Chapter 158: The Demon Boy is born! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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But it’s really intriguing to watch, and everyone dare not watch it any more, for fear of affecting the emotions that have just been calmed down.

“Okay, don’t look at it, hurry up to the sixth floor!”

Zhang Chen urged, the giant egg in front of him made him a little uneasy.

After all, he jumped to the center in one step, and after stabilizing his body, he moved aside and signaled Huang Lei to jump over.

The distance is not too far, Huang Lei quickly jumped over, and then Huang Bo and others also went up one by one.

But the central place was too small, and the seven people standing on it seemed a bit crowded, so we had to squeeze out an open space and let Sun Honglei come up.

Sun Honglei glanced down at the abyss under his feet, looking a little nervous. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and jumped up with all his strength.

Huang Lei and Huang Bo hurriedly grabbed the unstable Sun Honglei of “Jiu San Qi”!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and finally came out of this ghost place!

But Zhang Chen frowned, because he saw that the inner circle of the last layer suddenly shook!

The sound of mechanical rotation sounded slowly!

Everyone’s relaxed mood became tense again, and they turned their heads. When they saw such a terrifying scene, their faces suddenly turned pale.

The vertical inner ring rotates slowly and drives the rest of the outer rings!

The mercury that has stopped flowing slowly flows in the direction of the dome with the inclination of the arc!

“Hong Lei, what are you doing with so much energy!”

Huang Bo said with a pale face: “This is great, if the contents of this place come out, we won’t be able to run!”

“It can’t be me, how can I have so much strength!”

Sun Honglei was also frightened, and looked at Huang Bo with a pale face.

“Don’t be arrogant, it’s this thing!”

Zhang Chen pointed at the slightly wriggling figure in the eggshell and said.

Everyone looked in shock and saw that the shadow in the eggshell was creeping weirdly, and the thin eggshell felt like it was being broken!

“This thing shouldn’t be able to come out of the egg shell by itself!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice, but looked at the mercury that was about to drip from the top!

A drop of mercury was slowly condensing, and then suddenly dripped in the shocked eyes of everyone!

Sun Honglei’s complexion changed greatly, he hurriedly stretched out his hand, just in time to catch the mercury!

“Catch it!”

Sun Honglei turned his head and smiled.

But everyone was stunned, their eyes pointed directly at Sun Honglei’s palm.

As if realizing something, Sun Honglei suddenly lowered his head and saw a drop of mercury quietly dripping from the gap between his fingers!


With a crisp sound, the mercury beached on the thin eggshell, and the contact part slowly dissolved!

A petite hand with black scales slowly protrudes from the eggshell…  

Everyone’s faces were pale, and their eyes were fixed on the weird little hand. Everyone knew that this demon boy was really going to come out…

“Come on!”

Zhang Chen’s pupils shrank sharply, and they felt a huge sense of crisis from this small hand!

He was just about to go up the sixth floor along the stairs beside him, but the center disc under their feet suddenly turned, just staggering the stairs!

The rotating circle around it also slowly fell back to the ground at this moment, restoring the original appearance of the map of the beasts!

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then muttered to himself, “One cycle is over…”

The demon boy in the eggshell stretched out a hand again, and suddenly tore apart the seemingly thin but actually extremely hard eggshell!

“Can’t let this thing come out!”

Lin Yu shouted anxiously, her voice full of fear.

Everyone is clever, and hurriedly retreated!

And Zhang Chen had already raised the black gold ancient saber and used all his strength to slash it down!


A sound of gold and iron slamming sounded, and those little childlike hands suddenly caught the black gold ancient knife in Zhang Chen’s hand with two fingers deep inside!


Huang Lei’s complexion changed greatly. The black gold ancient sword in Zhang Chen’s hand has always been an invincible weapon, and even King Zhou You of the Cishan Tomb was afraid.

But the little demon boy blocked it!

And it’s just two fingers!

“What is this! It’s too powerful, isn’t it?”Sun Honglei’s eyes almost bulged out of their sockets, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot!

Huang Bo opened his mouth in shock and was speechless!

Fat Di covered his mouth and looked at Zhang Chen worriedly. It was the first time he saw Zhang Chen struggling so hard!

But then, a scene that made everyone even more frightened appeared!

I saw that the two fingers covered with scales suddenly flicked, and the black gold ancient knife in Zhang Chen’s hand immediately let go, and instantly inserted into the top of the dome!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

None of them would have thought that this demon boy would be so powerful!

Zhang Chen’s black gold ancient knife is as fragile as a toy knife in his hand!

Even Zhang Chen was horrified!

However, there was no fear in his eyes, and a stern look flashed immediately. I saw that he suddenly bit his thumb and pressed hard towards the eggshell!

Everyone was surprised. They knew that Zhang Chen’s blood was very special, but they didn’t know it had such an effect!

I saw that Zhang Chen’s blood-stained fingers had just touched the eggshell, and a vein-like pattern suddenly spread across the eggshell, eventually wrapping the entire eggshell!

The black figure inside the eggshell seemed to sense danger, and twisted frantically, biting Zhang Chen’s fingers desperately through the eggshell! 5.5

But Zhang Chen didn’t move at all, his eyes were full of fierceness!

“Evil! I will turn you into blood today!”

Zhang Chen’s eyes are dazzling, his eyes are full of fierceness!

I saw that the torn hole on the eggshell healed again strangely, and the blood vessel like a spider web tightly wrapped the black palm sticking out of the shell!

The blood vessels are like the nemesis of the demon boy, instantly melting his fingers!

A stench spreads out!

Everyone’s ears can even hear the cry of children coming from the eggshell!

The voice was extremely tragic, and it made one’s heart hurt when he heard it, but everyone knew that the monster lying here was stronger than Zhang Chen! .

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