Chapter 130: Thrilling Escape

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I saw the light spots that formed the golden giant pupils, nothing else, it was just a luminous bug!

The tail part of the bug’s body is like a firefly, constantly shining with golden light!

However, unlike fireflies, these bugs are much larger and have no wings or limbs!

Zhang Chen was shocked and instantly understood why these insects formed golden eyes!

They should not have the ability to prey, so they evolved to use the golden light in their bodies to create hallucinations. Once the creatures see the giant golden eyes, they will be confused by the giant golden eyes, so they fall into the swarm and become their food!

“Wake up! That’s an illusion!”

Zhang Chen, who woke up, shouted at everyone!

Everyone’s bodies froze in place!

Zhang Chen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this. It was only a matter of time before these people became food for bugs!

Zhang Chen’s voice was like thunder, and it woke everyone up!

Everyone found that their sights gradually changed, the Golden Avenue disappeared, and the surrounding environment became clear and bright, but the huge golden eye was still under their feet!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

at your feet? twenty one

Everyone was horrified, and they only felt that the whole body was horrified. At this moment, they were already standing on the edge of the platform. As long as they took a step forward, they would fall into the abyss below!

“What’s going on? I just saw that the golden eyes are on the opposite side?”

Sun Honglei looked horrified. He had the strongest desire, so he was most prone to hallucinations!

“I seemed to have seen a golden avenue just now, but it suddenly disappeared. Could it be my hallucination?”Huang Bo said with a look of horror.

“You have just been hit by the golden eye illusion, everything you see is an illusion, look at your feet, if you take a step forward, it will become the food for the golden eye!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.

“You mean that eyes can eat people?”

Huang Lei looked horrified. He didn’t have Zhang Chen’s vision. Standing on the platform, he could only see the golden eyes blinking slowly, but he couldn’t tell what the golden eyes were.

When everyone heard Huang Lei’s words, they were shocked and their eyes would eat people. That’s not a monster!

They looked at Zhang Chen anxiously!

I saw Zhang Chen shook his head and said, “Golden pupils are made of luminous bugs. These bugs have no limbs and wings, and cannot move nimbly. They can only rely on this illusion to control creatures and throw themselves into the net!”

“Another bug?”

Sun Honglei opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief. Ever since they entered the ground, they have been encountering bugs, corpse bugs on top, and bugs that emit golden light and can perform illusions!

He scolded secretly, it’s really been eight lifetimes of blood mold, if there is a chance, I have to fry this thing and eat it!

“Nature is amazing, even such wonderful creatures exist!”

“As the spirit of all things, I almost fell into their tricks!”

Lin Yu said with a terrified expression, if Zhang Chen hadn’t woken them up just now, I’m afraid he would have become a pile of bones by now.

“Don’t stare at the pupils of your eyes and you’ll be fine. This kind of bug uses visual loopholes to make people’s eyes ignore the surrounding environment, thus creating an illusion!”

Zhang Chen looked at the crowd and warned.

“I see…..”

Huang Lei nodded, a very simple truth is that when people stare at a target for more than ten seconds in normal times, the environment around the target will become blurred.

But in fact, the environment has not changed, but the human eye ignores the surrounding environment because of its special concentration.

“How do I feel, it’s like we’re on an alien planet…”

“The bugs above can control the corpse, and the bugs below can create illusions, which is even more exciting than science fiction movies!”

Sun Honglei smacked his mouth with surprise.

“Rare and strange, there are many magical creatures, but you have no chance to see them!”

Huang Lei Road.

“Zhang Chen, are we going down now?”

Fat Di lost interest when he saw Huang Lei and the three of them started fighting again, and went to Zhang Chen and asked.


Zhang Chen nodded, naturally there is no reason to go out, and he always felt that this place might be related to the secret of the legendary Kunlun Glacier!

“Then will it be dangerous for us to go down?”

Fat Di showed a little nervous expression, after all, below is the lair of golden light bugs…

“There is definitely danger, but we can’t go back now, can we?”

Zhang Chen glanced at the road above.

Fat Di raised his head in astonishment, and suddenly found that the hanging iron rope had disappeared…

Zhang Chen glanced at everyone and said, “Have you seen the rock wall at the end of the passage?”

When everyone heard the words, they immediately turned their heads and took pictures with their flashlights.

Suddenly, I found that there were dense honeycomb-shaped caves everywhere on the rock wall, and I suddenly showed a surprised look.

“Why are there so many caves? Isn’t this a beehive?”

Sun Honglei is now extremely sensitive to bugs. When he saw the honeycomb-shaped cave, he immediately thought of a beehive, and a strange image of a car-sized wasp living in the cave appeared in his mind.

‘”Do you think you are a Titan planet! With such a large hive, how big is the wasp?”

Huang Bo glanced at Sun Honglei with contempt.

“The current natural environment is not enough to produce oversized insects.”

Seeing this, Lin Yu couldn’t help but say something.

Zhang Chen glanced at everyone, shook his head and said, “Don’t guess, it’s not an insect, but maybe there are bugs!”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes: ‘Let me tell you, it may be the nest of the bug 070! ’

“Zhang Chen, how do you know there are bugs in it?”

Huang Lei wondered, it seems that Zhang Chen didn’t go there just now. Could it be that he has clairvoyance?

Huang Bolinyu, Fat Di and the others don’t know whether Zhang Chen guessed it or was really sure that there were insects in the cave. If there were, how many insects would there be in the dense cave!

“The coffins in the warehouse were transported from the cave here!”

“So, there’s probably a corpse in there!”

Zhang Chen said.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and suddenly showed a stunned look. The platform under their feet is the center of the cave and the top. Zhang Chen’s statement is indeed correct, and there is a real possibility that the coffin is placed in the cave!

“I’m going! It turns out that these caves are tombshole? ”

Sun Honglei looked around in surprise and found that there were nearly 10,000 caves all over the abyss, and an unbelievable expression flashed in his eyes again: “How many people will die?”

“I’ve seen records of this type of hanging coffins in ancient books before, including the fact that ethnic minorities in remote areas still use this type of burial~!”

Lin Yu was a little surprised.

“By the way, the distance between these caves is not very big, just enough for me to climb along the cave to the bottom!”

“Also, the Japanese pirates built a base here and transported so many coffins, maybe these caves are empty?”

Huang Bo’s eyes suddenly lit up. .

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