Chapter 125 The Resurrected Bat Swarm! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“I go!”

Huang Lei understands that the footsteps just now are these guys!

He grabbed Huang Bo and Lin Yu and the others and jumped into the rails!

Walk towards the exit without stopping!

The corpse in the railroad track, moving slowly, and the people who were extremely frightened used their strength to suckle, and finally escaped in a thrilling way!

Follow Zhang Chen to get out of the hole.

After exiting the hole, everyone pulled the surrounding wooden boards and boxes to block the hole to prevent the corpses from rushing out!

Fat Di and Yaya also participated in this kind of physical work, but only Zhang Chen looked at the dome of the abyss with a solemn gaze!

After everyone blocked the entrance of the cave, they suddenly felt a sense of exhaustion flooding their body!Sun Honglei was already sweating profusely. He didn’t care to wipe his sweat, and asked Zhang Chen in surprise, “Did you see those corpses just now?”

Zhang Chen nodded, still looking at the dome.

“Are those corpses controlled by the bugs we just saw?”

Although he already had the answer in his heart, Sun Honglei still wanted to confirm with Zhang Chen.

21 “Yeah!”

Zhang Chen nodded again.

“Grandma’s! It can be regarded as coming out. That thing scared me to death just now, even scarier than the old zongzi!”

Huang Bo sat on the ground, took out a bottle of water from the wipe bag, and poured it up!

But as soon as he sat down, he suddenly stood up, covered his butt and said to everyone in surprise, “Why is it so hot?”

Huang Lei’s face showed a little surprise, and the armrest touched the iron plate, and it was really hot, just like the feeling of being exposed to the hot sun!

‘”That’s weird!”

He muttered, took a flashlight and looked around, his eyes showed surprise again: “This motherfucker is too big!”

Everyone’s attention was attracted by Huang Lei’s voice again, and they also followed Huang Lei’s appearance. They flashed a flashlight towards the distance, only to see a dark rock wall at the end of the light!

The space with a diameter of 100 meters in the middle is all covered by iron plates!

Their current position is on the edge of the iron plate!

And there is a ladder behind them, which connects to the annular passage on the rock wall above!

That’s the rusty iron fence passage they walked through before!

Looking forward from their current angle, they can see the 100-meter-high dome, standing there, it feels like being swallowed by the dark space!

It’s like looking towards the water in the deep ocean, the endless darkness and vast space envelopes you!

When everyone was sighing with emotion.

Suddenly, in line of sight, the ring ladder actually moved!

Sun Honglei blinked his eyes and thought he was wrong. He flashed his flashlight in that direction, but suddenly looked at the place where he fell before, and suddenly it broke again!

A few black shadows fell on the iron plate under the feet!


A few muffled noises clearly passed into his ears, and he could even feel the vibration from his feet!

“Damn it! What is that?”

Huang Bo pointed to the distance and lost his voice, and immediately seemed to realize something, and suddenly said: “Is it possible to enter those corpses…”

At this time, Zhang Chen turned his head and stared at him: “That’s right! All the corpses here are alive!”

Everyone stood upside down for a while!

Almost at the same time, the dome suddenly sounded a sound of air vibration!

They flashed their flashlights in panic, and saw that in the huge dark space, densely packed bats were flying towards them!

“Aren’t these bats dead…”

Lin Yu muttered to himself, his face as pale as paper!

“It’s dead! But the bugs control their bodies and live like those corpses!”

Zhang Chen’s voice had a hint of solemnity. The corpse manipulated by the insect moved slowly, but it was easy to deal with, but this bat can fly!

The distance of 100 meters is in the blink of an eye!


He glanced at the empty iron cover, it seemed that only the iron box in the middle could hide!

Lin Yu held up a pistol and fired a few shots, and several bats close to them exploded in the air!

But there are so many helpless numbers, it doesn’t help at all!

Everyone ran along the rails all the way to the center of the iron cover!

But the closer to the center, the more everyone felt that the iron plate under their feet and the surrounding air temperature were much higher, even wearing shoes, they could feel the scalding heat!

“Isn’t it really a nuclear reactor below!”

Huang Bo complained.

“It’s about to return to the west, don’t care what’s under him! Hurry up and run!”

Sun Honglei complained.

Everyone ran very fast, but those bats were faster, like bombs, rushing straight towards everyone!

Zhang Chen held a black gold ancient saber and slashed one with one blow!

But there are many helpless, and they are all puppets without fear. If they fight hard, only they will suffer!

He looked at Fat Di and said, “Is there any alcohol?”

Fat Di was stunned for a moment, and immediately pulled out three bottles of alcohol for disinfection from his bag!

Seeing this, Zhang Chen said to Fatty, “Throw it up!”

Fat Di didn’t know what Zhang Chen was going to do, but he did as he did and threw it into the air with all his strength!

Zhang Chen stared at Lin Yu and said, “Shoot!”

Lin Yu instantly understood what Zhang Chen meant, pointed at the alcohol bottle, bang bang bang!

533 Three shots in a row!

The alcohol bottle burst in the air!

Tongues of fire erupted!

A large number of bats were involved in the flames!Everyone showed a hint of joy, but they didn’t expect alcohol to play a role at a critical moment!

Sun Honglei didn’t know where to bring a barrel of gasoline, and said anxiously to Lin Yu, “Lin Yu, I’ll throw it at you!”

Lin Yu’s complexion changed greatly, and he said in fear: “If you do this, we will even be killed!”

Huang Lei, Huang Bo and the others saw that Sun Honglei was about to throw a barrel of gasoline over his head, and his face turned white!

“Hong Lei, don’t be impulsive!”

Huang Bo shouted!

But how could Sun Honglei care so much, his blood had already rushed to the top of his head, and he used all his strength to throw the gasoline towards the flames that had not yet been extinguished!

“Never mind! Burn these beasts to death!”

He yells!

“Quick step!”

Seeing this, Zhang Chen hurriedly shouted, and everyone followed Zhang Chen and ran towards the iron box!


Just hearing a loud noise, a huge fireball shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire abyss like daylight!

Everyone rolled and climbed into the iron box!

The fire engulfed the surrounding darkness, and the air was full of sour and scorched smells! .

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