Chapter 143 One-eyed snake! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“I’m going! What the hell is this?”

Sun Honglei was amazed, he did not expect to see such a magnificent building in the underground world!

“Nine-story demon tower!”

Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was stunned, and looked at Zhang Chen in surprise.

“There are nine layers in total, and the reliefs on each layer represent the different ranks of the elite. The ranks of cattle, sheep and horses are the lowest, and the ranks of slaves are only one step higher than that of animals. The third layer should be civilians, followed by nobles. Class, the top tier should be the elite queen!”

Zhang Chen speculated that from their current angle, they could only see the first three layers in a blur, and the light was absorbed from the top, so they couldn’t see what was being carved at all!

“A small country of perfection, It is incredible that there is such a strict classification! “”Six Thirty”

Huang Lei showed a look of amazement.

“Our current position should be at the bottom of the Kunlun Glacier, right? Will the secret meeting of the Kunlun Glacier mentioned by Zhang Chen be in the nine-story demon tower?”

Huang Bo guessed.

“It should be, and it is likely to be at the top of the nine-story demon tower, which is the eye on the mural just now!”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly.

“This demon tower is so high, how can I go up?”

Sun Honglei looked at it and found that he didn’t focus at all, so he couldn’t help showing an embarrassed look.

“Maybe there will be an organ or something here…”

Lin Yu stepped forward suspiciously, wanting to take a closer look at the special features of the demon tower, but Zhang Chen’s arm suddenly pulled him back!

He was stunned for a moment, and looked at the demon tower in shock!

I saw that it was like touching the voice control mechanism, from the bottom of the demon tower to the top of the demon tower, the light blue light was cool in turn!

And the number is getting more and more terrifying, and finally the entire demon tower is directly covered!

Lin Yu’s face was disastrous. He was very familiar with this light blue light, wasn’t it the fire ladybug they saw in the abyss?

“It turns out that everything flew here!”

Huang Bo was shocked, his body froze again, and he did not dare to move, for fear of disturbing this group of terrifying creatures.

With the previous experience, although everyone was afraid this time, they calmed down a lot, knowing that as long as these fire ladybugs are not provoked, they will not take the initiative to attack!

“My mother! There must be hundreds of thousands of them, right?”

Sun Honglei’s face was ashen. Just now he was still trying to figure out how to climb up, but now it’s alright, let alone climbing up, even getting close is very difficult!

“The fire ladybug should be the secret of guarding the demon tower. If you rashly approach the demon tower, you will be attacked by the fire ladybug!”

Zhang Chen said solemnly, but his eyes were not as nervous as before. Although these fire ladybugs were fierce, they were afraid of the fire unicorn on him!

But he didn’t dare to be careless. After all, these fire ladybugs are guarding the demon tower. Once they find an intruder, they may be like bees, fighting for their lives!

The demon tower is 100 meters high, far beyond his expectations. It is obviously impossible to climb from the side. There should be a mechanism leading to the top inside!

He pondered for a moment, suddenly closed his eyes, and a huge gossip array appeared in his mind!

Gan, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui!

The eight directions suddenly light up in sequence!

A black demon tower is suspended in the air, and then slowly falls on the gossip!

He recited in his mouth: “Yin and yang divide the world into two poles, the two poles give birth to the four images and gossip, and the gossip gives birth to all things in the world!”

“Gan, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun, Dui, divided into eight!”

“Dry is the sky, the ridge is the water, the gen is the mountain, the earthquake is the thunder, the sun is the wind, the li is the fire, the kun is the earth, and the dui is the lake!”

“Kunlun Glacier contains mountains, water, thunder, wind, heaven and earth, and the entrance can only be through fire and Ze!”

Speaking of this, the black tower in his mind suddenly fell on the gossip, and Li and Dui suddenly lit up!

He suddenly opened his eyes, moved his fingers away, and said to the two: “The entrance should be at these two places!”

Lin Yu was startled and said in surprise: “This elite country also understands Zhouyi gossip?”

Zhang Chen shook his head: “Zhouyi’s gossip world operates according to the law. This demon tower has been built for thousands of years, and it can still be preserved so completely. If it weren’t for the number of dark and gossip, I’m afraid it would have already collapsed!”

Lin Yu nodded secretly, Zhang Chen’s statement was indeed reasonable.

“But now these two positions can’t be determined, how should we choose? Wouldn’t we have to gamble?”

Huang Lei groped his chin, showing an embarrassed look… .

“Don’t, I don’t want to gamble, let’s see what Zhang Chen has to say!”

Huang Bo shook his head, this is a life-threatening bet. Although there is a 50% chance, if the bet is wrong, it will be game over!

Everyone’s eyes turned to Zhang Chen again.

I saw Zhang Chen shaking his head slightly, hesitation flashed in his eyes.

Everyone’s hearts are half cold again, and it seems that Zhang Chen is also not fully sure.

“Leaving is a fire, colliding with the Kunlun Glacier, which is a dead end!”

“Duiwei Ze, coincides with the number of stable cave buildings!”

“Both of these two directions have life and causes of death. According to common sense, the best is better, but the gossip is the most stable. If there is a slight change, the gossip will be destroyed. Where the gate of life is, a slight change in the foundation of no injury!”

“So the entrance is most likely to be out of phase!”

Speaking of which, Zhang Chen’s finger fell due south!

Everyone’s heart lightened, and they hurriedly walked towards the south.

Sure enough, on the south side, there is almost no light blue light, which further proves that Zhang Chen’s speculation may be correct.

“I see a play!”

Huang Lei exposedHappy, looking at Zhang Chen with some excitement.

However, Zhang Chen’s expression was still not relaxed. He stared at the stone wall in front of him carefully, and found that the reliefs of cattle, sheep, horses and animals were a little weird!

It’s like a ferocious death!

4.8 This is not the same as the embossed pattern on the front just now!

It looks like the place of death, but according to the direction of the gossip, it is inferred that there is only a possible entrance here, otherwise the construction of the entrance in any direction will destroy the feng shui of the demon tower.

It’s just a gamble!

Zhang Chen secretly said, he suddenly stepped forward a few steps, rubbing his hands on the relief, if this is the entrance, there must be a mechanism!

However, after groping for a while, Zhang Chen didn’t see any mechanism on the relief.

The people standing behind and waiting also showed a little surprise.

Although no agency was found, Zhang Chen saw a strange place!

I saw that in the middle of the relief, there is a faint relief of a one-eyed black snake hidden in the statue of the bull and horse!

However, the eyes of the one-eyed black snake are hollow, and it seems that the eyes that should be there are missing! .

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