Chapter 131 The golden pupil disappears! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Bogo is right! But are you sure we want to go down?”

Huang Lei lowered his head and glanced at Jin Tong below, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

“The iron rope that went up is gone, what will you do if you don’t go down?”

Huang Bo spreads his hands, he has practiced rock climbing for a week, and it shouldn’t take much effort to get off the rock wall.

“Let’s go! Go down and have a look first!”

Zhang Chen waved his hands to greet everyone.

In the studio, Fang Tangyi took out a tissue and wiped the sweat on his forehead. Just now, he almost had Jin Tong’s hallucination!

He secretly said something magical, but he was watching it across the screen! He didn’t expect to be influenced by Dao, and at the same time he realized how powerful Zhang Chen, who was the first to wake up from the hallucination, was!

“What an amazing bug!”

Shen Ming said with excitement, as a wild survival expert, this mysterious insect is the most curious and interesting!

But unfortunately, he didn’t see the real appearance of the insects from the lens!

“I feel that I am a little unworthy of the title of this back-up guest. To be honest, I have never heard of such a bug that can create illusions in the world!”

Fang Lao sighed.

Hearing this, Shen Ming showed a hint of embarrassment: “Old Fang, don’t say that! You are an archaeology expert, not an insect expert, so it’s normal if you don’t know each other, and you’re not afraid of embarrassment. To be honest, I’ve never heard of this kind of bug! ”

When Fang Lao saw this, he showed a bit of a wry smile. Originally, they thought that as members of the support group, they could help the guests analyze the difficulties they encountered!

But I didn’t expect it to become an audience, and I couldn’t analyze anything at all!

“Don’t be modest, the two of you, I, the head of Wudang, dare not speak now…”

Daochang Ye said with a wry smile, he originally thought that the feng shui mechanism in the tomb could be understood by him, but he did not expect that the tomb did not match his path at all!

Don’t pay attention to Feng Shui at all!

It’s like the mysterious unknown world!

“It’s alright, didn’t Zhang Chen say he wants to go down? Later, we will learn from Zhang Chen’s perspective and see what this bug looks like.’ !”

Shen Ming smiled bitterly.

The audience watching the live broadcast heard the commentator’s powerless self-mockery, and they all typed a series of words on the barrage: “6666!”

In the camera, Zhang Chen and the guest group have come to the front of the cliff. In front of them are all dense caves, and each cave is one meter apart!

There are also grooves chiseled with tools on the rock wall in the middle!

This shows that these caves are not naturally formed, but built by humans, and the purpose should be to bury the dead here!

Zhang Chen looked around and found that the nearby caves were all empty!

Obviously, the coffin in the cave has been transported to the warehouse above by the Japanese pirates!

He looked down and saw that the depth of the bottom was as much as 100 meters!

The rope that I brought when I came here is 35 meters long, and I need at least three ropes to get to the bottom!

But for safety, he needs six!

He turned his head and said to everyone, “Is everyone’s rope still there?”

Sun Honglei glanced down at the empty backpack with an embarrassed expression. When he got down, he thought that there was gold underneath and the rope was thrown away!

Huang Bo pouted, took out three sticks directly from the bag, and handed them to Zhang Chen: “Are three sticks enough?”

“I want six!”

Zhang Chen said.

Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, looked down and found that the depth of the bottom of the valley was only about 100 meters, so he said suspiciously: “Why so much…”

“I have two of them, plus one from Yaya’s belt, there are exactly six!”

Huang Lei found three more and handed them to Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen didn’t say a word, just tied the end of the rope into a round knot, then went around the fence of the passage, and tied the last two ends again!

Six ropes form a loop around the fence!

Then straighten one endThen he threw it into the abyss, then turned his head to look at Huang Bo and said, “This is safe! You are good at rock climbing, so go ahead!”

Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood Zhang Chen’s intention. After he got down, he could pull a section of the rope, and the other person could slowly descend as long as he grabbed the other section!

However, when he turned his head and glanced at the deep and mysterious valley bottom again, his legs were a little weak, and the height of the previous practice was only more than 20 meters!

Now, I’m going down a 100-meter-deep valley, and who knows what dangers lie below, I’m inevitably a little nervous.

“What’s the matter, Xiaobo?”

“Isn’t it okay? If you don’t, just say it, brother will do it for you!”

Sun Honglei saw the hesitation in Huang Bo’s eyes, and smiled.


Huang Bo glared at Sun Honglei, pulled out a rope buckle from the bag with his backhand, walked forward and hung it on the rope, and then wrapped the bandage on the rope buckle around his waist and locked it!

After getting ready, he gritted his teeth and said to Sun Honglei and Huang Lei: “¨. This rope loop is not fixed, you have to hold it!”

“Don’t worry! When it’s safe, just shout!”

Sun Honglei grinned and said with a look of schadenfreude.

Huang Bo cursed in a low voice and slowly descended along the cliff!

About fifteen minutes later, everyone saw that Huang Bo’s palm-sized figure was waving at them.

“It’s safe! Sun Honglei is second! I’m third! Lin Yu, Fat Di, Yaya, Zana, and Huang Lei are second!”

Zhang Chen arranged.

“Why am I second?”

Sun Honglei was taken aback.

“You are strong enough to pull the people behind you!”

Huang Lei smiled.

“That’s it! Then why are you, Fatty Huang, behind the women? Are all the girls stronger than you?”

Sun Honglei said depressedly, obviously whoever goes down first will suffer (the king’s), and he has no problem with going down second, but he is not happy if Huang Lei ranks behind the woman!

“Then you have to ask Zhang Chen, anyway, I will listen to Zhang Chen’s arrangements!”

Huang Lei grinned proudly.

Zhang Chen showed a hint of helplessness: “Huang Lei is the fattest, and it’s hard for people to pull!”

“I’ll go! It seems that the fat man is lucky!”

Sun Honglei was speechless, shook his head, climbed out of the fence, grabbed the rope and slowly descended… Qi.

Huang Lei didn’t seem to have thought that Zhang Chen arranged him for this purpose in the end, and his face was somewhat embarrassed!

Soon, according to Zhang Chen’s arrangement, everyone descended to the bottom one by one!

At the bottom of the valley, everyone was surprised to find that the golden eyes disappeared…

And what’s even weirder is that a golden light is shooting towards them from the far end! .

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