Chapter 129 The abyss is extremely high! Golden giant pupil! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“What a hell! What luck is this Hong Lei, it’s all right!”

Huang Bo complained, but even though he said so, his eyes were shining brightly. He put on gloves, for fear that others would snatch him like him, holding the rope and slipping into the golden light quickly!

Then there are Huang Lei, Lin Yu, and Fat Di and others!

This time Zhang Chen chose to go down last. Now it seems that the top is more dangerous than the bottom. The flames at the door have been extinguished, and the corpses and those bats may rush in at any time.

Leaving three girls is more prone to accidents!

But until everyone entered the golden light, Zhang Chen didn’t notice any danger.

In the live broadcast screen, as Zhang Chen entered, the screen was full of golden light, and even the camera could not pass through the rich golden light.

The guest commentators fell into silence, quietly looking at the screen like the audience, waiting for the final answer to be revealed “six five seven”!

Zhang Chen’s descent was very fast, and he quickly caught up with the crowd.

He looked down and saw a platform below, with ladders extending in all directions around the platform.

The structure of the ladder should be the same as the ring ladder on the rock wall above, but it is more complete than the top = a lot!

Everyone who has come down in advance stood on the platform and looked down!

After Zhang Chen landed, he found that the golden light had weakened a bit. He looked around and found that the place where he was now was the meeting point of the ladders.

Walk in any direction from the current location to the south, south, northwest, and you can find a rock wall dozens of meters away!

He looked carefully, and was surprised to find that there were countless honeycomb-shaped caves on the rock wall, but those caves were very large, big enough to fit a coffin!

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then looked up again, and suddenly understood why there were so many coffins in the warehouse above!

It turned out that they were all hanging coffins that were transported away from the rock wall!

What only makes him more puzzled is that there are tens of thousands of caves on the surrounding rock walls, which means that there are probably tens of thousands of coffins buried here!

What kind of country or nation would choose to bury the coffin in the cliffs of the abyss for generations?

“Follow me and have a look over there!”

Zhang Chen turned his head and said to everyone, but what surprised him was that everyone seemed to have not heard his words, still staring blankly at the bottom.

He frowned slightly, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

He took a few steps forward, stretched out his head and looked down, suddenly showing a shocked expression!

The dazzling golden light is emitted from below, and it is not gold at all, Buddha, but a huge eye!

Those eyes are so huge that it is indescribable, almost occupying the bottom of the abyss!

And it looks extremely like a woman’s eyes!

Round and beautiful!

And the weirdest thing is that the eye doesn’t seem to be a dead thing, it is slowly blinking towards the sky above the abyss!

Slow and graceful!

Gives a very pleasant feeling!

Look carefully, you can even see a warm and soft look in your eyes, which makes people want to get closer!

At this moment, the live broadcast camera presents huge golden eyes to hundreds of millions of viewers!

If you are in a city street, you will suddenly feel that the city is a little quiet!

Don’t be surprised, that’s because 1 in 10 people in this city are staring at golden eyes on their phone screens!

Even across the screen, you will still be infected by those beautiful eyes. It seems that in those beautiful golden eyes, everyone can find the tenderness that comforts their souls!

The quiet atmosphere extended to the studio of the program group, and everyone stared at the slowly blinking golden giant pupil in amazement!

Chaotic thoughts flashed through their minds!

I didn’t believe that the golden giant pupil was real, but it was extremely real, and it even blinked realistically!

Does it really have the power of gods?

I don’t know what this golden giant pupil is…

Zhang Chen was stunned. His previous life experience seemed to have no effect at this moment. He had never seen such a bizarre scene!

There is actually a giant golden pupil hidden in the abyss tomb, and the Japanese pirates did notSave a lot of money and seal the huge golden pupils in the abyss.

What are they afraid of….

What’s so weird about this golden giant pupil…

Countless questions swirled in Zhang Chen’s mind, and gradually he discovered strangely that the surrounding environment had changed!

The honeycomb hole on the rock wall disappeared, and the ladder extending to the rock wall also disappeared….

In the end, even the entire abyss turned golden, and the platform under his feet also turned into a golden light, as if they were all bathed in the golden light emitted by the giant golden pupils…  

Their bodies are slowly tilting, and it seems that the golden giant pupils are slowly rising. Anyway, their bodies and the golden giant pupils have become relatively parallel!

A golden light slowly looked towards their feet from the center of the golden giant pupil!

It seems that the golden giant pupil is sending a signal to let them approach!

Zhang Chen only felt cold all over his body, a huge sense of crisis flooded his body, and he felt that his consciousness was gradually being controlled by the golden giant pupil.

And Sun Honglei’s body is slowly walking along the golden light!

Then Huang Lei, Huang Bo, Lin Yu, Fatty and others are slowly approaching!

They have comfortable smiles on their faces, as if they have found the most beautiful and most wanted thing in their hearts!

Zhang Chen broke out in a cold sweat, he felt as if some power was wiping away his memory of the abyss before, making him silent in the golden light in front of him without any worries!



Zhang Chen shouted in his heart, because he was too excited, the unicorn tattoo on his shoulder slowly emerged!

A new sense of power surged through the whole body!

At this moment, a golden light spot suddenly lit up in his dark pupil, and then it seemed to burst open, quickly occupying the entire pupil!

His eyes turned golden!

“Delusional Eyes!”

A Sanskrit-like cry resounded in his heart!

Like ripples, the scene in the line of sight is slowly changing. …

The golden light under the feet disappeared, the passage was extending towards the depths, the dark and steep rock walls, and the dense 1.7 hemp honeycomb-shaped openings slowly emerged!

The golden giant pupil jumped down strangely again!

He was shocked to find that his feet were already standing on the edge of the platform, and he stepped forward into the abyss!

The pupils with golden light are slowly and clearly getting up, it is a golden giant pupil composed of lines!

The line segment is composed of countless golden light points!

Those golden light spots, like breathing, flicker on and off regularly!

The constant alternation of light and dark finally gives the illusion of blinking golden giant pupils!


It’s all an illusion!

Zhang Chen frowned and stared at the golden light spots that formed the giant golden pupils, but the next second, his pupils shrank suddenly…

Lips moved, with a shocked expression on his face: “This is…”.

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