Chapter 136 Death is coming! Both killed! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“It can still fly…what is this…”

Huang Lei’s face was full of horror, and the light blue flying insects with blue light in his sight were slowly approaching him!

“Don’t move!”

“It’s a fire ladybug!”

“If you touch it, it will be burned into nothingness!”

Zhang Chen’s cold voice sounded.

Everyone shivered suddenly, looking in horror at the fire ladybug who was slowly leaning on it, there was a feeling of death coming!

In the live broadcast room, countless barrages suddenly exploded!

Zhang Chen’s words cast a terrifying veil on the beautiful light spot!

If you touch it, it will be burned into nothingness…

“It’s over! It’s not going to end, right? There are so many fire ladybugs, how to hide?”

“Did Zhang Chen see it wrong? Maybe this is Yinghuo?”

“Zhang Chen’s words have never been missed, this is really over!”


On the screen, the three guests, Mr. Fang, almost held their breath, staring at the screen with their pockets wide open!

“Shen Ming, do you know this kind of bug?”

Ye Daochang said suspiciously, just now Zhang Chen said that this is a fire ladybug, and it will die if it gets on it. It reminds him of the karmic fire of the Buddhist family, which can burn all the sins of the prison!

But that is something in the legend, is there such a flame in the world?

“I don’t know! Unheard of!”

Shen Ming shook his head dumbly. Although he didn’t know it, the flames that danced like spirits gave him a strong aura of danger!

“Is this bug really that dangerous?”

Fang Tangyi also stared at Shen Mingdao nervously.

“There is a law of survival in the wild!”

“That is, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are!”

Shen Ming nodded heavily.

Fang Tangyi was shocked, and his heart became even more dignified. If it was something like zongzi, he wasn’t worried, but with such small bugs and so many numbers, does Zhang Chen really have a way to deal with them?

In the picture, the members of the guest group are pale into paper, and their bodies are shaking slightly. At this moment, they can’t do anything. They can only pray in their hearts that these beautiful blue lights will not come close to them!

Since entering the underground, Zhang Chen has never felt so powerless!

Although he doesn’t know much about the original plot, he also knows the horror of this fire ladybug!

The damn system doesn’t have any prompts at this time!

He even held his breath, worried that the moving air would attract the attention of these fire ladybugs!

Time goes by second by second!

Those light blue light spots floated and converged around their bodies, but they didn’t mean to attack them!

Zhang Chen rolled his throat, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, as if these insects did not intend to attack them…

Maybe hold on for another minute and the bugs will fly away!

Sure enough, a miraculous scene appeared. Those light blue spots of light suddenly gathered in the center of the golden pupil, as if they were summoned by the Tao!

A radius of 100 meters, dense broken shellsThe sound exploded, and another large light blue spot shot up into the sky!

The light blue light in the center of the pupil converges into a huge sphere of light!

Zhang Chen’s heart tightened, isn’t this the pupil of the giant eye?


Rexi suddenly like crazy, pushes Tubal away suddenly, and rushes towards the intersection where he came!

Tubal’s face changed dramatically in an instant, and his palms hung empty in the air!

Everyone is even wider and quieter, and their pupils are full of horror!

Zhang Chen’s expression changed greatly, his eyes fixed on the light blue ball of light!

No one thought that Rexi would suddenly go crazy!

What will happen next, no one knows!

Time seems to stand still, no one dares to move, not even breathing and heartbeat!


In the shocked eyes of everyone, the light blue ball of light suddenly exploded!

Almost instantly wrapped Rexi together!

“elder brother!”

Tubal is dazzling!

I saw that Rexi’s body was instantly enveloped by light blue fire, and it turned into a plume of blue smoke within a few seconds!


Huang Lei was stunned!

This is the first time they have seen a living person die in front of them since their show started!

And it was still burned into nothingness by the flames!

Sun Honglei blinked his eyes and his face was blank. Although he hated the Rexi brothers, it was a life after all…

The kind of scene where you see a living life disappear before your eyes, you can’t understand it without experiencing it yourself!

“Retribution! Retribution! I knew that I shouldn’t have harmed those people…”

Tubal looked in pain, snot and tears flowed down his nose, and he cried weakly with his head in his arms!

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・・・

“To shut up!”

Zhang Chen scolded in a deep voice, he is different from the guest members. Although he was shocked to see Rexi burned into nothingness, he was able to adjust quickly. After all, it was not the first time he saw the death of people around him!

Tubal was startled, suddenly raised his head, and found in horror that those light blue light spots suddenly flew towards him!

He turned his head and ran, and instantly plunged into the golden light!

A scream of scorching smell rushed towards you!


Huang Lei’s face turned green instantly, and he retched in pain while covering his stomach!

Huang Bo, Sun Honglei and others are already on the verge of a nervous breakdown, seeing Brother Rexi die in front of them…

I don’t know what to do next…

…… 0

Zhang Chen looked pale and said, “These insects on the ground should be the larvae of the fire ladybug!”

“If we move the larvae of these fire ladybugs, it will definitely cause fire ladybugs to attack!”

Everyone’s heart sank.

“Looks like it’s too late…”

Huang Bo’s trembling voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone turned their heads and saw a fire ladybug emitting light blue light floating in front of Huang Bo!

Everyone just wanted to remind Huang Bo not to move, but suddenly found a fire ladybug flashing light blue dots in their sight!

“Zhang Chen….what should we do now…”

Huang Bo’s voice has a cry, as long as the fire ladybug gets close to him, his body will instantly turn into nothingness!

But Huang Bo didn’t hear Zhang Chen’s answer…

Everyone turned their heads in horror, but saw a fire ladybug appearing on the tip of Zhang Chen’s nose!

Everyone’s heart sank, it’s over! Zhang Chen is also unable to protect himself!

“The Resi brothers have angered these fire ladybugs!”

“That’s too late……”

Zhang Chen’s voice sounded.

Everyone’s faces were pale, and the fear of death instantly shrouded their hearts. The three girls, Fat Di and Yaya, burst into tears. No one was willing to die, and neither did they!

But if you can’t avoid it, then you can only die gracefully!

“It’s just a gamble!”

A ruthless look flashed in Zhang Chen’s eyes, and he murmured!

Everyone looked at Zhang Chen in shock, only to see Zhang Chen’s two fingers slowly digging deep into the fire ladybug! Xi.

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