Chapter 159 Unicorn Fire! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone grinned, scolding this demon boy for being too abhorrent, and pretending to be a child to show their sympathy!

However, when Zhang Chen heard the cry of the child, the fierceness in his eyes became a little more intense, and the strength of his fingers suddenly increased a little!

Like a blood pump, the blood vessels around the fingers swelled into a pimple!

Then quickly spread around!

The blood on Zhang Chen’s face also faded a bit, obviously this method cost him a lot of blood!

With the passage of time, the demon boy’s palm has been completely dissolved by the blood vessels, and the broken eggshell is also healing again.

The movement of the shadow in the eggshell became more and more slow and weak, and the infiltrating cry slowly disappeared…

It wasn’t until the end that there was no movement at all, Zhang Chen put away his fingers.

His figure swayed slightly, as if he was a little unstable.

Fat Di hurriedly took out glucose from his bag and helped Zhang Chen drink it.

After a few minutes, Zhang Chen’s face softened a lot. Everyone sat on the ground, looking at the eggshells that were still slowly beating with worry, and remembered more and more fear in their hearts.

Zhang Chen spent so much energy, it seems that he hasn’t completely killed this thing!

Zhang Chen leaned against the stairs and felt a lot more comfortable before opening his eyes. When he saw the eggshell beating slowly like a heart, he shook his head slightly, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

He can only seal this monster for another thousand years, but after a thousand years, the demon boy will absorb his blood and break out again!

At that time, this demon boy will be truly lawless!

But that is also a thousand years later, it has nothing to do with him! ,

“Congratulations to the host for completing the s-level hidden task and obtaining the unicorn fire!”

Suddenly, the sound of the system sounded in Zhang Chen’s mind. He was stunned for a moment, feeling that his body instantly returned to its peak state, and his strength seemed to be stronger than before!

He looked down at his chest, and suddenly saw a golden flame flashing in the eyes of the unicorn on his chest!

But it just flashed by without anyone noticing.

“Golden flame?”

He was stunned for a moment, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his body. Although the golden flame disappeared in an instant, it seemed to have entered his body, surging wildly along his limbs.

The blood and power in the body are boiling!

Wind, fire and thunder!

The golden flame just now was fire!

Before, he had no unicorn bloodline, and could only use the power of the unicorn bloodline. Even if the blood-eyed unicorn broke out in a crisis, he only used the imposing manner of the unicorn!But having the fire of the unicorn is equivalent to having the special ability of the unicorn, which is the high-level application of the power of the unicorn!

“This demon boy is so powerful, that the Queen of Essence can’t go to heaven?”

Sun Honglei said in shock as he stared at the beating eggshell.

“It’s still a queen, I’m afraid it will be difficult for us to get past the sixth floor above!”

Huang Bo shook his head and sighed, Zhang Chen tried his best to seal the demon boy on the fifth floor, and the stuff on the sixth floor is probably stronger!

Everyone’s faces are dim, that’s true!

But only Lin Yu’s expression was a little different from everyone else’s. He didn’t seem to worry about what would happen to the sixth floor, and kept his eyes on the beating dome.

After a long time, he turned to Zhang Chen and asked, “Can this thing survive?”

Zhang Chen stood up, his eyes returned to the sharpness before, everyone saw that Zhang Chen recovered so quickly, and seemed to be more energetic than just now, and their eyes flashed with surprise.

I saw Zhang Chen indifferently glanced at the giant egg and said, “Whether I can live depends on my mood!”

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhang Chen in surprise: “What do you mean?”

Everyone was also puzzled.

I saw Zhang Chen suddenly walk to the beating dome, staring at the dome with a stern look: “You could live for a thousand years, but you are unlucky!”

When everyone saw Zhang Chen talking to the giant egg, their expressions became even more difficult to look at. Could it be that this thing can still hear Zhang Chen’s words?

But the next second everyone was slapped in the face!

I saw that the giant egg seemed to be frightened, and the regular beating suddenly became abnormally cramped!

Zhang Chen stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, and a golden flame instantly appeared on his fingertips!

The flame is extremely magical. Although it is small and weak, it seems to possess some kind of magic power. As soon as the golden flame appeared, the viscous darkness around it disappeared instantly!

Although the brightness of the light has not changed much, the dark oppression has disappeared without a trace!

With a flick of Zhang Chen’s hand, the golden flames fell on the dome!


After hearing a crisp sound, the dome instantly turned to ashes!

A scorching stench came from the surface!

Sun Honglei covered his nose and coughed a few times, his face full of shock and said: “I knew this thing would be dipped in fire, I just burned it with a lighter!”

Huang Lei and Huang Bo showed suspicious expressions. The flame on Zhang Chen’s fingertips was golden, but it didn’t look like an ordinary flame…

“It’s almost time to rest, let’s go to the sixth floor!”

After Zhang Chen glanced at everyone, he pointed to the sixth floor.

The passage to the sixth floor is staggered from the top, and you need to climb a bit to get in, but the entrance above is dark, and I don’t know if there is a mechanism.

Huang Bo leaned in front of Zhang Chen, looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously and said, “How did you get that fire from your finger just now?”

Although Huang Bo’s voice was very low, everyone heard it, and they all cast suspicious eyes.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, but before he could answer, he saw Sun Honglei come over, took out an asbestos lighter from Zhang Chen’s butt pocket, shook it to Huang Bo and said, “You don’t believe me if I told you it was a 713 lighter!”

After speaking, he took off his coat, wrapped it around the shovel of the engineer, and poured alcohol on it from Yaya. After making a torch and lit it, he held it up and said to the crowd: “Most of the things here are dead, and they are afraid of fire. !”

“With this, we won’t be afraid anymore!”

As he said that, he blinked at the crowd, and headed towards the sixth floor.

Everyone looked surprised, and felt that Sun Honglei seemed familiar.

Even Zhang Chen looked at Sun Honglei with a dazed expression.

After seeing the staggered position of Sun Honglei climbing the stairs, he held the torch and swiped towards the dark entrance a few times. After finding that there was no danger, he stood at the entrance of the passage and was ready to claw on the wall.

But after a few tries, I found that it was a bit laborious!

“Come down if you can’t do it!”

Huang Bo was afraid that Sun Honglei would be too big and cause some trouble, so he said.

But Sun Honglei was very persistent, and once again hooked up with his feet, but it was always close, and his arms couldn’t use force!

But at this moment, a dark hand suddenly pulled Sun Honglei from above and pulled him hard!

“Go hard!”

Sun Honglei struggled a little.

Everyone’s faces were pale, and they looked at Sun Honglei in horror.

Sun Honglei, who was halfway in, suddenly froze in the air, and then suddenly struggled!

“Fuck! Why is there anyone here?”.

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