Chapter 179 Lord of the ancient city! Corpse Fragrant Konjac King! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Isn’t Hong Lei dead…”

Lin Yu looked surprised and stared at everyone with wide eyes.

Zhang Chen also frowned. The person in front of him was indeed Sun Honglei, but it was a little weird. It looked like he had lived here for half a year!

As for why Sun Honglei didn’t die, Zhang Chen wasn’t so surprised. Sun Honglei and everyone else’s deaths were known from ancient books.

No one saw them die!

And it was later confirmed that the contents of the ancient book were not true!

The previous experience in the nine-story demon tower also made him understand that the people who died in the nine-story demon tower were not really dead, but were transferred to the imaginary space!

He recalled that after the three zongzi died, a red light flashed in the abdomen, and that red light was part of the jade eyeball that he crushed!

Therefore, it is not impossible for the three zongzi to have the ability to transfer people to the imaginary space!

It just made him feel that he couldn’t understand why Sun Honglei had only entered the imaginary space for a few hours, why did he look like this!

He pondered for a while, but without thinking clearly about the reason, he reached out and opened Sun Honglei’s eyes, only to find that he just fainted.

Zhang Chen reached out and patted Sun Honglei’s face.

“Hong Lei, wake up!”

Huang Lei shouted.

I saw Hong Lei’s scattered eyes, slowly recovering a trace of expression…

“woke up!”

Fatty said in surprise.

Huang Lei stretched out his hand and waved in front of Sun Honglei: “Hey, Hong Lei, can you see it?”

Everyone also looked curiously, and saw that after Sun Honglei looked at everyone with blurred eyes, he suddenly jumped up like a wild beast, curled up in the corner, and looked at everyone with hostile eyes!

The most bizarre thing is that Sun Honglei’s throat made an animal-like roar!

It looks extremely scary!

“I’m going, and I’m still baring my teeth!”

“It looks like you don’t know us anymore!”

Huang Lei was taken aback, patted his chest and said, now he is a little worried that Sun Honglei will come up and give him a sip.

“Brother Hong Lei 21, I’m Fat Di, don’t you know us?”

Seeing this, Fat Di said to Sun Honglei with a look of surprise.

However, Sun Honglei still did not respond!”It’s useless, he has lost his memory and can’t remember us!”

“Maybe in his current understanding, he thinks he is a gorilla!”

Lin Yu shook his head.

“Gorilla? Is he Sun Honglei?”

Huang Lei looked surprised, Sun Honglei really became a fool, he might as well just die!

“I don’t know…”

Lin Yuyao’s head, just now he couldn’t see any familiar emotions in Sun Honglei’s pupils, some were just hostility and fear, obviously now Sun Honglei is no longer the Sun Honglei they knew.

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Sun Honglei’s neck!

Staring at Sun Honglei!

Although Sun Honglei’s strength was much stronger than before, there was still a big gap in front of Zhang Chen, especially after Zhang Chen got stuck in his neck, he didn’t dare to move, and looked at Zhang Chen in horror.

“Zhang Chen, he is Hong Lei!”

“Although I’m stupid, I can’t…”

Huang Lei said with a face full of surprise.

“Zhang Chen, Brother Hong Lei is stupid, he didn’t do it on purpose, don’t be angry…”

Yaya also said nervously, for fear that Zhang Chen would strangle Sun Honglei to death!

Only Lin Yu looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously. With what he knew about Zhang Chen, Zhang Chen would never do such a reckless thing. He must have intentions.

Sure enough, Zhang Chen ignored everyone’s persuasion, and instead directly lifted Sun Honglei, and said coldly, “Stare in my eyes!”

Sun Honglei’s pupils are slowly dilating, and it seems that he will enter shock at any time!

However, a golden light suddenly flashed in Zhang Chen’s pupils!

After the golden light appeared, it disappeared instantly, and Sun Honglei seemed to be struck by lightning. His whole body froze immediately, his pupils were slowly shrinking, and his eyes were filled with all kinds of complicated emotions!

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, let go of Sun Honglei and said to everyone, “It’s alright!”

He just used the Delusional Eye!

