Chapter 128 Golden light in the tomb! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone held their breath and stared at Zhang Chen’s fingers, only to see Zhang Chen’s fingers slowly turning again like a precision machine!

In fact, Zhang Chen only used the basic skills of the Faqiu faction to crack the mechanism!

A more advanced ability is two-finger tomb exploration, which is much more difficult than the current one.

With the passage of time, Zhang Chen quickly found the second point!

The third point after that!

The next picture is even more terrifying. Zhang Chen seems to have found some kind of skill, and the speed of his fingers is getting faster and faster!

Finally, after turning left and right thirteen times, Zhang Chen got up, his expression still solemn – he walked to the other end!

In the live broadcast, Professor Zhao showed a surprised look on his face. The combination lock was not opened. He didn’t know if Zhang Chen had cracked the combination lock just by looking at the screen!

But looking at Zhang Chen’s appearance, it looks like it has been cracked!

“Lao Zhao, what do you say?”

Fang Tangyi laughed.

“Keep watching…”

Professor Zhao’s voice has a trace of unconfidence. If he doesn’t crack it, this Zhang Chen can’t be playing tricks, right?

In the picture, Zhang Chen continued to use the same method, but the speed was several times faster than before!

About three minutes later, Zhang Chen suddenly stood up, reached out to grab both ends of the pole, and turned it hard!


A crisp sound sounded, and the raised iron plate suddenly dented slowly!


Huang Lei was amazed, with an incredible expression on his face, Zhang Chen is too good!

Fat Di’s beautiful eyes are flickering. As the saying goes, serious men are the most attractive. Just now, Zhang Chen focused on cracking the code, so don’t be too handsome!

“Amazing! I’ll take it!”

Huang Bo gave a thumbs up, looking at Zhang Chen like a monster!

In the studio, Professor Zhao in the video looked dumbfounded. At this moment, he didn’t even know what to say!

Full of thoughts, incredible!

“Is Zhang Chen’s body structure different from that of ordinary people?”

He exclaimed in amazement, otherwise he really couldn’t find any other reason to prove why Zhang Chen could hear the subtle abnormal sound of the combination lock with just his ears!

“Old Zhao, I’m willing to admit defeat! You, a security expert, have some time to go wrong!”Fang Tangyi said with a chuckle, he glanced at Shen Ming and Daoist Ye, and wanted to share with them the joy at the moment.

But the expected relaxed expression did not appear on the faces of Shen Ming and Ye Daochang!

Instead, Fang Tangyi saw a deep shock in their pupils!

The smile on his face slowly solidified, and he suddenly looked at the live broadcast screen as if he realized something!

I saw that with the entrance wide open!

A dazzling golden light suddenly poured out from the entrance!

The high brightness even makes the eyes slightly sting!

“Is that a treasure…”

Fang Tangyi muttered to himself, it is said that there are treasures under the Kunlun Glacier, but the current location of the guest group has not reached the Kunlun Glacier, why is there a dazzling golden light in the underground world!

Backstage, Ma Wen, Yu Yang, and all the staff were also stunned at the scene in front of them!

Their expressions are very similar, no matter their position, gender, age, all of them open their mouths and eyes wide!

Who can explain the scene in the lens?

Beneath the abyss, it is not a tomb, but a golden light like the western world!

There is no hell, no ghosts, and no coffins, only endless and vast rays of light cover everything!

At this moment, a Buddha appeared from the underground world, and everyone is not surprised!

After the number of online viewers exceeded 100 million, it stagnated, but since the appearance of the golden light, the number of people has grown wildly!

In just a few minutes, it has increased by as much as 20 million!

This shows that the audience watching the live broadcast is also shocked by the dazzling golden light, and they are eager to recommend it to their friends!

The barrage is strangely unified!

It’s all: “Golden light body protection!”

At the entrance, time seemed to stand still, and everyone stood there dumbfounded, staring at the golden light below the entrance!

Various possibilities quickly appeared in everyone’s mind!


Western sky?




But they were all excluded one by one!

Reason tells them it’s impossible!

But how to explain the sight in front of you?

Nobody knows!

Although Zhang Chen’s expression was not as exaggerated as everyone else’s, it was also full of surprise!


Suddenly, a mechanical humming sound broke the silence!

A pitch-black iron rope slowly descended from the entrance into the dazzling golden light!

But the strange thing is that the iron rope was engulfed by golden light as soon as it entered!

Zhang Chen raised his head in surprise and found that the machine above the iron cable was slowly turning!

・・・ ・Flowers 0 ・・・・・

It seems that the mechanism at the entrance is connected to the iron cable conveyor above. As long as the mechanism is opened, the iron cable will automatically start.

Huang Lei and others are not in the mood to pay attention to where this iron cable came from at the moment, but are thinking about how this iron cable disappeared from sight!

They even suspected that the iron rope was melted by the golden light!

Because in addition to the dazzling golden light, the scalding heat waves are constantly spraying out from below the entrance!

“Amitabha, Buddha bless…”

Huang Bo suddenly knelt on the ground and kowtowed three times at Jin Guang, chanting words in his mouth!

“Bo Ge, what are you doing…”

Sun Honglei was stunned by Huang Bo’s actions, so he started to kneel down and worship the Buddha?


Although the golden light is really weird, he doesn’t believe that the Buddha is really living below, right?

“Pray for peace!”

After three kowtows, Huang Bo immediately put away his pious expression, got up from the ground, and said simply.

“God babbling, don’t think about it at all, this is obviously gold! Otherwise, how could the devil spend so much effort to seal this place?”

Sun Honglei said excitedly. Seeing that everyone didn’t respond much to his statement, he immediately pouted: “I don’t believe it, there is no tomb here!”

“Those coffins were made by devils to hide people’s eyes!”

“There must be golden treasures below, whoever takes it first will have it!”

Speaking of which, Sun Honglei poured out all the equipment in his backpack, put on a pair of gloves, carried an empty bag on his back, and slowly slid down while holding the iron rope!

“Damn it! Is this guy obsessed with money?”

Huang Bo was shocked, he didn’t react just now, and Sun Honglei just went on like this!

“Hong Lei?”

Huang Lei was also confused, and Sun Honglei could no longer be seen in his sight. He shouted anxiously!

“There’s a ladder under here, it’s safe!”

Soon Sun Honglei’s excited voice came from the golden light, as if he really found a golden treasure!”Go down…”

Zhang Chen looked surprised, Sun Honglei really is a talent, just now he has been thinking about what the golden light is, whether there will be unknown danger if he goes down hastily.

But I didn’t expect that a reckless man like Sun Honglei would go straight down!

And what surprised him even more was that Sun Honglei actually found a ladder below! five.

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