Chapter 111 Star sacrifice to heaven! Boundless mana! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone’s complexion changed greatly, and they subconsciously rolled away!


The claws like zongzi steel knives grabbed a big hole in their original position!

Everyone’s faces were ashen, if they were caught just now, I’m afraid they would really die on the spot!


Just when everyone was at a loss, a muffled sound suddenly sounded behind them, and everyone suddenly turned around, only to see that Zhang Chen appeared in the place of the three empty coffins at an unknown time!

I saw Zhang Chen pick, kick, and lift his hand, and instantly threw out the three coffins!

The three sarcophagus, which weighed thousands of kilograms, flipped around in the air, just to cover the three zongzi that failed in one blow!

The dull sound really makes the eardrums tremble!

Everyone was shocked by Zhang Chen’s divine power, but at this time it was too late to express the shock, all eyes were fixed on the three upside-down sarcophagi!

Zhang Chen also frowned, looking like he was facing a great enemy!

“Can’t you come out…”

Huang Lei was surprised.

Zhang Chen shook his head slightly: “It’s not that simple!”


Sure enough, with a loud bang! 070

The sarcophagus exploded!

Three red-haired zongzi appeared again!

And compared to just now, the three red-haired dumplings seem to have become more violent!

“Brother Hong Lei…. Chana…”

Fat Di looks in pain, it’s hard to accept this scene….

“They are not human, Hong Lei and the others are already dead!”

Huang Lei said solemnly, he is a man, although his heart is also very painful, but he also understands that at this time, calm down is the most important!

Fat Di was stunned for a moment, her eyes became slightly solemn, she wiped away her tears and nodded heavily.

Seeing that the two girls were getting better, Huang Lei turned to Zhang Chen and asked suspiciously, “Why do I think the three dumplings are the same as we met before?”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly, staring solemnly at the three red-haired zongzi: “The red-haired zongzi is the most powerful of the zongzi. Not only is his body as iron bones, but he is also extremely agile, and even has a hint of wisdom!”

“Don’t blame (cbej)!”

Huang Lei was surprised that these three zongzi could still change into adult appearances, which had already broken away from the category of ordinary zongzi.

Zhang Chen didn’t dare to take care of himself, he knew that the three dumplings were very difficult to deal with, and the three remaining guests might be buried here!

By then, the entire army will be wiped out!

“All stand back!”

“These three dumplings are not something you can resist!”

Zhang Chen let out a low roar, and the black unicorn tattoo on his chest appeared again!

The four of them were stunned for a moment, seeing the tattoo on Zhang Chen’s body, and the panic in their hearts suddenly disappeared. The last time Zhang Chen fought King Zhou Yi was to use the ability of this unicorn tattoo!

But this time Zhang Chen faced three!

What the final result will be, they are not sure!

But in the next scene, the worry in their eyes subsided again by a few points!I saw Zhang Chen growl, and the sound didn’t seem to be made by humans, it was like some kind of divine beast they had never seen before!

The sound alone makes people feel surrendered!

I saw that with Zhang Chen’s voice, the black unicorn tattoo on his chest extending to his back was slowly changing!

Just like burning, a layer of golden flame suddenly burned along the lines of the black unicorn tattoo, and the black unicorn turned into a fire unicorn that seemed to be running on Zhang Chen’s shoulders!

And it’s a golden fire unicorn!

The flames in the unicorn’s eyes are exceptionally bright, and the intense and extreme flames almost burst out!

“Is this the divine beast fire unicorn…”

Lin Yu’s face was full of shock, and she stared at Zhang Chen’s back in a stunned manner. Although Zhang Chen’s figure was not as tall as the red-haired zongzi, it was far more shocking than the zongzi!

I saw him pull up the black gold ancient knife on the ground, and a stronger golden flame suddenly wrapped the black gold ancient knife like a fire dragon!

At this moment, Zhang Chen is like a peerless powerhouse who came out of the barbaric battlefield!

He exudes an aura that is invincible in the world!

“Is this the Zhang Chen we know…”

Huang Lei muttered to himself, his pupils flickered slightly, he suddenly realized that they knew too little about Zhang Chen…

“Zhang Chen…”

Fat Di and Yaya’s big eyes kept flickering, looking at Zhang Chen with a deep and complicated expression.

The three red-haired rice dumplings with a height of more than two meters seem to have noticed the strangeness of Zhang Chen!

Cautiously stood on the spot and did not rush towards Zhang Chen recklessly!

But Zhang Chen’s eyes were cold, holding the black gold ancient knife surrounded by golden flames, and approaching the three red-haired zongzi step by step!

Just now, the three zongzi were pressing the crowd, but now the situation has suddenly turned around, and Zhang Chen is alone pressing the three red-haired zongzi!

Huang Lei and others have greatly increased their confidence, and Zhang Chen at this moment is their beacon in the dark fog of despair!

As Zhang Chen approached, the atmosphere slowly became depressed!

At a certain moment, the mutation suddenly appeared again!

The bodies of the three red-haired zongzi are suddenly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye!

In the end, it became Sun Honglei, Huang Bo, and still looks like Chana!

They have pleading expressions on their faces!

It seems to be begging Zhang Chen not to kill them…


Huang Lei and others suddenly took a breath!

They had just come out of their grief, but they didn’t expect this zongzi to be so abhorrent, and they actually wanted to take advantage of Zhang Chen’s compassion!

A ruthless look flashed in Huang Lei’s eyes. He just wanted to remind Zhang Chen not to be fooled, but when he saw the faces of Sun Honglei and Huang Bo, he couldn’t say anything…

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