Chapter 160 Mirror space! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“save me! ”

Sun Honglei screamed, and his legs were still hanging in the air, struggling uncontrollably. Huang Bo instantly reacted and ran up, grabbed Sun Honglei’s legs desperately, and dragged him down!

Huang Lei, Lin Yu and others also reacted, holding Huang Bo’s waist and thighs!

Pull down desperately!

But it’s like seeing a ghost, no matter how everyone pulls it, they can’t pull it, it’s like the strength of the two sides is equal, they can’t go up or down!

“Don’t pull my pants! Hold my thighs!”

Sun Honglei’s voice was full of despair!

Zhang Chen looked surprised, it was okay to hear Sun Honglei, but how could there be someone above?

Projection of imaginary space?

That’s not right, how can projection be in contact with reality?

Zhang Chen didn’t have time to think about it, he stepped on the stairs and jumped up, his hands instantly grabbed towards the dark entrance!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

A pair of big hands instantly held him in the dark!

His body was hanging in the air like a bat, his pupils flashed a horrified color, and he looked at Huang Lei and the others with a slight loss!

Huang Lei was dumbfounded when he saw that Zhang Chen was also on the hook!

“what happened?”

Huang Bo shouted at Zhang Chen.

But Zhang Chen didn’t speak, his body fell to the ground strangely, and he looked up at the dark entrance in stunned silence!

Everyone also felt that something was wrong and let go of their hands subconsciously.

“Don’t let go ¨.!”

Sun Honglei’s voice was crying.

Everyone was surprised to find that Sun Honglei was still hanging on it, swinging like a pendulum clock, with no intention of being pulled up!

Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly pointed at Sun Honglei as if he realized something and cursed: “Hong Lei, you don’t think it’s exciting enough, why are you making trouble with us?”

“Crazy, who is making trouble with you!”

Sun Honglei shouted while struggling!

“Try to let go!”

Zhang Chen suddenly said.

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head and stared at Zhang Chen, his expression suddenly calmed down, and then his body fell with a thud, sitting on the ground, staring at the dark entrance in confusion!

“What’s going on here…”

Sun Honglei was dumbfounded. He just listened to Zhang Chen’s words and let go of his hand. The strange thing was that the big hands in the dark also let go…

And the timing and strength are exactly the same as his!

“This should be the entrance to the mirror space!”

Zhang Chen’s solemn voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone shuddered suddenly, and felt a burst of hair all over the body!

“You mean the person who just grabbed my hand was me?”

Although Sun Honglei doesn’t like to use his brains, he is not stupid. Zhang Chen said so straightforwardly that he suddenly understood the words, but this is too weird, right?

It’s so nonsense to catch yourself!


When everyone heard Sun Honglei’s words, they took a breath and looked at Zhang Chen in shock.

I saw Zhang Chen nodded with a thoughtful look on his face: “Maybe we can try it out!”

“How to try?”

Huang Lei felt that his head was not enough, and subconsciously said.

“I know how to prove it! We can stand under the entrance with a pistol and shoot at the entrance. If it is a mirror space, the opposite side will definitely shoot at the head of the gunman!”

“¨.If the shooter is shot and killed, it proves that this is a mirror space!”

Lin Yu suddenly said.

Everyone’s face is full of black lines. This method can indeed prove it, but the price is too high, right?

“You can try throwing a stone. It’s best to make a mark before throwing it. If it is a mirror space, the same mark will be made on the opposite side!”

Zhang Chen said.

“Just use this!”

Fat Di suddenly took out a glucose bottle and said, “This is also coded on it, there is only one!”

(finished) “I’ll apply!”

Huang Bo took the glucose vial, walked under the entrance, and bounced towards the dark hole in the shocked eyes of everyone!

The small glucose bottle crossed a long straight line in the air, shot into the black hole instantly, and then was engulfed by the darkness!

But a strange scene appeared!

Suddenly there was a crisp sound in the dark, and the glass slag and liquid from the broken glucose glass bottle suddenly sprayed down!

Huang Bo hurriedly avoided, staring at the crowd with dull eyes.

“It’s a mirror space, that’s right!”

Lin Yu’s voice suddenly sounded. .

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