Chapter 153 The ultimate secret of Kunlun Glacier! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone was stunned, and looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

Zhang Chen ignored everyone’s reaction and continued: “Or, this demon tower is related to the imaginary space!”

Seeing everyone’s more puzzled expressions, he said, “Have you noticed that the projections we see are projections that enter the imaginary space after death!”

“We follow Lin Yu’s parallel space-time theory. In countless parallel space-times, we can only see the projection into the imaginary space in the demon tower, and we can’t see other parallel space-time projections at all!”

“If it is said that this demon tower has nothing to do with the imaginary space, do you believe it?”

Everyone was stunned, it seemed that this was the truth.

Zhang Chen continued: “Maybe this discussion has nothing to do with how we entered the fifth floor, but “One Five Three” may have something to do with the ninth floor!””That’s the secret of Kunlun Glacier!”

Everyone was shocked again and quickly realized the importance of this issue. They came here to find the secrets of Kunlun Glacier, and the secret of Kunlun Glacier was about how to find the Queen of Jingjue and the ancient city of Jingjue!

So it’s really necessary to figure it out!

“I have a bold guess now!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and suddenly stared at the crowd.

“you say!”

Lin Yu seemed to understand what Zhang Chen meant and looked at Zhang Chen earnestly.

“I guess the ancient city of Jingjue may not be in the Takara Makan Desert, maybe in the imaginary space!”

Zhang Chen took a deep breath and said, his idea is very bold, but it has enough basis!

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, everyone showed a look of astonishment.

Huang Bo looked terrified: “So we can only see Queen Jing Jue if we die?”

He is very puzzled. It is really important to find the Queen of Essence, but it can’t be committed to death, right?

Everyone was silent, obviously agreeing with Huang Bo’s statement, and faintly felt that Zhang Chen’s statement was a bit whimsical!

“Do you have any basis?”

Huang Lei rubbed his chin.

“For thousands of years, no one has ever found the Queen of Jingjue, not even the huge ruins of the ancient city of vigilance. Do you think this is scientific?”

“You must know that there is satellite aviation technology in this era. It is impossible for a huge ancient city to have no traces at all!”

“Then why can’t you find the slightest clue?”

“There is only one explanation, that is, the ancient city of Jingjue and the queen of Jingjue are both in the imaginary space!”

“And the top floor of this demon tower is the entrance to the imaginary space!”

Zhang Chen said.


Everyone gasped. Just now, they thought Zhang Chen’s words were unlikely, but after hearing his analysis, they suddenly felt that it was very reasonable!

It’s just that if they keep looking, it means they will enter the mysterious imaginary space!

This is not as simple as going underground, and it is very likely that they will never be able to come out in the mysterious imaginary space.

“Then we really want to go in, what if we can’t get out?”

Huang Bo said worriedly.

“Brother Po, I think you should understand that you can’t bear the truth that children can’t catch wolves!”

“When you come out of the imaginary space, then you will be an international star, and the whole world will pay attention to you! The first person to enter outer space will be remembered by everyone, and we will be the first group to enter the imaginary space. !”

Sun Honglei exclaimed.


“But isn’t the risk a bit too great, or maybe it’s dead!”

Huang Lei nodded, but there was still a deep doubt in his eyebrows.

“What Zhang Chen said is just a guess, it’s not necessarily true, but if we can go to the ninth floor and really find the entrance to the imaginary number space, then I want to go in and have a look, I am dedicated to science. dream!”

Lin Yu suddenly became firm.

Zhang Chen stared at the crowd with a dignified expression, and said, “So you should think clearly now, whether to continue walking!”

“Now Lin Yu and I will definitely not look back. If you don’t want to take this risk, you can turn around and go back now. The program team can locate our location and send you safely away from here!”

“Now everyone has five minutes to think about it!”

The atmosphere suddenly became silent… .

Huang Lei and Huang Bo stepped aside and lowered their heads in thought.

With Zhang Chen in the underground world, they may still leave safely when they encounter danger, but in the mysterious and unknown realm of imaginary space, the possibility of safe escape is simply too slim!

Time passes by every minute and every second, everyone feels extremely tormented at this moment!

“The time is up, let’s make a statement!”

When everyone was tangled, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone took a deep breath and gathered around again.

Lin Yu raised his hand indifferently: “I’ll go!”

“I’ll go as well!”

I don’t know if it’s the fearless of the ignorant or what. Sun Honglei expressed his stance very simply. Maybe he felt that the imaginary space was not as dangerous as the big zongzi, or maybe he was really wise as he said.

“Let’s go too!”

Fat Di and Yaya Chana raised their hands at the same time.

A look of astonishment flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes. He originally thought that the three female stars should be the first to quit, but he didn’t expect them to be willing to enter.

“All the way, we are all a team, we believe in Zhang Chen!”

Seeing the surprised look in Zhang 1.2 Chen’s eyes, Fat Di took a deep breath and explained.

Zhang Chen nodded and turned to Huang Bo and Huang Lei.

The people who have expressed their attitude are also staring at himthe two of us.

“Since everyone is going, let’s go…”

After all, Huang Bo bit his lip, still a little worried.

“Go! At times like this, if I quit, I’ll just go home and retire in the future!”

Huang Lei said cheerfully.

“very good!”

Zhang Chen nodded, but no one was willing to quit. The psychological quality of these stars was beyond his expectations.

After speaking, he looked at the air and said: “Director Ma, if the follow-up live broadcast signal disappears, it means that we have entered the imaginary space, you all get ready!”.

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