Chapter 178 Reincarnation Reincarnation! Taishan Sun Honglei of the Great Ape! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“I really entered the imaginary space!”

In the studio hall, Fang Tangyi was stunned looking at the pitch-black screen, the world really has such a magical space!

To be precise, the guests may be in another world now!


Shen Ming shook his head slightly, his eyes were full of shock, not to mention the mysterious imaginary space, the giant snake just a few hundred meters away, made him feel that the world view collapsed!

That kind of visual impact is only shocking to ordinary people, but for a field survival expert like Shen Ming, it is definitely a shock!

Destructive impact!

Compared with Zhang Chen’s experience in the wild, his previous experience in the wild is simply not worth mentioning!

The most he saw was a cobra, a crocodile!

But Zhang Chen saw that it was a giant python!

Time passes slowly, and the screen signal is still dark!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

But the number of viewers in the background has grown rapidly!

Ten hours later, the number of viewers in the background has reached 250 million!

The program group has no choice but to occasionally insert advertisements!

And it was only inserted in a corner of the screen, for fear of affecting the dark picture!

Originally, the program was scheduled to change shifts to rest, but since the picture disappeared, the staff of both shifts came to work collectively!

Always monitor the screen!

For fear of missing the shot of picture restoration!

Within ten hours, all the headlines of the online media published the news about the disappearance of the guest group of the show and entering the space of the imaginary number “790”!

Even the news once spread abroad!

Countless people are speculating about the safety of the program crew members, and many even suspect that they can’t come out!

Relevant departments also temporarily gave up the review of the program group because of this incident, and unanimously paid attention to the movement of the guest group!

It even set up a joint search and rescue team to go to Kunlun Glacier to find clues!

But the results are all in vain!

But with the expansion of the influence, the director team found that the nature of their program has changed silently!

The most obvious is that the international scientific research organization contacted the program through the domestic official, saying that it can help the program team find the missing guests for free!

The core members of this scientific research organization belong to NASA!

However, after deliberation, Fang Tangyi suggested to refuse, there is no unreasonable help, their purpose is just to study the mystery of imaginary space!

Once they are promised, many precious materials in the program group will fall into their hands, which is a great loss to the domestic scientific community!

In Fang Tangyi’s words, science has no national boundaries, but scientific achievements have national boundaries!

Finally, under Fang Tangyi’s suggestion, several top universities, such as Yan University, Jinling University, and Mo University, selected ten top scientists to form a research team to study the mysterious imaginary space.

“Elder Fang, it’s been ten hours now. How long do you think it will take for the expert team to make progress?”

Marvin asked Tang Yi who was disturbed.

Fang Tangyi shook his head slightly, staring at the dark screen with old eyes and sighed, “This is hard to say! It could be a month or a year!”

“One year…”

When Ma Wen heard Fang Lao’s words, his heart suddenly became half cold. In a year’s time, I am afraid that the bones of the guest group will not exist….

He sighed and turned his head to go to the office to be alone for a while, but out of the corner of his eye he suddenly caught a glimpse of a white light flashing from the dark screen of the studio!

He was stunned for a moment!

I saw that after the dark screen flickered a few times, there was suddenly a hazy signal!

A picture of a huge ruined ancient city appeared on the screen!

Zhang Chen, Lin Yu, and Huang Lei Fatty Di Yaya were all lying on the ground strangely, as if they were in a coma!

“There is a signal!”

“All the staff gave me a twelve-point spirit!”

Marvin shouted.

After a few seconds of silence, the entire program group fell into a frenzy!

At this moment, hundreds of millions of pairs of eyes are staring at the screen!

Countless shocking sounds resounded in the corner of the city!

This is a picture from another world!

In the picture, next to Zhang Chen, who is lying on the ground, with an ancient black gold knife inserted, the rest of the guests are also lying around in a mess!

If it weren’t for the slightly heaving chest, they would even give people the feeling of being dead!

It seems to be a grayish-yellow world, even if there is a haze in the air that blocks the sight, but it can be vaguely seen that this is a landform, and there are ruins everywhere, as if the city was destroyed by a nuclear bomb!

Suddenly Zhang Chen’s handHe moved his fingers and opened his eyes suddenly!

He looked around, and after being absent for more than ten seconds, his eyes regained his calmness!

“It really is an imaginary space!”

Zhang Chen muttered to himself.

After he got up, he saw Lin Yu, Huang Lei and the others lying on the side in pieces, so he stepped forward to wake everyone up.

After Huang Lei woke up, the first sentence he saw everyone was, are we dead?

What made Zhang Chen even more helpless was that Lin Yu, Fat Di and Yaya didn’t seem to understand their situation either. When they heard Huang Lei’s question, they all shook their heads.

“This is imaginary space!”

Zhang Chen told everyone that when he woke up just now, the system had prompted him to enter the imaginary space, and also told him that the system had already taken charge of the Tianyan live broadcast system and could transmit the picture to the real world!

And also reward him with a golden liquid in a small bottle!

The system description can only be used in an emergency, but it does not explain what it is!

“Sure enough, we have reached the imaginary space…”

Huang Lei looked horrified, his pale face softened a bit, no matter what, it’s good to survive.

