Chapter 164 Black people carry the coffin! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Only then did Lin Yu see the figure of this giant!

Iron armor covered in serpentine patterns!

The tall ones are like giants!

The stature is ridiculously strong, and a single arm is as thick as a water tank!

When he took a step, the ground would vibrate, and the movement seemed to shake the demon tower down!

Everyone’s faces were pale, and a sense of despair came to their hearts!

“Is this the giant general?”

Sun Honglei’s face was full of horror, such a monster could even be overturned by an elephant, right?

Huang Lei and the others are also pale, swaying all over, looking at this guy’s rotten look, I’m afraid I don’t know how many years he has been dead!

Eighty percent of it is an old zongzi!

Who can withstand a five-meter-tall old zongzi?

“Look! What is that on his shoulder?”

Huang Bo suddenly pointed at the giant general’s right shoulder with a shocked expression.

The 21 people looked around in amazement and saw a black coffin lying on the shoulders of the giant general!

Looking at the coffin, it looks small, but in fact there are twoHow long is the rice!

It’s just that it looks very small compared to the size of a giant!

“It looks like a coffin…”

Lin Yu murmured, but he didn’t understand why a big zongzi without a coffin was still carrying a coffin?

Could it be that the things in the coffin have a higher status than him?

A hint of surprise flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, he had never seen such a scene of a giant carrying a coffin!

Just as everyone looked alert and tried to deal with this giant general, an even more bizarre scene appeared!

I saw that the giant suddenly walked to the middle of the crowd’s hall, and suddenly stopped. There was a raised platform half a meter at the foot of the giant general!

The giant general suddenly knelt on the ground slowly and put the coffin on his shoulders on the platform!

It was only then that everyone could see clearly that the coffin was a snake-shaped coffin covered with black scales arranged in an orderly manner.

Just as the coffin was placed on the platform, the coffin lid moved slightly!

Everyone’s expressions froze, the giant general knelt down on the coffin, and the thing lying there must be much taller than the general!

It seems that the most dangerous guy is what’s inside!

“Isn’t the Queen Jingjue lying in here?”

Huang Bo trembled.

“Queen Jingjue’s tomb should be in the ancient city of Jingjue, definitely not in the demon tower!”

Although Lin Yu was frightened, he was still able to maintain a trace of composure, and his eyes were still fixed on the snake coffin!

I saw a few dark tentacles suddenly appear in the snake coffin, and one tentacle was inserted into the face of the giant general!

The other tentacles extend all around, accurately inserting into the heads of those iron-clad soldiers!

“What is it doing?”

Huang Bo looked horrified, the giant general in his eyes was rapidly becoming shriveled, and the armor on his body was shrinking together…

Those iron armored soldiers turned into a pile of armor and lay on the ground almost instantly!

Huang Lei and others have been frightened by this scene, how can they still help Huang Bo to answer questions!

“It absorbs yin and leaves the coffin!”

Zhang Chen’s solemn voice suddenly sounded, but although he was holding the black gold ancient saber, he didn’t mean to stop it. He wanted to see how powerful this thing was!

If you can’t even deal with the six-layer zongzi, let alone the ninth-layer monster and the Queen of Desire!

This is Zhang Chen’s domineering and self-confidence!

Let you be bells and whistles, and I’ll cut it down!

The five-meter-tall iron-clad general quickly shrank and turned into a pile of scrap metal!

The tentacles that absorb yin qi become thicker and darker!

At a certain moment, he suddenly retracted into the snake coffin!

Everyone didn’t dare to move, and even their breathing slowed down a bit, and their eyes were fixed on the strange snake coffin!

They heard what Zhang Chen said just now, and the contents inside will come out after absorbing the yin energy, but now it seems that there is no intention to come out!

“Is this guy full and asleep?”

Sun Honglei said in surprise.

“You think you are!”

Huang Lei didn’t expect that Sun Honglei still had the mind to joke at this time, so he cursed angrily.

“I’m serious, you can’t even see the lid of the coffin! Why don’t we take this opportunity to go up to the seventh floor?”

Sun Honglei explained.

The 030 people were stunned for a moment, thinking that Sun Honglei’s idea seemed feasible, this guy in the snake coffin might be stronger than that guy on the fifth floor!

Waiting for this product to come out, I am afraid that there will be heavy casualties!

However, Zhang Chen shook his head: “This thing can’t be dealt with, it’s useless to go up to the seventh floor! Luck doesn’t always exist!”

“And, I can feel it, that thing is coming out right away!”

Everyone was shocked, and their hearts were completely cold. Zhang Chen said so, Hong Lei’s specified method was not enough, everyone waited to prepare for the boss fight!

Sure enough, not long after Zhang Chen’s voice fell, a deafening muffled sound suddenly sounded!

The coffin lid of the snake coffin shoots towards the dome like a cannonball!

The snake coffin lay quietly on the platform!

Everyone almost suffered a heart attack. The sound was like a bomb just now, and their ears were a bit foggy!

However, everyone’s eyes are still fixed on the snake coffin!

Just when everyone wondered why there was no movement, the body of a general wearing armor and a handsome sword on his waist suddenly flew out of the coffin! .

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