Chapter 123 Insect Corpse! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Five or six flashlights shoot randomly in the dark!

Everyone ran forward desperately behind Zhang Chen, for fear that the disgusting bug would catch up as soon as they stopped!

Zhang Chen just ran towards the rails by feeling!

It’s just that the warehouse is too empty, the darkness swallows everything, and the dense stone pillars block his sight. Even Zhang Chen, who has night vision ability, can’t clearly tell where the exit is!

“Why did those bastards study those bugs back then?”

While running, Sun Honglei panted heavily.

“Maybe you want to breed these bugs as biological weapons! Who knows!”

Huang Bo responded with a big breath.

“It’s almost! Those inhuman beasts can’t do anything! Hong Lei, you just had a big fate. If Zhang Chen didn’t save you, you’re now “080” and it is estimated that your brain has been hollowed out by bugs!”

Huang Lei Road.

“Stop talking and keep your strength to save your life! I don’t know how many bugs there are here!”

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

Lin Yu also said.

Everyone nodded in approval, and continued to run forward with all their strength, but Zhang Chen, who was at the front, suddenly stopped before he ran a few steps.

Everyone didn’t know what was going on, so they stopped and flashed their flashlights towards Zhang Chen.

“The rails?”

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, and instantly showed an expression of surprise. The effort paid off and they finally found an exit!

“I’m going! I found it, I almost died of exhaustion!”

Huang Bo gasped heavily while leaning on his knees.

“Don’t be too happy too soon!”

Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at everyone, and walked towards the railroad tracks with a solemn expression.

Everyone was stunned, and then quickly followed!

I saw that there was a three-meter-high exit at the end of the rail, and they could just walk out along the rail, but they felt a little uneasy.

On the railroad tracks, seven or eight coffins are placed in a mess, and there are several mummified corpses lying next to them!

“Will there be bugs here?”

Fat Di said solemnly.

“I don’t know!”

Zhang Chen shook his head and glanced at everyone: “Be careful!”

Everyone’s faces showed nervousness again!

Zhang Chen motioned everyone to wait first, he went down to take a look first, everyone’s eyes focused on Zhang Chen, and after he jumped into the rails, he tentatively walked towards the exit.

Nothing unusual was found along the way!

“There doesn’t seem to be any danger…”

Sun Honglei breathed a sigh of relief, secretly thinking that it should be all right now…

But before he finished speaking, Huang Lei suddenly said, “Don’t talk, what are you listening to…”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, pricked up their ears and listened carefully, and sure enough, there were noisy footsteps in the darkness behind them…”Looks like someone’s coming…”

Huang Bo said in horror.


Huang Lei nodded solemnly.

“Aren’t you guys talking nonsense… Isn’t the sound of these footsteps Zhang Chen’s?”

Sun Honglei’s face turned pale. In an environment full of corpses and coffins, he could hear footsteps other than them. It was either a zongzi or a ghost!

With a pale face, Fat Di flashed his flashlight towards Zhang Chen’s location, but strangely found that Zhang Chen on the rails had disappeared. She was startled and murmured, “Where is Zhang Chen…”

But in the next second, something even more terrifying happened. I saw the corpse lying on the rails, and suddenly moved!

She was stunned for a moment, and the flashlight in her hand couldn’t stop shaking!

The corpse did move, first the arm, then the body!

Finally, there are signs of standing up!


Fat Di screamed, his eyes full of terror!

The screams tore through the darkness, echoing again and again!

Everyone was taken aback and looked at Fat Di in shock.

“What’s wrong?”

Huang Lei asked nervously.

Fat Di pointed to the corpse that was slowly standing up and said, “Zongzi!”

Everyone’s expressions became tense, and they hurriedly turned their heads to look!


The light of the six flashlights instantly illuminated the dark rails as if they were daylight, and the corpses lying on the rails stood up in a strange posture like zombies!

And walk towards the crowd!


Suddenly there was a sound of gunfire in the air, and everyone was surprised to find that Sun Honglei took out his pistol and aimed it at the corpse walking towards them!

After two shots!

The atmosphere fell silent again!

Sun Honglei’s marksmanship is not good, both bullets hit the coffin!

However, the corpse seemed to be intimidated, standing on the spot and did not approach again!

“Brother Hong Lei, don’t waste your bullets, give it to me!”

Lin Yu suddenly said… .

Sun Honglei was taken aback: “You can use a gun?”

Lin Yu nodded, took Sun Honglei’s pistol, and nodded slightly: “My master’s degree was studied abroad, and I learned shooting!”

After all, Lin Yu aimed at the corpse’s head and slammed a shot!

The head of the corpse blossomed instantly!

It’s as sticky as the minced meat and I splattered everywhere!

One piece still fell at the feet of Sun Honglei!

Everyone’s flashlights shone on the minced meat, and they found that after the minced meat fell on the ground, it actually spread around!

“Damn it! It’s a bug!”

Sun Honglei screamed and shouted, grabbed the pistol from Huang Bo’s hand, and shot at the remaining corpses!

Marksmanship still sucks!

However, there is still a bit of luck, shooting on the corpse!

But it seems to have no effect, the corpse is still approaching the crowd!

“It’s useless! This thing is not afraid of bullets!”

3.5 Sun Honglei shouted anxiously!

Everyone is panicking at the moment, what they have learned during the week of training is not used at all at this moment!

Just when everyone didn’t know what to do, Zhang Chen suddenly stuck out his head from the exit of the railroad track and waved to everyone!

Everyone was a little stunned, Zhang Chen didn’t seem to see the dead body coming!

He quickly pointed to the dead body behind the coffin!

However, Zhang Chen ignored it and still waved to the crowd for them to come over!

Sun Honglei glanced at Huang Lei and the others, took a deep breath, jumped into the railroad track, turned his head and glanced at everyone, his face suddenly froze!

“What’s wrong?”

Huang Lei turned his head subconsciously, but saw a group of people in protective suits walking towards them standing behind him! .

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