Lin Yu raised his eyes and looked around, and saw that this was a grayish-yellow world, with ruins everywhere, and a huge palace could be faintly seen in the center of the distance!

“It’s so quiet here, is there no one?”

Fat Di looked at it for a while, and said a little nervously.

“The country of Jingjue destroyed the country three thousand years ago, there are only Zongzi and no living people here!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and said.

Everyone nodded, how could anyone still be alive in this environment.

“What about the animals?”

Fat Di said suspiciously.


Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment. There were all kinds of strange animals. Maybe some survived, but 80% of them turned into monsters.

“Well, look!”

Fat Di nodded, looked into the distance, and stretched out his finger.

Everyone turned their heads in surprise and saw a dark shadow flashing across the street in the distance!

That black shadow is huge and walks upright, like an ape!

And the speed is very fast, after noticing everyone’s gaze, he instantly ran towards the mist!

A stone suddenly shot towards Zhang Chen, and Zhang Chen grabbed it!

He was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly said: “Chase!”

After all, he hurriedly chased after him with the black gold ancient knife on his back!

Everyone hurried to keep up, but Zhang Chen’s speed was very fast, and they were quickly thrown out a lot, but they could barely see Zhang Chen’s figure, so they wouldn’t be lost!

About ten minutes later, when everyone saw Zhang Chen stopped at the intersection, they quickly stepped forward and asked where the thing went.

I saw Zhang Chen shook his head and said, “Disappeared!”

“But I don’t think that thing is like an ape, but a human!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, recalling the figure of the thing, some doubts said: “This is a dead city, how can there be people!”

“Besides, that thing runs as fast as a beast, shouldn’t it be a human?”

Zhang Chen shook his head, spread out his palm to reveal a dart tied with a rag, stared at the crowd and said, “I was about to catch up with that thing, but I saw him throw this thing out!”

“It’s really not right. Although apes can use stone tools, they definitely can’t make such delicate things!”

Lin Yu said with a solemn expression… .

“If it is really human, then this guy has to live for three thousand years, right?”

Huang Lei was surprised.

Zhang Chen shook his head, expressing that he was not sure.


“There is a figure on the wall!”

Fatty frowned, and suddenly his eyes lit up, pointing to the broken city wall in the distance.

Everyone turned their heads again, and sure enough, they saw the figure he was chasing standing on the city wall, with his arms hanging on his chest, and a provocative beeping sound from his mouth!

“No, this guy is an ape!”

Huang Lei said in surprise.

“Not like!”

Lin Yu shook his head, pointed at the thing and said, “Look, the length of that thing’s limbs obviously doesn’t match the characteristics of an ape!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they noticed that although the guy was tall and mighty, he had two long legs, but the length of his arms was obviously very short!

“That’s right, apes generally have well-developed arms and can climb and jump…”

Huang Lei frowned and fell into doubt.

It seems that the reaction of the crowd angered the thing. After the provocation, the thing picked up the stone brick from the wall and threw it at the crowd!

To everyone’s surprise, that thing is very powerful, and a stone brick weighing more than ten kilograms can be thrown 70 to 80 meters away!

But there is still a long way to go!

“This stupid thing wants to kill us!”

Huang Lei laughed.

Everyone also shook their heads, in the eyesThere was a flash of surprise, this thing is very similar to the movie Tarzan!

After that thing threw a few stone bricks, seeing that it couldn’t hit everyone, it jumped up and down on the wall in exasperation, scratching its ears!

Everyone just watched, without any intention of approaching. The terrain here is complicated, and the buildings are broken everywhere. As long as they approach, the thing will definitely run away.

Why don’t you just look at what this thing wants to do!

But suddenly Zhang Chen backhanded and shot the black gold ancient knife at the thing!


A gust of wind rang out!

Zhang Chen’s strength is so strong, the black gold ancient knife shoots at the monster at the speed of a bullet!

The monster also seemed to sense the danger and stood still!

Just when the ancient black gold knife was about to be inserted into his head, the city wall suddenly collapsed 3.0!

That thing fell on its back and was instantly buried in the rubble!

Everyone was stunned for a moment. They thought that thing was dead, but they didn’t expect such a big life. The collapsed city wall saved him!

“Go and see!”

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, and he said to everyone.

Soon, in front of the collapsed city wall, Zhang Chen opened the stone bricks and other debris with a black gold knife, and saw a dark figure curled up under the stone!

That thing was dressed in rags, with long hair and a thick beard covering its entire face!

However, the more people look at this, the more alone it becomes!

A trace of surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, there are people here!

He used the ancient black gold knife to lift the savage’s head over, but was surprised to see a somewhat familiar face!

“Hong Lei?”

Huang Lei’s damn voice sounded!

Lin Yu also stared at the man lying on the ground in a stunned manner, as if it was a year apart. Although his temperament has completely changed and his face is full of beards, the facial features must be Hong Lei!

And the clothes he was wearing were tattered, but he could barely tell it was the jacket he was wearing when he went to the ground!

There are also shoes, which have long been worn and exposed to the big toe!

“Brother Hong Lei, why did you become a savage?”

“Isn’t he dead?”

Fat Di covered his mouth and said in shock. .

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