Chapter 154 Demon Temple! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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In the studio, the members of the director’s team and the guest commentary team all looked at Zhang Chen on the screen with shock!

In fact, very early on, they discovered that the show had been out of their control, and everything was dominated by Zhang Chen!

The program group cannot give any help to the guest group, only Zhang Chen can make the program go on smoothly!

According to normal thinking, the rights of the director group are above the guest group, but because the resources are now in Zhang Chen’s hands, and Zhang Chen has the support of many departments and experts behind him, plus his high popularity.

The positions of the director team and Zhang Chen have already changed.

Zhang Chen on the screen seems to be informing the director team and the audience, but in fact, he is giving the director team two choices, or the show will continue to be broadcast by listening to him.

Either the show is suspended for safety, and it also means that all the glory of this show will come to an end!

21 Now the viewership rate of the program has exceeded 1.5 billion people, and dozens of famous foreign TV stations have applied for cooperation.

Among them, commercial interests and future development prospects are incalculable.

No one in the director team, including the TV station, can say that word!

It’s just that all the guest groups enter the imaginary space……

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Can such a risk really be borne by the program team?

Ma Wenlu smiled wryly, then shook his head. It seemed that Zhang Chen also helped him figure out a way out. In five minutes, all the celebrity guests voluntarily expressed their willingness to enter.

Even if something happens, the program team can put aside the responsibility in terms of responsibility.

I have to say that Zhang Chen’s move has already killed Marvin.

Now, anyone who dares to oppose the continuation of this show, I am afraid that the ancestral graves will be dug out by these 500 million viewers!

Thinking of this, Marvin calmed down. In this case, it may be the best choice to follow the trend, but the only bad thing is that the show may enter a black screen state after the guest group enters the imaginary space!

The most exciting part cannot be presented to the audience!

“What a pity! But if the signal of the guest group is really interrupted, it will prove from the side that the narrative space really exists!”

“At that time, I am afraid it will cause a shock in the international physics community!”

Fang Tangyi’s emotional voice quickly spread to the ears of 150 million viewers!

The audience who are watching the show at the moment groaned almost at the same time, and then a fiery feeling rushed to their chests!

If the guest group really enters the imaginary space, aren’t they the lucky witnesses who watch the live broadcast?

Imagine, from primitive society to modern scientific and technological civilization, human beings have experienced tens of thousands of generations of reproduction. In such a long history, they have the opportunity to witness this scene, how lucky they must be!

Many people secretly make up their minds that they will continue to watch even if the screen is black. What a great opportunity it is to witness such a miraculous and splendid scene in their entire life!

On the fourth floor of the demon tower, everyone who has made up their minds to continue walking is much firmer than before.

The uneasiness and fear in the pupils have disappeared. Since you are determined to go on, what reason is there to be afraid and afraid!

It’s like a professional boxer facing the opponent’s fast punch, even if he knows it is inevitable, he must stare at the opponent’s fist and fall to the ground.

Because only by giving up fear and facing danger can there be a chance of life!

“Everyone knows that every time the demon tower is higher, the level of danger will double. Now that we are going up, you have to be prepared!”

Zhang Chen glanced at everyone.

Seeing everyone nod, Zhang Chen turned and walked towards the fifth floor.

Different from the first four floors, the five-story stairs are much longer. According to Zhang Chen’s guess, the fifth floor should be aristocrats, but what surprised him was that when he reached the entrance of the fifth floor, a huge stone tablet was mined. before the entrance.

Above are three words written in Guidongwen.

Everyone is amazed, seeA look of surprise appeared in Zhang Chen’s eyes, and Huang Lei asked curiously, “What is written on it?”

“Demon Temple!”

Zhang Chen said.

Lin Yu was startled, he didn’t know Guidongwen, but according to his previous speculation, this layer should be buried with elite officials or generals.

Why did it become a relatively high-level demon temple?

“The fifth floor is the Demon Temple, and the ninth floor is the Queen of Essence, so six or seven should belong to the nobles!”

“I didn’t expect that in the Jingjue Kingdom status registration, the rank of the nobles was actually higher than the demon gods. It’s really strange. I thought Queen Jingjue 733 was a monster!”

“In this way, the Queen of Essence should also be a human being, otherwise we would not have seen the Demon Temple so early!”

Lin Yu said with emotion.

“Never mind, I’ll see you sooner or later anyway, it’s over!”

Sun Honglei didn’t think much about it, and looked unscrupulously into the hall.

Looking at the light of the flashlight, I saw that this demon temple is indeed completely different from the previous floors, and the interior decoration insists on being luxurious!

From the ground, the dome and the walls, a lot of bronze materials, which were very rare in ancient times, were used!

At first glance, there is no sense of emptiness before, instead it gives people a delicate and solemn momentum!

There are twelve statues of demon gods on all sides of the wall. Each statue is extremely huge, five meters high. Each statue faces the wall, with its back to the center, and keeps a kneeling posture.

Zhang Chen was shocked: “I remember there are thirteen demon gods in total, why is there one less?”

After speaking, he meditated in his mouth and suddenly said, “It seems that the black snake is missing!”.

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