Chapter 174: One knife and two lives! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“I do not have permission?”

Ma Wen was stunned. He is the chief director. He planned the whole program. The button in front of him is the general button. How could he not have permission?

He pressed it several times and found that the permission was still insufficient!

There are also crazy question marks on the live broadcast barrage. They all heard the voice of director Ma Wen just now, but why did the live broadcast not end?

And the technical offices of the major online live broadcast platforms were also in a panic. They received a notice to stop the broadcast, but found that he couldn’t close the live broadcast room at all!

The result of the technical inspection is that they do not have administrative rights to the live broadcast room!

Penguin, tiger fish, d sound, b station, the technical personnel of major network platforms are all dumbfounded!

“what happened?”

“Didn’t you say the live broadcast stopped?”

Fang Tangyi’s gloomy eyes suddenly showed a ray of light. Originally, he received a notice that the show was suspended, and when he saw the death of the guest, he was already desperate, but he didn’t expect such a strange thing to happen!

“I don’t know, the background prompts me that I have insufficient permissions to close the 21 live broadcast room!”

Marvin’s voice sounded in the earphones.

“Director, news has just come from major live broadcast platforms and broadcast TV stations, and they can’t close the broadcast screen. The screen of this program seems to be independent!”

The assistant director’s voice also sounded again.

“It seems that some kind of power in the demon tower is controlling the signal source!”

Fang Lao guessed.

Everyone was shocked, can the power in the demon tower be so strange?

Can you even control the live broadcast signal?

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are focused on the live broadcast screen. In the screen, Zhang Chen is holding a black gold ancient knife burning with golden flames, and is about to attack Fat Di and Yaya!

“Although it is cruel and cruel, Zhang Chen’s method is indeed the only feasible way at present!”

Fang Tangyi’s solemn voice sounded again, and his words were not only passed on to everyone in the program group, but even to the ears of all the viewers watching the live broadcast.

A well-known professor, the leader of Qin and Han culture, openly said his words in support of Zhang Chen and killed him. It is conceivable that he was under a lot of pressure!

It is very likely that after today, he will only be the target of hundreds of millions of people scolding him, and he is a beast with a sanctimonious appearance!

Everyone fell into silence!

“But how can you say that this is also two lives! Isn’t this the same style as the warlord who would rather kill 10,000 by mistake and not let one go?”

Shen Ming said solemnly.

Fang Tangyi shook his head: “No, if Zhang Chen doesn’t make up his mind, then not only Yaya and Reba, but also Huang Lei and Lin Yu may die!”

Fang Tangyi’s words were like a heavy hammer, awakening them.

Everyone fell into silence, and they could also feel that Zhang Chen was helpless. In fact, he was under the most pressure!

Even after coming out of the ground, it is very likely to face legal sanctions!

In the picture, Fat Di and Yaya saw Zhang Chen’s firm expression and already understood that Zhang Chen was determined!

They want to live, but don’t want to die like this, but Zongzi pretends to be exactly like them, and they can’t prove that they are real!

Zhang Chen raised the black gold ancient saber surrounded by golden flames, looked at the four of them coldly and said, “There must be two of you who are real Yaya and Reba. I will talk to you now!”

The four were stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhang Chen nervously.

“I remember everything along the way, but for everyone’s safety, I have to make this decision!”

“So I hope you don’t blame me!”

“Come up and end it yourself!”

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he suddenly placed the black gold ancient sword in front of him, turned his head away, and didn’t look at the four of them.

The faces of the four were pale, their faces were full of fear and pain. The sacrifice is indeed great, but this greatness cannot be achieved by it is!

Huang Lei, who had been in a blank mind, saw that Zhang Chen really wanted to do something, his face turned pale again, his lips moved, and he wanted to speak to dissuade him, but he couldn’t speak!

Although it is cruel, it is undeniable that Zhang Chen’s approach is the only way to save them!

“Brother Lei, Zhang Chen’s method is good!”

Lin Yu’s eyes suddenly lit up, and she whispered in Huang Lei’s ear.

Huang Lei was stunned, and looked at Lin Yu with a shocked expression.

“What’s the best way?”

Lin Yufu whispered in Huang Lei’s ear: “Zongzi is afraid of death and has no feelings for us, so he definitely doesn’t want to die!”

“And the real Yaya and Fat Di have feelings for us, so they should obey Zhang Chen and choose self-sacrifice!”

“Who chooses to die! Who are the real Fat Di and Yaya!”

Huang Lei opened his eyes wide and stared at Lin Yu dumbfounded, his shocked eyes quickly shifted to Zhang Chen’s back!

He never thought that Zhang Chen actually used this method!

Indeed, anything can be disguised, but the heart cannot be disguised!

How could Zongzi choose to sacrifice in vain!

He took a deep breath and stared at the four of them. At this time, it should be possible to see the clues from the faces of the four of her 920s. Whoever is afraid and who shrinks back is the zongzi!

The conversation between Lin Yu and Huang Lei was also transmitted to the live broadcast!

Immediately, the guests, the barrage all boiled up!

Lin Yu’s words undoubtedly woke them up!

Zhang Chen is not cold-blooded or ruthless, he is extremely intelligent and terrifyingly calm!

This kind of human thinking is not something they can speculate and understand!

“I come!”

Suddenly standing at Yaya who was competing with Zhang Chen, she bit her lip, her eyes flashed with determination, she closed her eyes and walked towards Zhang Chen!

A look of heroic death!

“This is the real Yaya!”

Huang Lei said in his heart!

Lin Yu also nodded, carefully remembering the position of this Yaya, so as to avoid confusion later!

“I’m coming too!”

As that Yaya approached, another Fat Di also stepped forward with a resolute look.

“found it!”

Huang Lei looked surprised and hurriedly shouted to Zhang Chen, “Zhang Chen…”

But as soon as he said two words, Zhang Chen suddenly flipped the blade and waved his arm violently. The heads of Yaya and Fat Di, who had chosen to die, instantly flew up! .

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