Chapter 135 The Curse of Ghost Eyes! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Huang Lei, Huang Bo and others also stared at Rexi vigilantly.

“Look at what you said, how could we have been here! Nothing!”

Rexi shook her head, but her face looked a little unnatural.

“There should be something down there, keep digging!”

Zhang Chen didn’t question Rexi, but turned to Sun Honglei.


Sun Honglei nodded solemnly, pushed Batur away, and continued to dig with a shovel.

Sure enough, as Zhang Chen said, Sun Honglei dug out the head of the belt, buttons, and a golden tooth!

“This is from a dead man?”

Sun Honglei held a golden tooth and said in surprise.

Everyone’s expressions changed slightly when they saw what was dug up. Before they came, the driver told them that Brother Rexi was not a good thing.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

However, everyone has no evidence, but the reaction of the Rexi brothers just now is obviously that they know these items!

Zhang Chen turned his head, glanced at the two of them coldly and said, “The bones are all burnt to ashes, so these things are left, but the owners of these items, you guysshould know? ”

Rexi stared at Zhang Chen’s eyes, and his face showed nervousness again. After a long time, he sighed: “Forget it, we brothers will not hide it from you!”

“These things were collected by a team looking for the Kunlun Glacier three years ago!”

“They were a group of more than 20 people. Like you, they were all fully armed. There were also experts in exploration. At that time, we also encountered a sand and snow storm. They were lost in the sand and snow storm. Our brothers were brought out by camels!”

“I told you about this before. I thought they all died in the sand and snow storm, but I didn’t expect the things on them to be here!”

Tubal also nodded, stared at Zhang Chen and said, “We were afraid that you might misunderstand, so we didn’t admit it!”


Zhang Chen showed a sneer, glanced at the two with a little deep meaning and said, “The past has nothing to do with us, but I remind you, don’t make bad ideas, I can take you out of here, too. Let you stay here forever々¨!”

Tubal’s face froze, his pupils flickered a few times, and he still nodded.

The three continued to dig forward, but the guest group was obviously wary of the two, and the atmosphere was much more depressed than before.

But not long after, Zhang Chen dug out a bunch of Luoyang shovels, kettles, pistols, daggers, charred mobile phones and the like…

Obviously, this is also left by the deceased, but from these styles, it seems that it is not the same age as the items found earlier.

At least five years apart!

And Zhang Chen also noticed that Rexi and Tubal’s faces became more and more ugly.

Eyes don’t lie, obviously they know these things too!

Sun Honglei gave Zhang Chen a wink and signaled Zhang Chen to be careful of the two!

Zhang Chen nodded and continued to dig forward!


Another crisp sound.

Zhang Chen frowned, there is something else!

How many people died here?

“Stop digging!”

Rexi suddenly trembled.

“What’s the meaning?”

Sun Honglei stared at Rexi coldly.

Rexi swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said solemnly: “If we dig further, we may all die here!”

“say clearly!”

Zhang Chen said coldly, he had already seen that these two guys were hiding things.

“These people are all members of the expedition team brought in before…the curse is real…”

Rexi said with an abnormal expression, his eyes were full of fear.

“What curse?”

Zhang Chen was taken aback, grabbed Rexi’s collar and asked.

Tubal suddenly grabbed Zhang Chen’s arm and stared at Zhang Chen solemnly!

“Do you want to go on the road for your brother?”

Zhang Chen said coldly.

Tubal’s face froze, he noticed the strong strength of Zhang Chen’s arm, his sharp eyes dimmed a little, he let go of his hand as if he had made up his mind, looked at Rexi with a little deep meaning, and stretched out his hand to unbutton his shirt. ..

Rexi returned to normal in an instant, grabbed Tubal’s shoulder suddenly, and shook his head in horror.

“It’s all at this time, we must continue to hide it, both of us will die here!”

Tubal’s face was full of unwillingness.

Rexi’s eyes flashed a look of struggle, but he finally let go.

Everyone stared at Tubal with wide eyes!

I only saw Tubal taking off his shirt, revealing his dark and broad shoulders, and on the shoulder blade, there is a pattern in the shape of an eye!

“Is this the curse of the Absolute Queen?”

Zhang Chen’s pupils flickered, this brother seems to have really been to the depths of the Kunlun Glacier!


Tubal nodded.

“Legend, anyone with this curse will die under the Kunlun Glacier!”

“These people have such eye curses on their shoulders just like us! We didn’t believe it, but we didn’t expect them to die here…”

Tubal sighed, there was a gloom in his eyes, which is why they didn’t want to enter the Kunlun Glacier even if they died!

It’s just unexpected, fate made fun of it, and finally got here!

“¨. I know that Mr. Zhang is unusual, but we can’t continue to move forward, or even if we find the exit, we will die under the Kunlun Glacier!”

Batur pleaded.

But Zhang Chen shook his head: “Anyone who has a curse will die sooner or later due to physical exhaustion. If you want to lift the curse, you can only find the tomb of Queen Jingjue!”

When Tuba heard this, Er’s face froze, his lips moved a few times, but he was speechless.

“fire Fire…..”

Suddenly, Rexi, who looked terrified, pointed at Zhang Chen’s back in horror and said in horror.Zhang Chen’s face changed greatly, he only felt that the temperature around him suddenly increased, and the golden light around him suddenly lit up!

Even that brightness is stronger than when they first entered here!

“Curse….everyone has to die…”

Rexi looked insane, his eyes were full of horror, and his whole body was shaking.

“you shut up!”

(Good promise) Sun Honglei was full of unease, and when he heard Rexi’s words, he immediately cursed angrily.

Tubal also frowned to appease Rexi.

“how so….”

Huang Lei’s eyes widened, he didn’t understand which link went wrong!

Zhang Chen glanced down and found that they had reached the center of the golden pupil at this moment!

The golden light under your feet is getting stronger and stronger!

Finally covered up the sight!

Zhang Chen felt uneasy in his heart, feeling that something was going to happen!

Sure enough, in the next second, he saw a few light blue spots suddenly appear in the golden pupil with the most golden light!

The owner of the light spot is a fingernail-sized flying insect festival!

“Fire Ladybug…”

Zhang Chen opened his mouth slightly, and just wanted to tell everyone to retreat, but suddenly found that there were also dense light blue spots in the position behind him!

It’s like the most beautiful elf in the world!

The light blue light dots beat gently, slowly gathering towards the crowd…

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