Chapter 157 Turn the tide! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen suddenly opened his eyes and said, “This is a countdown device, it will stop after running for a week!”

“And the demon boy in the giant egg will also break out of the shell!”

After hearing Zhang Chen’s words, everyone who was in a panic was suddenly shocked again, and looked at Zhang Chen with shock.

“Then what to do?”

Lin Yu asked nervously.

Zhang Chen frowned, staring at the map of ten thousand beasts on the stone tablet, and said solemnly: “The operation of the map of ten thousand beasts is very similar to the armillary sphere. It is based on the laws of constellations, and one cycle represents a thousand to a year!”

“At present, it seems that there is no way to stop. If you don’t want that thing to break out of the shell, you can only reverse the situation and change the operation law, and extend the operation cycle ten or a hundred times-!”

“In this way, there will be enough time for me to find a way to enter the upper floor!”

Everyone was stunned for a moment. It sounds like this is a good way. Although it can’t stop the Myriad Beasts, slowing down the rotation speed can also have the effect of stopping the Myriad Beasts!Everyone stared at Zhang Chen nervously. Since Zhang Chen opened his mouth, he must have a certain degree of certainty!

Zhang Chen frowned, calculating the rules of operation in his heart!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Gently adjust the rotation direction of the Ten Thousand Beasts with your fingers. The Ten Thousand Beasts is a big ring with a small ring. The big ring can be rotated ten times to drive the second smallest ring to rotate once!

At this moment, the outer ring has turned to the third ring, and Zhang Chen’s finger is directly in the center. This is the core of the operation of the mechanism!

He pressed hard and twisted hard!

The speed of the outer ring suddenly increased several times!

The inner ring of the fourth lap suddenly turned, and everyone’s expressions froze, as if they were turning faster…

Everyone’s heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and they looked at Zhang Chen nervously, and they were very uneasy, but they didn’t dare to say anything to disturb Zhang Chen!

Zhang Chen also frowned, but there didn’t seem to be any surprise in his eyes, it seemed that everything was what he expected.

He twisted cautiously again!

The outermost ring accelerates again!

The fifth inner ring suddenly turned!

Everyone’s faces are ugly again…

If it goes on like this, the mercury will gather in the center, and the demon boy is afraid to break out of the shell!

However, Zhang Chen’s expression remained unchanged, and he continued to twist his fingers. The movement of his fingers was extremely subtle, as if he was looking for a key point!

With the twisting of Zhang Chen’s fingers, the speed of the outer ring obviously accelerated!

By the end, it was almost as blurry as a fan leaf!

Everyone’s heart almost reached their throats, and there is one more circle to the center…

Even if they believed in Zhang Chen, they felt uneasy when they saw the mercury that was about to flow into the center!

Zhang Chen simply closed his eyes and constructed a structural diagram of the internal organs in his brain!

This is the ability given to him by the master of the mechanism. As long as he has a glimpse of the whole picture of any mechanism, he can quickly construct a three-dimensional three-dimensional map of the mechanism in his mind!

His fingers are like precise instruments, referring to the three-dimensional map, slowly turning!

The more he got to the end, the slower he twisted his fingers…

In the end, a small sound suddenly came from his ears, followed by Sun Honglei’s exclamation: “Stop…stop!”

Zhang Chen opened his eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw that the rotation speed of the outermost layer was almost imperceptible with the naked eye!

The slower the outermost layer is, the speed of the inner ring will remain relatively straight, and they can completely enter the upper stairs through the inner ring!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and the pale complexion recovered a trace of blood!

“What do we do now? Step on the inner ring?”

Huang Lei was surprised.

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen again, only to see Zhang Chen nodding slightly: “Go over as soon as possible to avoid changes!”

After speaking, he glanced at Huang Bo and said, “Connect everyone with a rope, so that even if there is an accident, we can help each other!”

Everyone looked at the dark space below and nodded slightly.

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・

Huang Bo hurriedly took out the rope and tied everyone up one by one. After finishing, he glanced around, scratched his head and said, ‘Are we grasshoppers on a rope now? ’

“Yeah, if one is finished, everyone is finished!”

After Huang Lei said that, he glanced at Sun Honglei with his mouth.

Everyone also looked at it with meaningful eyes.

Zhang Chen also seemed a little worried, and said, “I walk in the front, Sun Honglei is in the last!”

Sun Honglei showed a slightly embarrassed look. Seeing that it was Zhang Chen, he didn’t say anything.

Zhang Chen took a look and found a relatively easy passage, starting from the inner fourth ring!

… .. 0

After going up, Zhang Chen walked along the arc-shaped inner ring to the place close to the inner third ring, and at this time everyone came up!

Because they are all connected by ropes, any movements can’t be too large!

Zhang Chen’s position is still some distance away from the inner third ring road. If you want to pass, you need to jump!

He signaled to Huang Lei behind him to get ready, then jumped lightly, and his figure reached the inner third ring!

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen nervously, and after finding that the inner third ring had not moved, they breathed a long sigh of relief.

Huang Lei also imitated Zhang Chen and jumped hard, followed by Huang Bo and others…

Soon everyone passed through safely, and used the same method to enter the inner ring!

The next step is to go up the stairs to the sixth floor along the center!

However, because there is a giant egg in the center, they must be very careful. Once they encounter the giant egg, all their previous efforts will be in vain!

At this moment, they are only one meter away from the dome, you can clearly see the shadow of a child lying in the dome!

That should be the demon boy on the picture!

I saw that no one could figure out how this thing with a human head and a snake body was born?

Is it a combination of black snakes and humans?

Everyone just felt weird in their hearts. begging.

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