Chapter 155: Ten Thousand Beasts! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Black snake?”

Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhang Chen suspiciously: “What are the Thirteen Demon Gods?”

“The thirteen demon gods are the thirteen divine beasts of the country, and it is rumored that the black snake is the top one!”

Zhang Chen said.

Lin Yu was a little surprised. Ancient countries would worship gods and beasts.

Suddenly a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: “Why do I feel something is wrong!”

Everyone looked at Lin Yu suspiciously, only to see Lin Yu speak again: “The status of the demon gods in Jingjue Kingdom should be very high, I won’t say it now on the fifth floor, but why are they all kneeling ?”

“And it’s backed by the center of the Demon Temple!”

Everyone nodded slightly, and they saw it just now, but they didn’t pay attention to this. Since they were kneeling and their backs were still facing the center, the things in the center were naturally the highest.

Something higher than the Twelve Demon Gods, I’m afraid there is only the black snake that ranks first, right?

Everyone flashed their flashlights towards the center, only to see that there was nothing in the center, only a chaotic staircase!

“Go up and have a look!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment, but he didn’t understand what was going on, so he said.

Everyone nodded and carefully entered the Demon Temple!

I saw that the floor of the Demon Temple was actually a huge bronze disc with many strange-looking birds and beasts carved out on it.

The twelve demon gods are located at twelve dividing points on the disc.

And the discs are birds and beasts that look messy, but they are actually arranged along a specific pattern. The closer to the center, the bigger the beasts are!

“Everyone, be careful, there must be some organs on it!”

Sun Honglei watched for a while and frowned.

Everyone looked at Sun Honglei with strange faces, and after a while, Huang Lei said: “There must be an agency, we know it, but the important thing is where the agency is, do you know?”

“Then how do I know, I just know that there is an agency!”

Sun Honglei shook his head.

“The pig’s nose is inserted with green onions, it looks like it!”

Huang Bo laughed.

“Zhang Chen, can you see the secret of this beast picture?”

Lin Yu stared at Zhang Chen and said.

Everyone also looked at Zhang Chen curiously. Among them, only Zhang Chen knew some secrets of Jingjueguo, even Lin Yu, an archaeologist, did not understand Jingjueguo.

But to everyone’s disappointment, Zhang Chen shook his head: “Jingjueguo is extremely mysterious. It is said that the people of the country belong to the mysterious Ghost Cave clan. Now the secrets about Jingjueguo handed down are only a drop in the bucket!”

“This picture of all animals, Paul Vientiane, I’m afraid it will be difficult to decipher in a while!”

“It’s hard to do this now, this myriad beasts map covers the entire fifth floor, and if you can’t crack it, you can’t enter the sixth floor at all!”

Huang Lei shook his head and said.

“Why do I feel that this thing has nothing to do with us?The country’s ancient I Ching gossip is somewhat similar. Zhang Chen, you can try it with your knowledge of the I Ching gossip, okay? ”

Sun Honglei touched his nose suspiciously.

“Why didn’t I see it, where is it similar to the I Ching gossip map? The I Ching gossip is divided into gossip, which is twelve hexagrams, and it is not counted all the way!”

Huang Bo gave Hong Lei a thumbs up.

“Don’t beat me all the time! Isn’t that how I feel? Everyone has no idea anyway. It’s always good to have an idea, right?”

Sun Honglei knew that Huang Bo was taking the opportunity to take revenge on himself, and said a little depressed.

Among them, Sun Honglei’s status has long been the lowest, and it is common to be attacked when he speaks, but Zhang Chen nodded, as if he somewhat agreed with Sun Honglei’s statement.

Although Zhang Chen hadn’t opened his mouth yet, Sun Honglei seemed to have caught a life-saving straw. He instantly became emboldened and glared at Huang Bo and said, “See? Zhang Chen thinks that what I said makes sense, you don’t. Don’t talk nonsense if you understand!”

Huang Bo looked surprised. Thinking that Sun Honglei was right, he looked at Zhang Chen and asked curiously, “Can you really try?”

Zhang Chen showed a helpless smile: “I just want to say that Sun Honglei has a good idea, but the map of the beasts has nothing to do with Zhouyi’s gossip!”

Sun Honglei’s face suddenly froze, showing a slightly embarrassed look, and he clasped his arms and stopped talking.

‘Huang Bo sighed and seemed a little disappointed: “I hope to see the projection now, maybe he can help us eliminate the wrong answer!”

When everyone heard the words, they all shook their heads. That thing is illusory. Who knows when it will come out, and they still have to rely on themselves.

“Hey, there seems to be a map here!”

Just when everyone had no idea, Sun Honglei’s voice sounded again.

Everyone turned their heads in surprise, and suddenly saw Sun Honglei standing behind the stone tablet of the Demon Temple with a surprised face.

Zhang Chen stepped forward quickly, and sure enough, there was a miniature picture of ten thousand beasts behind the stone tablet! .

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