Chapter 138 Overlord Salamander! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Zhang Chen’s whole body was surrounded by light blue flames, and the larvae on the ground did not dare to attack Zhang Chen at all, all the way unobstructed!

Soon everyone came to the opposite side.

The pale blue light of the fire ladybug illuminated the cliff, and in front of everyone there was a passage with a height of about two meters.

Looking from the entrance of the channel, you can only see a light blue light flashing in the depths of the channel, and soon the blue light completely disappeared in the channel!

Obviously this channel is the exit!

At the same time, it also confirmed that his speculation was correct!

“I’m going, there’s really an exit! Zhang Chen, you are really amazing, just based on a few words from Brother Rexi, you can infer that there is an exit here!”

Huang Bo gave Zhang Chen a thumbs up in surprise.

Zhang Chen nodded slightly, glanced at everyone and said: ‘This passage should be entering a mysterious space. After entering, it is very likely that people will suffer from illusions. You must be careful! ’

“This time the level of danger is not as bad as before. The two brothers, Rexi, have also seen it, and it will really kill people!”

Zhang Chen’s words made everyone shudder.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

At this moment, the flames around Zhang Chen’s body have disappeared, but the fiery red unicorn is still on his shoulders, in the dark cave, giving people a mysterious feeling.

“These brothers deserved it too. Did you hear what Tubal said before he died? I estimate that many members of the expedition team were killed by this brother!”

Sun Honglei said while walking in the cave.

“Well, that’s why good and evil have reincarnations, it’s not that they don’t repay, it’s just that the time has not come!”

Huang Lei also nodded in agreement. Although Brother Rexi’s death had shocked them greatly, but now that he calmed down, he also felt that these two brothers were dead, and if this brother continued to walk with them, he might kill them all. kill.

The most obvious one was when they encountered the fire ladybug. If Zhang Chen hadn’t taken a risk, they would have been burned to ashes by now!

The passage is oval, extending upwards, and smooth all around, a bit like a casino slide!

Everyone thought it was a little weird, thinking that this was specially built by someone, so that people could fall from this passage and become food for bugs!

After a while, everyone found that something was wrong. As their position went deeper, the temperature of the surrounding air and the rock wall of the passage was dropping rapidly!

And soon, they discovered that the rock wall had turned into ice!

“Is this the Kunlun Glacier?”

Huang Lei was surprised.

Zhang Chen nodded, looked at the exits in front of him, and said, “It should be! The Rexi brothers slipped into the abyss through this passage, and the Kunlun Glacier should be nearby!”

Everyone nodded, but also quickly discovered that there was only one channel that was inclined forward, and it turned into three, showing hesitation at that time.

“Which way should we go?”

Sun Honglei said in surprise.

“It’s a pity that the group of bugs flew too fast, otherwise I could follow the bugs out!”

Huang Bo smacked his mouth.

“Don’t! I don’t want to encounter those unlucky things again, let’s avoid them!”

The corner of Sun Honglei’s mouth could not help but twitch.

Zhang Chen pointed to the ice cave in the front center and said, “It should be this one!”

After all, he was the first to get in.

Everyone now only believes in Zhang Chen, and when they see Zhang Chen go in, they also follow him with their buttocks pouted.

After climbing another few dozen meters, Zhang Chen heard the sound of water flowing in the distance.

He turned around in surprise and said to everyone, “There is an underground river ahead, we should go out!”

the crowdWhen the strength came, he quickly followed Zhang Chen and climbed out of the hole!

There is soft sand under my feet. I took a flashlight and found that this is a riverbed, and there is a fast-flowing river not far away!

It’s a bit like the scene where they came out of the Cishan Tomb, but the difference is that this underground river is very narrow and shallow, and there are ice cubes floating on it!

Needless to say, the temperature of the river water should be close to zero!

If they passed by with their bare hands, they would probably freeze into ice lumps!

“Have we taken a fork in the road? This shouldn’t be the passage where Rexi and the others came down, right?”

Lin Yu wondered, according to Zhang Chen, Brother Rexi fell into the hallway and slipped down, but there is such a wide underground river, it cannot slide into the abyss smoothly.


Zhang Chen shook his head and said, “Rexi and the others should have entered the office room, where it is difficult to enter under the Kunlun Glacier, and I guess the fire ladybug should have flown in there too!”

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and avoided the fire ladybug and the organ room, which would be better.

“Look, there are stone steps there!”

Huang Bo, who had been observing with a flashlight, suddenly pointed to the side thirty meters away.

Everyone looked up and saw a row of stone piers in the narrowest part of the river!

Although the size of the stone pier is not 560, and the surface is not very smooth, if you are careful, you can still reach the other side of the river.

“Let’s go!”

Zhang Chen nodded and walked towards the stone pier.

It seemed that he had escaped from the dead and finally reached his final destination. Huang Bo seemed very excited. He carried the engineer shovel, inserted it into the river, and walked forward.

After stepping on it a few times, he excitedly said to the crowd: “It’s very strong!”

“Bo Ge, be careful. Last time we were at the exit of Cishan Tomb, we encountered a big crocodile in the underground river. If there are also here, you are in danger!”

Huang Lei reminded with a smile.

“It’s good to have a crocodile, brother will make crocodile meat for you!”

Huang Bo didn’t care, he flipped over the stone pier sensitively, but when he was in the middle, he suddenly stopped, feeling that something was wrong with the stone pier under his feet!

“Hey, why is this stone pier so soft! Isn’t it firm?”

Huang Bo stepped on his feet a few times and felt that something was wrong, so he took a flashlight and took a picture. It didn’t matter, the cold sweat all over his body came out!

A huge shadow appeared in the water!

And what he was stepping on was the back of the shadow! .

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