Delusional Eye can destroy all illusions in your mind, you can not only use it yourself, but also use it on others!

Just when he saw Sun Honglei’s eyes, he felt that this guy was hypnotized and thought he was an orangutan!

“Hong Lei, do you know me now?”

When Huang Lei heard Zhang Chen’s words, he was slightly stunned. Seeing that there was no hostility in Sun Honglei’s eyes, he tentatively stretched out his head and moved forward.

But Sun Honglei didn’t respond and still stared at Huang Lei blankly.

“You won’t be stupid, will you?”

Huang Lei just wanted to imitate Zhang Chen’s appearance, and reached out to turn over Sun Honglei’s eyelids, but suddenly saw Sun Honglei slap him!

Sun Honglei’s strength is much stronger than before, this slap made Huang Lei’s head dizzy!

“Does it hurt?”

Sun Honglei suddenly said.

“It hurts!”

Huang Lei was surprised.

Hearing this, Sun Honglei suddenly hugged Huang Lei and cried, “It’s not a dream! It’s not a dream!”

“I can find you!”

Everyone’s face is full of black lines, co-authored by Sun Honglei just to test whether he is dreaming!

Experimenting with others is really cheap!

Lin Yu’s face also showed a helpless look, this was the Hong Lei they knew, that’s right!

“I’ll go to your uncle!”

Huang Lei was furious and wanted to break free and give Sun Honglei a few blows, but Sun Honglei was helpless like a black bear. He was so strong that he couldn’t break free at all!

Sun Honglei hugged Huang Lei and cried for a while, tears and snot on Huang Lei’s shoulders.

Huang Lei had an unlovable look on his face.

After ten minutes, Sun Honglei let go of Huang Lei and asked everyone to hug him one by one!

Lin Yu barely hugged.

The two girls refused directly.

Zhang Chen kicked Sun Honglei away with one kick.

“Hong Lei, I’ll go to your uncle!”

Huang Lei scolded while wiping the filth on his body, for he has been worrying about this guy for a while. If he knew that this guy was still so cheap, he would leave him alone and let him fend for himself!

“Brother Hong Lei, how did you become like this?”

Fat Di covered his nose and stared at Hong Lei and asked.

“It’s hard to say a word!”

Sun Honglei sighed and described the process of being swallowed by Zongzi into the weird space, but he could only remember the beginning, and he didn’t know what he did later.

Everyone nodded slightly after hearing this.

This Hong Lei is afraid that he has found some way, and he falls into some kind of hallucination, thinking that he is a gorilla, so he has lived in the imaginary space for a long time.

Lin Yu guessed that the time flow here may be different from the outside world. In their memory, Sun Honglei only disappeared for a few hours a day.

But in fact, Sun Honglei has been here for at least half a year.!

Everyone glanced at the hair on Sun Honglei’s face and the worn clothes, expressing their approval of Lin Yu’s guess.

“Then you haven’t seen Huang Bo and Chana?”

Huang Lei was silent for a while, then raised his head and asked.

Sun Honglei was startled and looked at everyone in surprise: “Xiaobo and Chana are also missing?”


Huang Lei told Sun Honglei what happened next.

After Sun Honglei heard it, he angrily scolded the eighteenth generation of the ancestors of the three red-haired zongzi!

After scolding, he suddenly showed a happy expression and said with a mean face: “I thought I was an orangutan before, so Xiaobo wouldn’t think he was a dog, right?”

“I wrote this down for you, and if I can find Xiaobo, I will repeat it to him!”

“See if he bites you or not and you’re done!”

Huang Lei hummed.

“Don’t! It’s all brothers, I’m joking!”

Sun Honglei scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

“Right, Brother Hong Lei!”

“You lived here for so long, what did you eat to survive?”

Yaya asked curiously.

“I forgot, but I should eat some other animals…”

Sun Honglei scratched his head.

“Other animals?”

Yaya looked suspicious and tilted her head, but she was suddenly stunned. She pointed at the corner not far away with wide eyes and said, “Is it a mouse?”


“Rats are so disgusting, who eats that thing!”

