Chapter 137 The fire unicorn breaks out! I will bet on myself to win! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone took a breath!

No one thought that Zhang Chen would take the initiative to provoke the fire ladybug!

The scene where the Rexi brothers were burned to death just now, is still vivid in my mind!

Although Zhang Chen is powerful, he is also a mortal body!

How can you resist this strange flame!

Fat Di Yaya and the others even closed their eyes, she couldn’t accept it, she saw Zhang Chen being burned into nothingness by the fire ladybug!

“don’t want!”

Huang Lei shouted, his eyes were red, along the way, they have long regarded Zhang Chen as one of the most important people in life!

Sun Honglei knew that it was too late, his whole body was shaking, and the tough guy’s tears were dripping quietly!

He realized that Zhang Chen may have done it here in order to attract the hatred of the fire ladybug! “One Five Seven”

Zhang Chen’s expression was extremely solemn, he knew that these fire ladybugs would attack him soon!

Even if you stand still, you are waiting to die!

So he has to take a gamble, betting that he is the son of destiny!

The gambling system won’t let him die!

Win, everyone escapes and ascends to heaven!

Lose, it’s all over!

Although the probability of his winning bet is more than 99%, the courage to take his life to gamble is not something ordinary people can have!

He is extremely fast!

Without any hesitation, finger-sized light blue light spots burst out between his fingers!

The flames spread rapidly from his fingertips towards his whole body like maggots on the tarsus!

It just wrapped Zhang Chen’s upper body in an instant!

Zhang Chen didn’t move, a burning smell came from his nose and mouth!

But a strange scene appeared. His body did not burn, but his shirt was completely burned by the light blue flame!

At this moment, he is like the god of hell flames!

He didn’t even feel any heat on his skin!

The fire ladybugs surrounding everyone saw their companions being killed by Zhang Chen, and flew towards Zhang Chen like crazy, but as Zhang Chen’s clothes disappeared, those fire ladybugs were suspended in the air strangely!

As if afraid of Zhang Chen, he kept spinning around Zhang Chen!

“how so….”

Seeing that Zhang Chen was fine, everyone was overjoyed, but at the same time they were full of suspicion. They had seen the power of the fire ladybug with their own eyes, but they didn’t expect that Zhang Chen was fine at all!

“I go….”

Huang Bo’s eyes widened and he was amazed, as if he saw a monster!

“Is Zhang Chen the god of fire?”

Sun Honglei’s eyes widened and he muttered to himself, this is too outrageous, this person’s upper body is covered in flames, and his clothes are burnt, but he is not injured at all!

Even Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed with suspicion, he moved his arms and body, and found that there was nothing wrong!

“I still won!”

Zhang Chen whispered to himself, but suddenly felt a little hot in his chest, he turned his head to look, and suddenly saw the unicorn tattoo on his chest appeared strangely!

And different from the past, the black unicorn tattoo is more three-dimensional, it seems to be floating on the skin, and the color on it is still slowly changing!

The original black unicorn pattern is strangely turning into a fiery red!

Especially the unicorn’s eyes have turned into two dazzling fireballs!

He was stunned for a moment, and instantly realized that something was wrong!

The flames swirling around him did not touch the skin, but were suspended above the skin, with a thin gap in the middle!

The blazing high temperature was absorbed by the unicorn tattoo!

The black unicorn tattoo has become a fire unicorn!

The same is fire!

You are a worm!

And I am a unicorn!

The swarm of fire ladybugs turned around for a while, not daring to approach Zhang Chen, and suddenly turned around and flew towards the dark rock wall on the opposite side!

Zhang Chen turned his head in surprise, his eyes locked on the fire ladybug swarm, and saw a strange scene appear. The fire ladybug just flew to the dark cliff and suddenly disappeared!

“There should be the exit!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the crowd and said, he followed the fire ladybug team and walked towards the opposite side…

Where Zhang Chen walked, the golden light spots slowly disappeared!

Everyone followed behind Zhang Chen in amazement, looking at Zhang Chen’s figure surrounded by light blue flames, all of them showed strange expressions!

In the studio, Fang Tangyi almost made his eyes pop out. He didn’t think of such a thing even if he wanted to break his head. Zhang Chen’s upper body was swallowed by flames, but nothing happened!

It’s as if the flames on him are special effects!

“what’s going on?”

Shen Ming looked confused and dumbfounded. Before participating in the program commentary, he had been following the program. He knew that Zhang Chen had a mysterious unicorn tattoo on his body.

But I didn’t expect it to work at this time!

The camera shot Zhang Chen’s back, the black unicorn tattoo has turned into a fire unicorn!

as big as World, nothing is nonexistent!

He was an eye-opener today!This morning is really the first strange person in ancient and modern times!

The barrage exploded again at this moment. It has been a week since Zhang Chen revealed the unicorn tattoo. Although they were looking forward to it, they never expected to see it in such a way!

Last time Zhang 2.0 Chen defeated King Zhou Yi with his blood-eyed unicorn, but this time he turned into a fire unicorn!

But it looks even more handsome than before!

And the fire unicorn tattoo is more solid and three-dimensional!

“Cowhide! Blind my eyes! This is really a fire unicorn!”

“6666! Brother Rexi died in vain!”

“Really handsome, Zhang Chen really looks like a man who came out of hell!”


At this moment, Zhang Chen’s back figure with a fire unicorn on his shoulder once again conquered hundreds of millions of viewers!

This kind of shock even made them temporarily forget that the two lives disappeared on the live broadcast screen! .

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