.

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