Chapter 176 The entrance to the imaginary space! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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That voice was obscure and incomprehensible, like scriptures and mantras, it sounded extremely mysterious, and even gave people a feeling of faint chills on the back!

Everyone raised their heads in horror and looked around, only to think that the voice came from the mouth of the high priest of Shekou!

And as the high priest’s voice sounded, the beads in his hand were emitting a faint red light like breathing.

“Is he reading the Bible?”

Huang Lei stared at the high priest dazedly, recalling the picture on the stone slab in his mind.

“Maybe it’s summoning an imaginary space…”

Lin Yu also guessed with a gaping mouth.

Zhang Chen pricked up his ears and listened to the ancient vicissitudes of life. He felt a little confused. He turned to look at Lin Yuhuanglei and fat Di Yaya, and found that the four of them had been kneeling on the ground at some point!

That picture is the same as the picture on the stone carving!

He called twice, butThe four did not respond.

In a hurry, he backhanded the black-gold ancient knife surrounded by golden flames at the high priest!


The sound of gold and iron colliding suddenly sounded!

Zhang Chen saw with his own eyes that the black gold ancient knife was shot at the head of the high priest, but the strangely indestructible black gold ancient knife was bounced back!

Swipe through an arc in the air and slam it on the floor!

A bit of horror flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, the strength of the 977 High Priest’s body is simply terrifying, even the black gold ancient knife can’t break through his defense!

But his knife is not useless!

The four of them, Huang Lei, Lin Yu, suddenly woke up, raised their heads sweating profusely, and looked at Zhang Chen in horror.

When they found that they were kneeling on the ground, shock flashed in their eyes again.

“What just happened…”

Huang Lei said in horror.

“You fell under the spell of this high priest!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice, his eyes still fixed on the high priest.

He could notice that the beads in the hands of the high priest seemed to be slowly being repaired, and the blood-red light was slowly flourishing!

“Is the imaginary space going to be opened!”

Lin Yu’s eyes are full of horror, once the imaginary space is opened, they will be sucked into the strange space and become the sacrifices of sacrifice!

“Look at Zhang Chen!”

Huang Lei suddenly opened the last page of the ancient book, and when he saw the picture above, he suddenly looked at Zhang Chen in horror.

Zhang Chen took the ancient book and glanced at it, only to see what happened after the death of Sun Honglei and the three people on the ancient book!

Including the picture of Zongzi turning into Yaya and Fat Di, and then being beheaded by Zhang Chen!

Zhang Chen was taken aback for a moment. In order to deal with Zongzi, he hadn’t finished reading the ancient book. He wasn’t sure whether the painting on it existed at that time or appeared later.

“I just saw…”

Huang Lei seemed to see Zhang Chen’s question and hurriedly said.

Zhang Chen continued to look, and saw the painting on the back, the high priest opened the imaginary space, and the remaining five of them were transferred into the imaginary space!

Zhang Chen guessed that what happened after they entered the imaginary space might be recorded in the ancient books in the later editions!

“It’s so hard that God’s will cannot be violated?”

Zhang Chen frowned and stared at the figure of the high priest nervously.

Although the contents of this ancient book have actually happened, he still feels that this high priest is not a good thing!

“What should we do now?”

Huang Lei asked Zhang Chen anxiously.

Zhang Chen didn’t answer, and looked at the space in front of Shekou!

I saw a black dot slowly appearing in the space!

It’s the same as recorded in ancient books!

“The imaginary space appears…”

Lin Yu also noticed the abnormality and exclaimed.

“Isn’t the secret of Kunlun Glacier the entrance to the imaginary space?”

“Are we going in now?”

Seeing that the prophecies in the ancient books were fulfilled one by one, Huang Lei was relieved. Before reaching the ninth floor, Zhang Chen gave them time to think, although he was determined to enter the imaginary space and find the ancient city.

But in fact, I am still a little scared!

But since Sun Honglei and Huang Bochana died, Huang Lei suddenly felt hesitant at first, and suddenly became firm. If he didn’t go to the end, he would explore the secrets of Jingjue Ancient City.

Then how can he be worthy of Huang Bo and Sun Honglei’s spirit in the sky!

(cbee) Zhang Chen didn’t speak, just stared suspiciously at the slowly growing black hole!

He always felt that everything came too easy!

It’s easy for him to doubt whether the imaginary space really leads to the ancient city of Jingjue!

Fat Di and Yaya also seem to be attracted by the black hole, staring at the black hole with big eyes without blinking!

Everyone put down their guard and waited for the black hole to suck them into the imaginary space!

Huang Lei even secretly prayed whether he could see Hong Lei Huang Bo and Chana in another time and space after arriving at Jingjue Ancient City!

The black hole in front of me is getting bigger and bigger, and it starts to spin weirdly!

But what makes everyone suspicious is that your rotating black hole doesn’t seem to release any suction!

Their bodies are still in place!

The frowning Zhang Chen stared at the black hole, and suddenly he saw countless pairs of bright black eyes in the black hole!

His heart tightened, and he suddenly realized that something was wrong!

With a big wave, the four of them are pushed around!

The situation was so urgent that he exhausted it too much, and the four of them were thrown into a mess!

With a puzzled face, he turned to look at Zhang Chen!

I saw Zhang Chen with a solemn expression, pulled out the black gold ancient knife from the ground, and the golden flame immediately wrapped the black gold ancient knife!

Then suddenly shot towards the black hole!

“Zhang Chen!”Huang Lei shouted anxiously. He didn’t understand why Zhang Chen did this. Isn’t the imaginary space what they came here for?

They went through untold hardships, even sacrificing three lives, and finally found the entrance to the imaginary space. Why did Zhang Chen go back on it?

He can’t figure it out…

But the next second, he was stunned!

I saw the golden flame on the black gold ancient knife ignited instantly after it was shot into the black hole!

A smell of barbecue comes from the surface!

Countless black snakes the size of a baby’s arm have fallen from the flames!

“Is this a snake den?”

Huang Lei was stunned.

Lin Yu took a flashlight with a horrified face, and saw that the black hole was actually on the inlaid glacier, and the black thing was actually a black snake crawling out of the glacier!

If it wasn’t for Zhang Chen’s quick-witted eyes just now, they would have been killed by those black snakes at this moment!

Although Fat Di and Yaya have pale faces, they seem to be in good spirits. After the previous special training, they are no longer so afraid of poisonous insects and snakes!

Everyone clapped their chests, and the secret spy brought back a life!

“The prophecies in this ancient book are not all true! Could it be that the high priest is lying to us?”

Huang Lei, who came back to his senses, said in surprise.

Zhang Chen nodded: “It’s not that simple! The red light will cause visual fatigue, ignore the surrounding environment, and let us mistake the snake cave as the entrance to the imaginary space!”

Hearing Zhang Chen’s explanation, Lin Yu also nodded, feeling that the beads in the high priest’s hand were a bit mysterious, he turned his head to look, suddenly showed a horrified expression, pointed at the high priest with trembling fingers and said, “Look…”

Everyone was startled by Lin Yu’s appearance, just about to turn their heads, but suddenly heard a strange “guru” sound behind them! .

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