Chapter 175 The voice that travels through the millennium! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Terrible silence!

Huang Lei sat on the ground with a pale face, stared blankly at Zhang Chen’s back, and murmured, “Why…”

Lin Yu is also stupid, he can guess what Zhang Chen is thinking, but why did Zhang Chen choose to kill two real teammates!

“This is impossible….”

Lin Yu looked painful, he couldn’t accept this scene at all.

The expressions of the 200 million viewers who are watching the live broadcast are all frozen at this moment. The idol they admire, Zhang Chen, seems to be so unfamiliar at this moment!

Could it be that Zhang Chen couldn’t think of a solution that Lin Yu had thought of?

Since Zhang Chen knows that the person who dares to die is likely to be a real guest, why should he kill the killer!

And he was killed without any hesitation!

“Zhang Chen! You!”

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Fang Lao’s face was ashen, clutching his chest and looking in pain, he was speechless!

“It’s over!”

“Zhang Chen is done!”

Daoist Master Ye Qiuyu shook his head with a dim expression, his eyes full of disappointment.

“Zhang Chen shouldn’t be a zongzi, right?”

Shen Ming said in surprise.

Everyone’s heart trembled, but they immediately dismissed the idea. How could this be possible? If Zhang Chen was a zongzi, why did he just kill another zongzi!

Unless there is an internal struggle between Zongzi!

Just when the atmosphere was depressed to the extreme, Zhang Chen’s actions suddenly surprised everyone!

I saw Zhang Chen suddenly put down the black-gold ancient knife in his hand, and looked at the remaining two who were pale, and said, “Okay, you are safe!”

The guests and staff at the scene are like choking!

He stared at Zhang Chen dumbfounded.

“Could it be that the two who just died were Zongzi.”?”

Their eyes were fixed on the corpse lying on the ground, and a strange scene appeared. They saw that the corpse was not bleeding, and the body was changing quietly!

They have long red hairs on their bodies, and their bodies are alsoIt’s slowly getting bigger!

“It’s really zongzi!”

“Could it be that Zhang Chen saw it from the beginning!”

“He said that on purpose to prevent Zongzi from attacking Yaya and Fat Di?”

Fang Tangyi said with a shocked face.

Everyone was stunned, they just felt that their minds were inconceivable. They couldn’t figure out how Zhang Chen could tell which one was a zongzi!

“Scared me….”

Fat Di and Yaya’s pale faces recovered a bit of blood, and they hurriedly retreated to Zhang Chen’s side.

Zhang Chen tilted his head and saw Yaya and Fat Di hugging his waist, a strange look flashed in his eyes!

“These three are small zongzi, and the big zongzi is on top!”

Hearing Zhang Chen’s words, the two of them just recovered a little bloody pretty face, and suddenly turned pale again, and their eyes looked up in horror.

I saw two red lights suddenly shot at the high priest in the snake head!

The blood-colored beads in his hand brightened a bit!

But the strange thing is that the high priest did not move, and there was no sign of cheating.

“Zhang Chen, how do you know which one is real and which one is fake?”

It took a while for Lin Yu to recover. Now that the two corpses are in their original shape, he can confirm the identities of Fat Di and Yaya.

Lin Yu’s words also attracted everyone’s curiosity, even Fat Di and Yaya themselves didn’t know how Zhang Chen saw it!

“It’s a very simple truth!”

“Those who devote themselves are those who are ready to live~!”

Zhang Chen said.

Lin Yu was taken aback, and looked at Zhang Chen with a face full of surprise. Zhang Chen’s words were the exact opposite of his analysis. How could Zongzi dare to sacrifice himself?

Fat Di and Yaya looked at each other with a little embarrassment in their eyes. To be fair, they really couldn’t dedicate themselves to death. Although they had this urge in their hearts, they wanted to overcome the fear of death.

It’s really not that simple!

What can you think of that these two dumplings can’t think of? ”

“What’s more, their expressions are so firm! Just imagine, other than soldiers, who has the courage to die head-on?”

Zhang Chen glanced at Lin Yudao.

“¨. Makes sense!”

“We think about human nature too simply!”

Huang Lei suddenly realized, recalling the expressions of the two dumplings, he simply wanted Zhang Chen to believe that they were real!

I just didn’t expect cleverness to be mistaken by cleverness, Zhang Chen saw the top floor!

In the live broadcast, after the audience determined that the dead Zongzi, the die-cut swiped 666 on the screen!

Zhang Chen’s calmness and wisdom have conquered all of them!

They ask themselves, in their living memory, they can’t think of anyone who can have such a cool head in such a short period of time!

Not to mention that Zhang Chen’s strength is against the sky, and he has mysterious abilities. He is just decisive in killing (good money and good), and his calm personality makes it insurmountable for ordinary people!

“It’s amazing to eat!”

Shen Ming subconsciously applauded Zhang Chen. The experience of surviving in the wild made him admire nature and the world, but he has never been in awe of a person like today!

But Zhang Chen’s performance changed him!

With Shen Ming’s applause remembering, the entire program group instantly burst into warm applause!

This man who created countless miracles shocked them once again!

In the picture, the corpses of the two dumplings slowly turned into ashes!

But it seems that everything has just begun!

The high priest standing in the mouth of the snake suddenly emitted a dazzling red light.

A voice that seemed to pass through the torrent of time exploded in everyone’s ears! .

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