Chapter 162 Jade Eye Beads! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Even the scene in front of them has surpassed the shock brought by the mirror space to them!

The speed of the bullet is difficult for their eyes to catch, but Zhang Chen can’t control it and can grab the bullet with his bare hands!

In their cognition, only science fiction movies have such scenes, but it’s just computer special effects!

“This is too perverted, isn’t it? Fire Cloud Evil God?”

Huang Bo was dumbfounded and stared at Zhang Chen in a stunned manner.

“I found out that Zhang Chen is the father of Zongzi, and this bullet can be caught with your fingers!”

Sun Honglei seemed to have recovered, and the expression on his face became much richer.

However, Zhang Chen didn’t seem to care about the bullet, he just glanced at the bullet with a frown and said, “This is still a bullet in a pistol, and it didn’t go in!”

Everyone was stunned, bullets couldn’t go in~ Go!

“Isn’t the direction of the bullet shot reversed? Should it be the bullet shot from the mirror space?”

Huang Lei said suspiciously.


Zhang Chen shook his head: “This is when the bullet cup bounces back, and the direction has changed!”

Everyone might not be able to see clearly, but he could see it clearly. The bullet that was shot did not actually go into the black hole, and part of it was exposed and then bounced back!

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they came to their senses, realizing that they were now completely in a desperate situation. They had already racked their brains just now to find a way, but unfortunately all the ways seemed to be unable to enter the mirror space.

And even if they enter, they only reach the same fifth floor, and they can’t enter the sixth floor at all!

“Is this mirror space related to imaginary space?”

Lin Yu suddenly wondered.

“It shouldn’t be… Mirror space is projection, isn’t imaginary space another time and space?”

Huang Lei wondered.

Huang Bo and others also shook their heads, wondering if they disagreed with Lin Yu’s point of view, or said they didn’t know.

But Zhang Chen suddenly narrowed his eyes and pondered as if he had thought of something.

After a while, he stared at Lin Yu and said, “It seems that there are some similarities. We saw the projection before, and it belongs to us in the future!”

“The mirror space should belong to us now!”

“The difference between the two is minutes on one timescale and zero on one!”

Lin Yu was a little stunned, but seemed a little confused, so he wondered: “So, mirror space is an imaginary space in some sense?”

“That’s not right… Didn’t Zhang Chen guess the existence of the ancient city of Jingjue in the imaginary space? Could it be that the ancient city of Jingjue is in a nine-story demon tower?”

Huang Lei was a little dizzy and questioned.

Huang Bo, Sun Honglei, and Fat Di just didn’t speak. This kind of brain-burning thing is not suitable for them to discuss.

“Try it, and then you’ll know!”

Zhang Chen said and looked at Huang Bo.

Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, and pointed to himself with some uncertainty: “Me?”

When it was determined that Zhang Chen was looking for his own suitability, Huang Bo hurriedly smiled and shook his head: “You’re not joking, how can I try?”

“That bead!”

Zhang Chen said.

Only then did Huang Bo suddenly look surprised, he hurriedly dug out his bag and gave him beads on the fourth floor Zhang Chen!

“This bead may be related to the imaginary space. If the mirror space is related to the imaginary space, maybe this bead will work!”

Zhang Chen weighed the beads and suddenly threw them towards the dark hole!

Everyone took a flashlight to take a careful picture, and strangely found that the beads seemed to be attracted by some kind of force, and quickly entered the dark hole.

Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed with brilliance, this bead really has a magical effect!

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・

“Hey in!”

Huang Lei looked surprised. The bullet didn’t go in just now, but the bead went in easily. This can only explain the imaginary number.Space and mirror space are related!

But an even more bizarre scene appeared. I saw that the beads disappeared silently after being completely submerged in the black hole of the entrance!

Everyone held their breath, waiting for the change!

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the dark entrance suddenly brightened slightly!

The dark entrance presents a chaotic vortex, and then slowly disappears….

A dazzling white light shot into the fifth floor from the sixth floor entrance!

… 0

The line of sight suddenly became clear, and I saw a cloud of mist lingering on the sixth floor, as if it looked like a bead, but the bead had already disappeared without a trace!

“The mirror space disappeared?”

Everyone was surprised.


Zhang Chen nodded slightly, now it can be proved that the mirror space and the imaginary space are somehow related, and at the same time, he has a further understanding of the imaginary space.

“You can go up now!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Sun Honglei and said.

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: ‘Let Bo Ge go first, I’m afraid there will be something strange! ’

“You Hong Lei, just now I was admiring that your kid was ready to die. I didn’t expect you to be such a person…”

Huang Bo pouted.

“Hey, just kidding! I’ll come!”

Sun Honglei smiled and seemed to want to maintain the heroic image he had just established, so he tidied up his collar and climbed up the stairs again!

Everyone looked at Sun Honglei’s figure entering the sixth floor, showing a slightly worried expression.

“I’m going! This is the palace, come up quickly!”

Not long after, Sun Honglei’s excited voice sounded inside. factory.

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