Chapter 127 The last step! Unlock with bare hands! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“It’s still Zhang Chen who is careful, Hong Lei didn’t find the point after watching it for a long time!”

Huang Lei gave Zhang Chen a thumbs up, and he didn’t forget to hurt Sun Honglei by the way.

“Fatty Huang! You’re just an afterthought. You’ve been reading the agency books for a week, but haven’t you seen anything?”

Sun Honglei pouted and glared at Huang Lei.

“Everyone, don’t be too happy, it’s not enough to know the mechanism of the mechanism, but also to find a way to open it!”

Lin Yu said, he has a calm personality, and he looks at problems more deeply. Just like Zhang Chen said, he knows that the principle of the agency is simple, but he thinks about it.It is the most difficult to know how to open it. After all, there are nearly a hundred small grooves on it, and each small groove corresponds to a position!

I don’t know how many ways to combine it!

Everyone was stunned and nodded slightly, obviously Lin Yu said the key point.

The director’s team, Ma Wen, frowned slightly when he saw the situation in the picture, although he also understood that without knowing the corresponding position of the groove, the possibility of wanting to open the mechanism is basically zero.

But the ancient Faqiu faction was especially good at opening various organs!

Zhang Chen has a hair mound mark, so he must have mastered the hair mound’s lock-picking stunt!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

The organs in the picture should not be difficult for Zhang Chen!

In order to make the audience better understand the difficulty, Ma Wen arranged for a group of commentators to connect with Professor Zhao Yutang, a well-known security expert in China.

At the same time, Professor Zhao and Professor Fang Tangyi are also familiar friends.

“Professor Zhao has not seen you for a long time. I didn’t expect that we would meet in this way. You must have watched the live broadcast. If the audience wants to know how to open this mechanism, please introduce it to the audience!”

Fang Tangyi looked at Professor Zhao in the video with a slight smile.

“um, yes!”

After listening, Professor Zhao nodded slightly: “This kind of mechanism is also a kind of combination lock. Its security and confidentiality are considered to be above average even at present!”

“Only, although the principle is simple, if there is no professional tool or the corresponding position is not known, the possibility of opening it with bare hands is basically zero!”

“Oh, is it so difficult?”

Fang Tangyi was a little surprised and said, the guest group has come to the entrance of the tomb, can it still be stumped by the password lock?

“Yes, it’s mainly the professionals in the guest group who don’t have professional tools and don’t seem to have password locks either!”

Professor Zhao nodded and continued to explain: “I may explain it better for everyone to understand. There are two such combination locks in total. One lock has 200 grooves, and each groove corresponds to each other. Generally, this The number of corresponding points that need to be cracked for this kind of combination lock is thirteen!”

“That is to say, the members of the guest group need to rotate thirteen times and find the exact position each time before they can open the combination lock!”

“According to the mathematical arrangement and combination calculation, the probability of finding a corresponding point is 1%!”

“The probability that all corresponding points are found is thirteen times one percent multiplied!”

“The final result, I will not calculate, you should have imagined how many?”

After listening to Professor Zhao’s explanation, the barrage was shocked!

If you look for it according to this experimental method, I am afraid that you will not be able to find it!

“I’m going, is the guest group stumped by a password lock?”

“I believe in Zhang Chen! Zhang Chen can definitely open it!”

“Zhang Chen has the stunt of moving mountains and opening organs! This Professor Zhao is probably just watching the show, right?”


There is a lot of discussion on the barrage.

“Lao Zhao, are you selling out again?”

Fang Tangyi pondered for a moment and suddenly said, “If it’s really as difficult as you said, how did others open it up?”

“Needless to say, Kenkai has a way to identify the location, right?”

Shen Ming also nodded slightly. Although these grooves don’t seem to be very different, there must be a corresponding method!

“Of course! But it’s not for sale. When manufacturing this special combination lock, in order to facilitate opening, an independent corresponding method will be set, and the grooves on it will naturally have subtle differences!”

“But if you don’t know the meaning of the groove difference, it’s useless to see the difference!”

“It’s like a codebook. It’s useless if you only know the password but don’t know the codebook!”

Professor Zhao explained.

Fang Tangyi looked surprised after hearing this. So, he couldn’t open it without the help of equipment?

He stared at the screen with some concern (cbdi)!

I saw in the picture, Zhang Chen glanced at Lin Yu and nodded slightly: “You are right, it is useless to know the principle but not the opening method!”

“So in order to open, I need absolute silence right now!”

Everyone was stunned and looked at Zhang Chen with some puzzlement. They saw that Zhang Chen suddenly squatted down and approached the position of the mechanism with his ears. Two long fingers pinched the mechanism at the front of the bar and slowly rotated in a clockwise direction. stand up!

His movements are extremely subtle, if you don’t look carefully, it’s hard to see that his fingers are moving!

Everyone looked surprised, and suddenly remembered that in the TV show, those masters who opened safes would use stethoscopes to drop above the combination lock, and then slowly twist the combination lock to distinguish the specific location from the subtle mechanical collision!

It’s just that you need to use tools to amplify the sound ten times!

Can Zhang Chen do it with just his ears?

Although I haveDoubt, but at this moment everyone dared not make any sound, and even their breathing became subtle and cautious.

After seeing Zhang Chen’s appearance, Professor Zhao in the studio video was suddenly surprised: “This method is indeed possible to open, because after the lock cylinder is rotated to the correct position, it will emit a subtle sound that is different from its wrong point. !”

“But the structure of this combination lock is extremely precise, the lock cylinder is also extremely small, and it is blocked by a metal shell, which cannot be distinguished by human hearing at all!”

“Unless you use professional sound amplification equipment, it will be in vain!”

Hearing Professor Zhao’s explanation, Shen Ming and Daochang Ye showed worried expressions again. They thought Zhang Chen’s method was effective just now!

But Fang Tangyi was the only one who laughed dumbly. Everyone looked at Professor Fang in surprise, as if they didn’t quite understand the point of his laughter.

Fang Tangyi shook his head and said to Professor Zhao, “Old Zhao, I’m afraid you will be disappointed this time! According to what I know about Zhang Chen, as long as he does what he does, he will be more than 90% sure! ”

“Let’s put it this way, if he can’t hear the subtle difference in the rotation of the lock cylinder, he won’t listen to it while lying down. As long as he is lying down and listen, then he will definitely hear the difference!”


“Then let’s wait and see!”

Professor Zhao’s voice has a hint of doubt. If Zhang Chen can hear it, he can only say that Zhang Chen’s hearing is more than ten times that of ordinary people!

But this is obviously impossible!

At this moment, the studio’s guest group and staff, as well as the audience watching the show, are all focused on Zhang Chen in the picture.

Professor Zhao’s words are objective analysis, and there is no mistake!

But the old audience knows that Zhang Chen’s ability cannot be analyzed with common sense!

As Fang Tangyi said, as long as Zhang Chen does it, he must be more than 90% sure!

Huang Lei and the others didn’t even dare to let out the air, and looked at Zhang Chen cautiously, only to see that Zhang Chen suddenly stopped when he turned to a certain point, and a relaxed look flashed in his focused eyes.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and secretly asked, did you find the right position?

Sure enough, the direction of Zhang Chen’s finger rotation suddenly changed, from clockwise to counterclockwise!

Everyone is overjoyed, it seems that they have found a place! .

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