Chapter 144: The Giant Python

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Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and suddenly, when he left the Cishan Tomb, the system rewarded him with the mysterious key!

When he surpassed 100 million popularity in the Japanese pirate’s military base, a golden light was born from the mysterious key, giving him the ability to break his eyes!

But the reward is actually just an additional ability, its name is still the key!

And the size of this mysterious key is exactly the same size as this snake eye~!

Could this mysterious key be the key to open the nine-story demon tower?

Zhang Chen spread out his hand, and for a moment, eyes the size of a dragon’s eye appeared in the palm of his hand. Everyone was shocked. They had never seen Zhang Chen with this thing before, and they all looked at it curiously.

Just insist that Zhang Chen put his eyes into the pupils of the one-eyed snake!

Suddenly it seems like some kind of mechanism is activated!

The eyes on those embossed pigs, horses, cattle and sheep suddenly lit up!

And it’s not just the first floor!

The eyes of the slaves on the second floor also suddenly lit up!

The third floor, the fourth floor….

All the way to the top of the nine-story demon tower, a dazzling red light dispels the surrounding darkness!

Zhang Chen took a few steps back, looking at the countless pairs of blood-red eyes on the ninth-floor demon tower, his face also showed a dignified expression.

Standing here and looking at it is like entering a devil temple!

21 The feeling of fear and depression is faintly suffocating!

Everyone in the guest group has seen such a terrifying sight, and their faces are slightly pale, but it is not the first time that they have followed Zhang Chen to the tomb. Although they are panicked, they are not panicked.

They all know that it’s like a plane failure. As long as the flight attendants don’t cry, they’ll be fine!

And Zhang Chen is a dangerous ruler at this moment!

“That red eye should be the secret of the nine-story demon tower…”

Lin Yu said with excitement, he and Zhang Chen are still very similar in some ideas, the more dangerous and mysterious things are, the more exciting they can be!

“It’s too scary, aren’t all the demons and ghosts living here?”

Sun Honglei said with a look of apprehension.

Everyone’s lips moved, such a shocking scene made them feel that the language seemed pale and powerless at this moment!

In the live broadcast, Fang Lao looked at the nine-story demon tower like a lighthouse in hell, and was speechless in shock. He devoted his life to studying ancient culture!

I personally participated in the excavation of no less than 100 ancient tombs, but I have never seen such a magnificent ancient underground building, although the height of the demon tower is only 100 meters.

But even more mysterious and shocking than the famous pyramid!

You must know that the pyramid is built on the desert, and the nine-story demon tower is built in the underground world, and thousands of years have passed, the organs on the demon tower can still be used!

What kind of skilled craftsmen can build this!

In fact, it is not just Fang Lao, other members of the director team and the commentary guest team are also shocked and speechless. Many of them do not understand history, but the vicissitudes of life in the picture can make them really feel it.

There are so many famous tombs throughout the ages!

But it is still unheard of to build the sacrificial demon tower into such a grandiose!

At this moment, the number of people watching the live broadcast has exceeded 150 million!

In other words, one-tenth of the domestic people are already watching this show at the same time!

The influence of a variety show can reach this level, if it was put in the past, it would be unthinkable!

Even Marvin once thought that there was an error in the background data, because the statistics were tens of thousands per second.Bit up!

And not only in China, many foreign netizens watched the program in China, and immediately released the highlights to the personal media homepages abroad!

In just a few days, many fans who forwarded the blogger exceeded hundreds of thousands!

Foreign audiences cannot watch the live broadcast directly, but the mysterious pictures in the video make them unable to extricate themselves!

Many well-known foreign TV stations have also noticed the commercial value, and have sent broadcast pleas to the Yanjing TV program team!

However, Marvin doesn’t have time to deal with these things now, and most of those rebroadcast requests are put on hold in the mailbox.

All major live broadcast platforms, as well as mobile short video platforms, have opened special live broadcast channels, and spend all resources to retain audiences to watch.

When the mysterious veil of the nine-story demon tower was unveiled in front of countless audiences, the originally active barrage suddenly stopped strangely.

They didn’t think that there was a problem with the barrage display, because they knew that at this moment, no one wanted to destroy this shocking picture that was rarely seen in a lifetime!

Under the nine-story demon tower, with the coolness of countless eyes, the light blue rays of light attached to the demon tower even dimmed!

After a dull sound!

A giant stone gate burst open!

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief, his speculation was indeed correct, leaving his position was the entrance to the ninth-floor demon tower!

He glanced at everyone with different expressions and said, “Follow me!”

There is no excitement in his words, but a strong sense of caution. Such a mysterious nine-story demon tower, if there is no danger and no organs, I am afraid that ghosts will not believe it!

And Zhang Chen also felt that he couldn’t see through the secret of this demon tower!

Even he is extremely careful!

Everyone took a deep breath and nodded solemnly to Zhang Chen.

After speaking, Zhang Chen turned his head and walked towards the demon tower.

Step in, and the dark interior space suddenly lights up strangely!

Hundreds of blood-red eyes rushed towards everyone!

Zhang Chen stopped abruptly, looking at the blood-red eyes that were constantly approaching and enlarged in all directions, his expression was extremely solemn!

He has night vision ability. Although he is in the dark, he can see that there is nothing behind the bloody eyes!

But how can the people behind them know that, just looking at this scene, they thought that countless monsters and ghosts were rushing towards them!

They are all pale and want to run outside!

But Zhang Chen’s voice and calm back made them stop!

“It’s oxidized paint!”

Everyone was shocked, and as expected, they saw hundreds of pairs of blood-colored eyes that suddenly evaporated in the air!

At the moment when the eyes disappeared, hundreds of oil lamps suddenly lighted up in the huge and empty space!

The dark space suddenly brightened up!

With the coolness of the lights, the stone gate behind them also crashed down!

Nearly a hundred stone horses, stone cows, and stone sheep lined up in a phalanx appeared in front of them!

There are as many as 100 for every 097 square formations!

Present a glyph arrangement in the middle of the empty space!

Everyone took a flashlight and saw that the stone horse, stone cow, and stone sheep are extremely delicate in shape, and the whole body adopts real proportions, and it can even be said to be lifelike!

But the strange thing is that whether it is a horse or a cow or sheep, their eyes are abnormally large and bulge outwards!

And there is a little snake wrapped around him!

“It’s incredible, Qin Terracotta Warriors don’t have such exquisite workmanship!”

Huang Lei exclaimed.

With an excited look in Lin Yu’s eyes, seeing these stone horses, cattle and sheep is like seeing rare treasures!

Although his eyes lit up, he didn’t dare to approach rashly. There are many mechanisms here, and a slight misstep will be irreversible!

“What is this? Is it a snake?”

Suddenly Huang Bo’s surprised voice attracted everyone’s attention.

Zhang Chen turned his head and saw Huang Bo flashing his flashlight towards the walls and the dome!

A giant python appeared in everyone’s field of vision as if it was entrenched inside the demon tower!

The python has a dark body, and each scale is the size of a car!

The slightly rounded tail is inlaid on one wall, extending upwards in the direction of about forty-five, and then entrenched along the four corner walls for several weeks!

Form a ceiling about ten meters high!

It can be seen that the body of this giant python is the load-bearing column that supports the entire demon tower!

“Who the hell is this queen, how could she design such an ingenious building, if it wasn’t for this stone python, I would have thought it was true!”

Lin Yu opened his eyes wide and muttered in shock. .

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