Chapter 172: Kill Hong Lei first! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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After all, they are their companions who get along with each other day and night, and their friendship is very deep in private. It is not too much to say that they are brothers in love!

Let Zhang Chen kill them!

He really can’t open his mouth, even knowing that the real Hong Lei and Huang Bo are already dead…

But in the next second, Huang Lei was stunned!

Fat Di and Yaya covered their eyes and screamed that pierced their eardrums!

I saw Zhang Chen raised his knife and fell!

Sun Honglei’s head instantly fell to the ground!

The body that lost its head slowly fell down!

Huang Lei was stupid, and felt his brain was blank. Although this Hong Lei became a zongzi, Zhang Chen was too decisive.~…

With a knife, the head is gone….

People’s hearts are always fragile, especially girls-…

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Rao is fat Di Yaya. She has seen a lot of weirdness in the underground world, but seeing Hong Lei’s head cut off by Zhang Chen, she still can’t – face it!

Zhang Chen’s expression remained the same, but his eyes were still frighteningly cold. Not to mention that it was a zongzi, even if the real Sun Honglei’s corpse had changed, he would cut it down without hesitation!

Because as long as corpses change, they are no longer human!

Showing mercy will only hurt others!

Zhang Chen frowned, looking at Sun Honglei’s head on the ground, his eyes were still cold, he raised his hand and held the black gold ancient knife and instantly inserted it into the heart of half of the corpse!

Then twist it hard!

The golden flame spurted out immediately, burning half of the corpse to ashes!

The head that rolled to the ground suddenly turned into a red-haired zongzi!

Looking at the dead zongzi, he murmured, “I still want to hide from me, so I will send you back to your place!”

becomesThe zongzi that looked like Huang Bo and Chana seemed to be frightened by Zhang Chen Leiting’s methods. They looked at Zhang Chen in horror, their bodies trembling uncontrollably!

Zhang Chen just wanted to solve these two dumplings, but in the corner of the light, he suddenly caught a glimpse of glass-like shards appearing in the ashes!

He turned his head to look, and saw that glass-like thing suddenly lit up with a red light, and then flew towards Shekou, and fell precisely into the palm of the little boy’s hand!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed greatly, the high priest was really weird!

He just wanted to find out, but suddenly he saw two dumplings that turned into Huang Bo and Chana.

Suddenly, he jumped up and flew behind him!

Suddenly, Huang Lei and Fat Di’s screams came from behind!

Zhang Chen turned his head abruptly, but suddenly saw two Fat Di and two Yayas!

His pupils shrank!

This zongzi is really cunning!

Knowing that I will not be merciful, I want to pull the rest of the guests on their backs!

“Have you seen who is real and who is fake?”

Zhang Chen stared at Huang Lei and said solemnly.

“No ah!”

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhang Chen with a bewildered face. He just saw Huang Bo and Zhana rushing towards him, and subconsciously covered his face, thinking he was going to hang up, but he didn’t expect it to be like this!

Zhang Chen frowned. Although he has delusional eyes and can see through all hallucinations, he can’t see through Zongzi’s transformation, and the strangest thing is that the two pairs of Yaya and Fat Di are exactly the same!

But from the demeanor, the voice and the foreign trade are difficult to distinguish at all!

Huang Lei didn’t know who was real and who was fake, and he didn’t dare to approach, so he cautiously came to Zhang Chen’s side, and Lin Yu followed.

“What should we do now?”

Huang Lei lost his mind and looked embarrassed.

Zhang Chen was also slightly silent, as if he didn’t think of a good solution!

“Zhang Chen, I am the real one! It’s Zongzi!”

One Yaya suddenly pointed at the other Yaya and said anxiously.

There was a frightened look in her eyes, and she looked like a real Yaya!

But everyone was not sure, and looked at Yaya with a wary expression.

Seeing this, Yaya burst into tears and ran desperately in Zhang Chen’s direction!

・・・・ Flowers・・・・・・・


The black-gold ancient knife surrounding the golden flame was suddenly inserted in front of Yaya, blocking Yaya’s way!

Yaya was stunned for a moment and looked at Zhang Chen with aggrieved expression: “Zhang Chen…you believe me…”

Huang Lei’s heart trembled, and he tentatively said, “Zhang Chen, I think she looks real…”

But before Zhang Chen spoke, another Yaya suddenly pointed at Yaya who was standing in front of the black gold sword and said loudly, “Don’t believe her!”

“She’s fake!”

Everyone was stunned, and looked suspiciously at the other Yaya.

“Don’t forget, Zongzi will imitate our speech, she is real and fake, you believe me!”


“I can prove myself!”

This Yaya suddenly looked at Zhang Chen and said, “Before coming to Kunlun Glacier, you let me and Fat Di learn the knowledge of wild life, we still remember it now!”

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll recite it to you!”

Huang Lei’s expression changed greatly, and he hurriedly pointed at this Yaya and said to Zhang Chen: “She must be real! Zongzi definitely doesn’t know that we are there!”

Lin Yu also nodded suddenly, looking cautiously at Yaya standing in front of the black gold ancient knife!

The two fat Di also leaned towards the real Yaya!

Zhang Chen frowned, looked at Yaya standing in front of the black gold ancient saber coldly and said, “Do you have anything else to say?”

I saw that Yaya’s face suddenly became cold, and she stared coldly at the mouth of the crowd and said, “When I was in the Longling Labyrinth, Brother Hong Lei fell into the ghost cave…”

When he was at the Cishan Tomb, Zhang Chen got the black gold ancient knife…

When we came out of Cishan Tomb, our crocodile raft was overturned because of Huang Lei and the others.,…

Before entering the ninth-floor demon tower, the two guides died in the underground abyss…

As this Yaya’s voice sounded, everyone gasped again! enter.

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