Sun Honglei spat out a mouthful of dark old phlegm.

Everyone turned their heads and looked!

I saw an army of mice about a hundred meters walking past the corner!

And the weirdest thing is that the army of mice actually walks standing up!

And it’s a special eight-character step!

“Is this the army?”

Huang Lei was stunned, he had never seen a mouse standing and walking!

Everyone was also dumbfounded. I saw that the group of mice were not afraid of them, and they didn’t even look at them from beginning to end, so they burrowed into the hole in the wall so mightily.

Seeing that the mouse had completely disappeared, Lin Yu wiped the sweat on his forehead, glanced around, and murmured, “It’s too weird here, isn’t it?”

Zhang Chen frowned slightly, his eyes suddenly looking towards the mist in the distance.

I saw a giant umbrella-shaped building in the center of the ancient city!

However, the distance is too far, and with the smog blocking, Zhang Chen can only see the outline clearly.

“Go to the center to see!”

“The creatures in this city seem to be hypnotized!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then immediately showed a look of surprise.

Especially Huang Lei, with a ghostly look on his face: “You mean, the mouse just now, like Hong Lei, thinks that he is not a mouse, but some kind of creature that walks upright?”

“They should think they are human!”

Lin Yu recalled the expression of the group of mice just now, and it was definitely contempt!

Huang Lei gasped again, only to feel that his scalp was numb. People thought they were animals and animals thought they were people. This is too nonsense!

The corners of Sun Honglei’s mouth twitched, and in his mind came to mind that he might have lived in the ruins like an ape before, and his perception was wrong!

“Walk inside, maybe there will be new discoveries!”

Zhang Chen didn’t seem so surprised, he had already guessed why this abandoned city became like this!

After speaking, he turned his head and glanced at everyone and said, “Put your mask on, the smog here is weird!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly put the gauze tied around their necks in their mouths.

Sun Honglei’s scarf was long gone. Looking around, he tore off half of Huang Lei’s sleeve and tied it to his mouth!

Huang Lei’s face was ashen, but there was nothing he could do. Before Hong Lei was full of fat, he could still have a few tricks with him, but now he can’t!

Zhang Chen glanced at Hong Lei and said, “You have antibodies, no need!”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then hummed, and returned the cloth on his mouth to Huang Lei.

“I can go to your uncle!”

Huang Lei cursed with disgust.

Everyone’s faces were full of black lines, but there was a warm feeling in their hearts, and it seemed that they had found their previous feelings again.

Zhang Chen led the crowd towards the center of Jingjue Ancient City.

As the crowd went deeper, they found that the smog became more and more dense, and there were mushroom-like things growing everywhere in the corners of the street.

Huang Lei reached out and scratched the air, then rubbed his fingers suspiciously, staring at the fingertips and said, “Why do I feel like a seed?”

Everyone looked suspiciously, and when they saw Huang Lei squeezing the dark smog with his fingernails, they were all suspicious.

“Wouldn’t it be a bug egg?”

“Why is it so white?”Sun Honglei also followed Huang Lei’s example, scratched in the smog, and subconsciously stuffed it into his mouth.

But when he noticed the ghostly expressions of everyone, he immediately shook his hands in embarrassment.

Zhang Chen glanced at the traces of smog in Hong Lei’s hands, and a dignified look flashed in his eyes, but he didn’t say anything.

He waved his hand to move forward.

About half an hour later, everyone stopped, and the smog in front of them had reduced the visibility to less than 50 meters.

But the true face of that umbrella-shaped huge building also appeared in front of them completely!

I saw that the smog seemed to float from the umbrella-shaped building!

Like a huge chimney, dust is constantly spraying out!

Everyone took a flashlight and stared at the giant building curiously, and suddenly their eyes flashed with shock!

“Is this a mushroom?”

Sun Honglei looked surprised.

Everyone also saw that something was wrong, this is a building, it is simply a giant mushroom!

It’s just that mushrooms can grow to a height of 100 meters, who can believe it?

Just as everyone was puzzled, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded!

“This is a giant corpse incense konjac!”

“Those smog are seeds!”.

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