Chapter 142 Nine-story Demon Tower! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Hehe, Huang Lei, you are really interesting! It’s the fourth floor, I think we think too much. They just built two because they were afraid that one entrance would not be enough!”

Sun Honglei pouted.

Zhang Chen also showed a slightly surprised expression. He didn’t expect this construction method, and he didn’t quite understand the meaning of it.

He turned his head and looked behind him. At the bottom of the U-shaped channel, there was an entrance. The strange smell came from this channel.

In other words, no matter which channel you enter from, you will eventually enter this entrance!

“go in!”

Zhang Chen looked at it and found no danger, so he told everyone.

Everyone nodded, followed Zhang Chen cautiously with a flashlight and walked inside.

The entrance is dark, but as soon as you enter, you find that there is something special in it. The low passageway has not progressed and suddenly it has become wider.

This is a trumpet-shaped entrance, and the further you go inside, the wider and wider, and the colder it is at the same time!

“Look at the wall-painting on it!”

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Lin Yu flashed a flashlight and suddenly pointed to the colorful murals on the wall.

Everyone also looked at it curiously, and saw that the style of the murals is very characteristic of the Western Regions. They are all people with high nose bridges and big eyes, and the colors are also very bright. It is really rare that the original colors can be maintained for thousands of years.

“This painting is not very good. How can people grow like this? Eyeballs are about to protrude!”

Sun Honglei just watched the excitement and spoke in layman’s terms.

“What do you know, people call this art, and they use exaggerated techniques!”

Huang Bo laughed.

“Come on! As you know, a pig’s nose sticks a green onion and pretends to be an intellectual!”

Sun Honglei said unconvinced.

Lin Yu studied excitedly for a while, and said, “The eyes should be the totems of this nation, so they are painted so big, which means to see far!”

Lin Yu took out the notebook and copied the text below while talking.

“Lin Yu, stop copying, we have to keep going!”

Sun Honglei said anxiously, he was not interested in this mural, he just wanted to copy the inside to see if there were any coffins or something.

“These words and murals are very wonderful, and they may be very helpful for my next whereabouts, you see…”

Lin Yu shook his head, pointed to the mural and explained it to the crowd.

According to Lin Yu’s explanation, the content of these murals records the historical changes of a country. From his murals, it can be analyzed that there is a great king in this country, and the people of the country respect this king, but there is nothing on the murals. Portrait of the king.

Everyone could hear it, Lin Yu, who couldn’t help but admire, was able to analyze so many contents of the seemingly obscure murals.

“Unfortunately, I don’t know the text on it, otherwise I might be able to infer whether there is a king’s tomb ahead!”

Lin Yu sighed and said, the text on this is verySpecial, he has never seen it before, and it is more difficult to understand than the Jinwen he has seen before.

“This is the ghost cave text. Their country is called Jingjue Kingdom. The king recorded on it should be the Jingjue Queen!”

Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Lin Yu looked at Zhang Chen in surprise, and murmured, “Do you know the text above?”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly: “But I’m disappointed, the words above are not all about the interpretation of the murals, which is similar to your analysis, but at the same time, it is also said that the tomb of Queen Jingjue is not here, but Jingjue’s tomb. Below the ancient city!”

“Exquisite Queen?”

Lin Yu was stunned. Before entering, Zhang Chen mentioned this name. According to Zhang Chen’s previous words, the tomb of Queen Jingjue may be in the Taklimakan Desert.

Thousands of years have passed, and no one can find the tomb of Queen Jingjue, unless the secret of Kunlun Glacier is cracked!

“Yes, the secret of the ancient city of Jingjue is hidden under the Kunlun Glacier. If we continue to move forward, maybe we can find the secret of the queen of Jingjue!”

Zhang Chen nodded.

After hearing this, Lin Yu nodded slightly, a hint of disappointment flashed in his eyes. The Taklimakan Desert is not known how far away from here, and now he has just found some clues about Jingjueguo, and two guides have already died. How much danger occurs.

“Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and move on?”

Sun Honglei said anxiously.

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・・・・・

“Hey, look! There is still a painting here. Why are so many people kneeling in front of the tower?”

Huang Lei’s voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned their heads in surprise, and sure enough, there was a black tower on the pattern at the very end, and there were many villains kneeling around the black tower, and there was a priest-like person dancing in the middle!

The weirdest thing is that there is a glowing eye on the top of the black tower!

“This tower is so big!”

Sun Honglei sighed, feeling a bit like a pyramid.

“Is this the black tower you’re talking about?”

Everyone just wanted to study carefully for a while, when suddenly Huang Bo’s voice sounded behind them.

Everyone turned around and suddenly saw Huang Bo’s figure appearing not far away, and the flashlight in his hand was pointing upwards!


Zhang Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then he noticed that he had reached the exit!

“Go and see!”

He glanced at everyone and stepped forward quickly.

Everyone hurried to follow.

I saw a giant tower about 100 meters high in front of them!

The giant tower is dark!

And that weird smell is now extremely strong!

Obviously, the smell at the entrance is emitted from the black tower!

“Is there another eye on this?”

As if realizing something, Huang Lei lit his flashlight towards the top of the black tower, but the light of the strong flashlight engulfed the darkness before reaching the top of the tower.

“The black substance on the tower body should be some kind of light-absorbing material, you can’t see it!”

Zhang Chen said with a solemn expression.

“Look, there are reliefs on this tower!”

Lin Yu suddenly pointed at the bottom of the tower.

Everyone looked down in surprise, and sure enough, there were reliefs of animals, cattle and sheep at the base of the tower!

“There’s more on this!”

Huang Bo pointed to the slightly higher second floor.

I saw a relief of a human being on it.

“There is a third floor!”

Lin Yu continued to look, his eyes were full of horror, he continued to count, and at the end he said in a daze: ‘It seems that there are a total of nine floors! ’

Zhang Chen was slightly startled, this seems to be different from what he remembered, but it looks like it should be a nine-story demon tower! scholar.

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