Chapter 173 Can’t tell! Just kill them all! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Now you know, who is real and who is fake?”

Standing in front of the black gold ancient sword, Yaya stared at everyone calmly.

“You’re lying! You don’t know the details at all, you must have overheard us before!”

Huang Lei suddenly showed a look of surprise, pointing to another Yaya Road and said alertly.

twoAn identical Fat Di also returned in horror!

When that Yaya heard Huang Lei’s words, she saw everyone staring at her with a wary expression, and suddenly said, “You all lied!”

“It must have the ability to read our memories!”

“If you don’t believe me, I can tell you more details!”

Everyone was stunned and looked at this Yaya suspiciously.

“Four Nine Zeros” I saw this Yaya once again described more details of their relationship in the suspicious eyes of everyone!

The level of detail is hard to tell without personal experience!

Huang Lei and Lin Yu were also dumbfounded!

They never imagined that this would be the result!

The camouflage ability of this red-haired zongzi is so powerful that Lin Yu even felt that unless he checked the DNA, he would not be able to tell who was real and who was fake!

“This is over! I can’t tell the difference at all!”

Huang Lei said with a dejected expression.

Lin Yu looked at Zhang Chen: “Zhang Chen, come up with an idea!”

Zhang Chen’s brows are still furrowed, he seems embarrassed, but his eyes are all cold!

He stared at the four of them and said coldly, “I said before going underground that if there is an intractable danger, I will give up on you!”

“Since you all want to live and you can’t prove your identity, you can only kill them all!”

“All killed?”

Huang Lei’s eyes were as big as copper bells, and he stared at Zhang Chen dumbfounded. At this moment, he suddenly felt that Zhang Chen was very strange, very scary, even scarier than zongzi!

“They are all teammates who get along with each other day and night, can you make a move?”

Lin Yu also looked at Zhang Chen with a face full of horror.

Four identical Fat Di and Yaya also looked at Zhang Chen in shock, as if they couldn’t believe their ears.

“Keep it! It will only make us all die, kill all of us. Although it is cruel, it is the only way now!”

Zhang Chen said coldly, he knew it was live broadcast now, but he couldn’t care about that much. In his eyes, the benevolence of women is the most stupid!

In the live broadcast, the barrage has disappeared for a long time, and the on-site commentators have been silent, but the number of viewers in the background is increasing wildly. Ma Wen noticed that the number of people in the background has exceeded 200 million!

However, he couldn’t get excited at all. Instead, he collapsed on the chair as if he had been drained of energy!

His hunch was right, the show has lost his control!

All the plot development is led by Zhang Chen!

Three star guests are dead!

The above suspension notice has been sent out!

All his efforts were in vain!

The show group was immersed in an eerie silence, and no one could even come up with a decent idea!

The show guest dies!

This is a major accident that shocked the whole country!

Not only will the show be banned!

Even the person in charge of the TV station’s program group has to take a heavy responsibility!

Just a few minutes ago, Director Zhao was sent to the hospital for a heart attack because he couldn’t accept the news of the guest’s death!

As the biggest leader of the current program group, Marvin had to issue an order to stop the broadcast!

“The show is off the air!”

It’s only four words, but it seems to have drained his last strength.

Marvin’s voice sounded in everyone’s earphones, and those four words slammed into their hearts like a sledgehammer swung vigorously!

Everyone, including the commentary guest group, felt a dull pain in their chests!

“Is Zhang Chen crazy! This is a show, not a crime, how could he kill someone!”

The assistant director’s voice is full of despair!

He recalled his voice in everyone’s earphones, but he didn’t respond. The situation was beyond their control…  

When the sound of Marvin’s announcement of the suspension of the broadcast entered the ears of 200 million viewers, the barrage suddenly exploded!

“The adventure is inherently dangerous! How can the broadcast stop because the guest died? It’s not fair!”

“This can’t be blamed on Zhang Chen, the dumplings in the demon tower are too weird, even if Daluo Jinxian comes, he can’t save them!”

“Against the suspension of the broadcast! Although the guests are dead, their sacrifices are not ineffective. At least they let us see the real underground world and let me know the secrets of the ancient mysterious kingdom!”

“Against the suspension!”

The emotions of the audience fell into madness, and they were very sad when the guest died, but they did not want the show to stop, otherwise the guest would not have died in vain!

Just like climbing Mount Everest, so many people die every year, but there are still many people who will go to conquer Mount Everest regardless of the danger!

This is a spirit!

It is a spirit that needs to be inherited!

The guest group and Zhang Chen’s performance in the show are also the same 4.2 spirits…

But everything was in vain, and the chief director Marvin stillHard to hit the stop button!


After an electronic sound, everyone took off their headphones and leaned on the back of the chair with a slumped expression.

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!


One minute!

Marvin suddenly got up from the chair, and the live broadcast screen in his hand showed that it was still live!

But he obviously just pressed the button to interrupt the live broadcast?

“how so?”

He just wanted to check if there was a problem with the button, but suddenly found a line of prompts displayed on the screen.

“Sorry! You don’t have permission to interrupt!”.

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