Chapter 163 Kirin Flame Blade! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Go up!”

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief and signaled everyone to go up, and everyone climbed in along the passage one by one.

I saw that the scene after the sixth floor has undergone great changes. If the first five floors still have a sense of old and shabby vicissitudes, the sixth floor is the complete opposite!

The eyes are full of golden light, and the clouds and mists rise under your feet, like an underground fairyland!

The stairs leading to the seventh floor in the middle are all wrapped in gold!

“This is too luxurious!”

Sun Honglei’s eyes were full of light, with an expression that opened his eyes when he saw money.

“Tsk tsk, this is the sixth floor! How luxurious should the top floor be…”

Huang Bo was also full of admiration.

“This should be the general level, right?”

Lin Yu glanced around and found that the “Six One Three” around were covered with soldiers wearing golden armor. These soldiers were extremely tall, at least two meters five or more!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

There are more than a dozen golden armored horses on both sides of the soldiers, and they are equally tall!

The surrounding walls are engraved with gold-painted reliefs, and you can almost see that they are painted with war scenes!

And at the end opposite the entrance, there seems to be a five-meter-tall golden-armored general standing there, but Lin Yu can only see one side, and most of them are blocked by the stairs in the middle!

He tilted his head curiously, but found that he could only see one side, and it seemed that the angle of sight had not changed!

Lin Yu froze for a moment, thinking that something was wrong with his eyes, and took a few steps to the right to look again.

A strange scene appeared, and he could still only see the side of General Jin Jia, as if the general Jin Jia on the opposite side would move!

He was horrified and determined that there was something wrong with the five-meter-high Jinjia General!

Just when he was about to remind everyone, Zhang Chen suddenly said, “Everyone, don’t move around, there’s something wrong with the smoke!”

Lin Yu was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

I saw Zhang Chen continue: “This smoke has the effect of refracting light, which can change one’s perspective!”

Lin Yu was stunned for a second, and immediately understood the weirdness just now. He sighed that Zhang Chen was still very powerful, and he could see the clue at a glance.

But other people didn’t notice this at all. After hearing what Zhang Chen said, they tilted their head and looked around. Sure enough, they saw what Zhang Chen said. No matter how you move, the viewing angle seems to be locked, and nothing will change. .

“It’s amazing…”

Huang Bo said with a look of surprise, if Zhang Chen hadn’t said it in advance, he would have thought that the statue on the opposite side was playing hide-and-seek with him!

Zhang Chen tilted his head and said to Fatty, “Is there still alcohol?”

“There are several more bottles!”

Fat Di nodded immediately, took out two bottles of alcohol from his bag and handed them to Zhang Chen.

I saw Zhang Chen took the alcohol and threw it into the air, when the first bottle was thrownWaiting, the second bottle was thrown out immediately, and a burning lighter was shot immediately!

Zhang Chen used his skills, the second bottle was obviously faster than the first, and the two alcohol bottles quickly collided and burst open!

Immediately afterwards, the flame ignited the alcohol!

The huge flame exploded instantly!

However, although the fire is scary, it lasts for a very short time!

After the flames were extinguished, everyone’s expressions changed!

I saw that the originally splendid palace suddenly turned into a terrifying hell!

Their feet are full of dense snakes and worms!

The golden palace has also turned into a penetrating jet black!

The eerie and terrifying atmosphere is so strong that it is almost suffocating!

“Fuck! It’s all an illusion!”

Sun Honglei shouted, holding the engineer shovel in front of him, raising his hand to shovel a few snakes and worms, and yelling.

Everyone’s faces turned pale. Fortunately, Zhang Chen used alcohol to break the fog, otherwise, he would have died without knowing how to die!

“Mom, this is too much!”

“Any more alcohol?

“Burn them!”

Huang Bo stepped back and said.

Fat Di shook his head: “Alcohol is there, but there are too many snakes and worms, and the remaining alcohol is not enough!”

“what should we do then!”

Huang Bo is in a hurry. The next time he enters the tomb, he will bring a bomb and a flamethrower. . .

After seeing the crowd, the snakes and worms on the ground began to besiege them, and there were at least tens of thousands of them!

Don’t say that these things are poisonous, even if they are not poisoned, they can be torn apart!

Just when everyone was at a loss, a giant blade filled with golden flames suddenly stabbed in front of everyone!

Everyone looked shocked, suddenly raised their heads, and found that Zhang Chen was holding a black gold ancient saber, and suddenly threw a wave of flames!

The flame wave extends out, directly burning a 50-meter passage!

The crackling sound is endless!

Those snakes and worms on the ground were instantly burnt to ashes by the waves of fire!

And those snakes and worms that were not burned to death, like encountering natural enemies, quickly retreated like a tide!

A little surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, he didn’t use a slaughtering knife to kill a chicken, he just wanted to try the power of the unicorn fire rewarded by the system!

Unexpectedly, it not only has the purpose of warding off evil spirits naturally, but also has such great power!

Everyone patted their chests, secretly rejoicing that they had saved their lives, and at the same time looked at Zhang Chen in shock.

They were very familiar with the flame just now. On the fifth floor, Zhang Chen used this kind of golden flame to burn the eggshell of the demon boy, but Sun Honglei said that it was lit by a lighter, and they all forgot about the sudden encounter with the mirror space. .

But the huge flame 3.5 just now, and it’s too much to say that it was made by a lighter!

When Huang Bo cleared his throat and was about to ask, he suddenly saw the iron-clad man standing around him move.

His face froze for a moment, and when he was in the Cishan Tomb, the palace was also a man in iron armor!

At that time, Sun Honglei was almost hacked to death by the Iron Man!

His lips moved, and he murmured, “It won’t be…”

But before he finished speaking, he closed his mouth again, only to see that these armored men seemed to be different. The sharp blade in his hand did not attack, but was stuck on the ground, and his body was half-kneeling!

At the end, the five-meter-tall general in black armor suddenly walked towards them like a mountain shaking!

The sense of visual oppression is almost suffocating! .

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