Chapter 145 Voice-activated lights in the demon tower? |Tomb Robbery: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars|Tomb Robbery: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Scare me! I thought it was a real giant python!”

Huang Lei patted his chest, at first glance, this stone python is the same as the real one!

“We should be able to go to the second floor along the tail of this stone python, right?”

Huang Bo watched for a while, and his eyes fell on the tail of the stone python.


Zhang Chen nodded.

“Then let’s go up now…”

Seeing that Zhang Chen didn’t speak, Huang Bo just nodded, feeling a little nervous.

Before he could finish his sentence, Zhang Chen suddenly shook his head and said, “You can’t go up rashly now. Didn’t you realize that it’s a little weird here? It seems like something is missing…”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, looked at each other, and took a flashlight to take pictures. They didn’t find anything strange, they all showed suspicious expressions.

Huang Lei pondered for a moment and said, “There is indeed something wrong. It seems that there is no mechanism here!”

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Sun Honglei looked surprised, stared at Huang Lei and said, “Isn’t it bad to have no agency?”

Huang Lei shook his head: “It’s not bad, there may be a mechanism, but we didn’t find that if we go up rashly, it will be dangerous. I think Zhang Chen is also worried about this!”

Just as Sun Honglei was about to answer, he suddenly saw Zhang Chen make a gesture of silence, and he immediately shut up.

“Listen, there is a voice!”

Zhang Chen’s low voice sounded, and everyone suddenly became nervous, pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

Huang Lei frowned, and there seemed to be a very weak sound of instigation in his ears!

He looked around suspiciously, but suddenly found that Zhang Chen was staring at the stone bull square in front of him as if he had found something!

His heart tightened slightly, and he took a flashlight to take a picture, but suddenly he saw a scene that made his scalp tingle!

I saw a dense number of black snakes wrapped around the head of the stone cow!

The little snake is black all over, but has a pair of blood red eyes!

The strangest thing is that a third of the snake’s body has a pair of things like wings!

“It’s over…々‖.”

Huang Lei’s face was pale, this snake is too strange, and there are too many, once attacked, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.


The sound of a small black snake spitting out a snake’s core sounded in the air, and the scalp of the person who listened to it was numb!

“Oh my God!”

Huang Bo looked terrified. What he was most afraid of was a cold-blooded animal like a snake. Just looking at it, he felt hairy all over his body!

Sun Honglei snatched the engineer shovel from Huang Bo’s bag and cursed angrily: “I’ve learned wrestling for a week, and I want to try my hand at a dumpling! Who knows that this kind of thing will happen!”

Zhang Chen glanced at Sun Honglei, then retreated and said, “Don’t worry, Zongzi will meet you! Now go to the second floor, don’t give up your back to Fei Snake!”

Everyone was shocked, and they almost said in unison, “This snake can fly?”


Zhang Chen didn’t explain much, so as not to disturb this group of cold-blooded guys, although he was not afraid, there were too many flying snakes, and it was still very troublesome to deal with.

Everyone nodded nervously, and as Zhang Chen said, slowly retreated toward the second floor!

Sure enough, although the flying snakes stared at them vigilantly, they did not attack!

The tension in everyone’s heart has dissipated a lot!

But just as he was about to approach the escalator, a crisp sound suddenly exploded behind everyone!

Everyone’s company froze for a moment!

At this moment, they don’t know what happened behind them, but they don’t dare to look back. Once they turn around, those flying snakes may attack them!

But if you don’t look back, if there are other monsters or something behind you, wouldn’t it all be over!

Zhang Chen’s heart throbbed, and the same murmurs appeared in his heart, and even at a certain moment he heard cold breathing from behind him, as if someone was blowing cool air on his neck!

He turned his head and glanced at everyone, and found that Huang Bosun Honglei had the same expression!

Fat Di and the three girls’ faces are already as pale as paper!

Zhang Chen suddenly turned his head and was shocked to see seven or eight flying snakes over two meters long appearing behind them at some point!

“I rely on!”

Huang Bo shouted subconsciously, turned his head and ran towards the second floor!

Everyone is like smearing oil on the soles of their feet, and they run away!

Sun Honglei scolded while running: ‘Mother, did you enter the snake’s den! ’

When everyone went up the stairs, Zhang Chen turned his head, but was surprised to find that the flying snake did not attack. Suspiciousness flashed in his eyes, and he squinted to look carefully.

I saw that the tails of those two-meter-long flying snakes were all nailed to the ground!

“how so…”

He suddenly felt a sense of shock in his heart, obviously thisThe snake was deliberately set here!

In other words, these snakes may have lived for thousands of years!

Just how is this possible…

But not to mention longevity, the food source alone is a problem!

Sun Honglei, Huang Bo and others have already gone to the second floor at this moment. He didn’t have time to think about it. He just thought that the nine-story demon tower might be more terrifying than he thought!

He turned to the second floor!

After reaching the second floor, everyone took a flashlight and carefully took a picture, and found that the difference between the second floor and the first floor was not very big, but the stairs to the third floor appeared in the middle!

The huge space is still empty, except for a few statues of slaves leaning against the corner, there seems to be nothing special.

“¨.My God! Fortunately, those ghosts didn’t catch up, otherwise I would have to explain it here!”

Huang Bo gasped for breath.

Although Huang Lei also let out a sigh of relief, there was a suspicious look in his eyes. (Li Qianzhao)

“Why do we feel something is wrong, why didn’t the flying snake attack us?”

“Don’t worry about him, as long as he can save his life!”

Sun Honglei didn’t care.

“I also think it’s a little strange, but there are too many secrets in the demon tower. If you want to find out all of them, I’m afraid it’s impossible!”

Lin Yu nodded.

At this time, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded, and he stared at the crowd with a solemn expression: “It’s not that those flying snakes didn’t attack, but they were nailed to the ground with iron nails!”

“This demon tower is not as simple as we thought!”

Huang Lei was taken aback for a moment, showing an unbelievable expression: “Who did it?”

“I don’t know!”

Zhang Chen shook his head slightly, snapped his fingers, and the oil lamp on the second floor wall suddenly lit up.

“Fuck! Voice-controlled?”

Sun Honglei was shocked. .

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