Chapter 122 100 million popularity! Reward Delusional Eyes! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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At this moment, everyone is stunned!

A corpse disappeared so strangely in front of you?

Although the underground world is full of unknowns, the scene in front of you is too weird!

“Damn it! Am I dazzled? The body is gone?”

Sun Honglei was stunned, a corpse just disappeared in front of his eyes!

“Hong Lei, you read that right! The body did evaporate!”

Huang Bo’sThe voice trembled, and this visual shock was even more frightening than the old zongzi getting up from the coffin!

“Is there really a ghost…”

Fat Di and Yaya Chana hug each other with a look of horror on their faces.

In the live screen, although the mosaic is on, the audience still heard from Fang Lao’s mouth that the coffin should be a corpse – talk!

And the outline of the corpse can be vaguely discerned under the fuzzy mosaic!

But I didn’t expect that after a few seconds, the mosaic suddenly disappeared, and there was nothing in the coffin!

“I’m going! Are there really ghosts?”

“Barrage bodyguard! It’s so scary, I’m in a cold sweat during the day!”

“This is the situation, it’s too weird, right?”

Fang Tangyi stared at the screen, and at that moment he thought he was wrong, but when he saw the reactions of Shen Ming, Daoist Ye and the guests, he suddenly realized that the body in the coffin had really disappeared!

“I’ve never seen anything so bizarre in my life!”

Fang Tangyi was so shocked that he even forgot that he was broadcasting live.

Daochang Ye even had a ghostly look on his face. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and his lips trembled slightly. It was not uncommon for people from Taoism to encounter ghosts, but it was the first time he saw such a strange scene!

“Director, will the guest group be in danger?”

Shen Ming’s face was pale, and he turned to the director Ma Wen and asked that in his experience of survival in the wild, he had never encountered such a strange thing.

“We have to trust Zhang Chen!”

Ma Wen was silent for a moment and said to Shen Ming and the guests.

“Congratulations to the host for reaching 100 million popularity!”

“Reward for knowledge of hundreds of ancient characters!”

“Reward Delusional Eyes!”

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, and saw that the mysterious eyes in the system space suddenly turned into a ray of light and entered his eyes!

A faint golden light flashed from his pupils!

He blinked, except that his eyesight was much sharper, nothing seemed to change!

“What do you mean by delusional eyes?”

Zhang Chen asked the system.

“Delusional eyes, allowing the host to see through all illusions and mists! Not affected by the hallucination mechanism!”

The system explained.

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment and looked carefully at the coffin in front of him, but the coffin was still empty, which means it wasn’t an illusion just now!

The corpse really disappeared!

He frowned and observed carefully again, he didn’t believe that the corpse just disappeared in front of him!

Sure enough, he found a clue, in the gap of the coffin, there are many linear bugs squirming!

And the color of this bug is black, plus it is extremely small, it is difficult to detect it if it is not close!

His heart tightened, and he suddenly realized that the corpse just now was not a real corpse, but a corpse composed of bugs!

He was horrified, and all the mysteries seemed to be completely solved!

It wasn’t the zongzi that killed all the creatures in the base, it was these bugs!

Insects grow in the corpse, take the corpse as food, and break out when they grow up!

However, he had never seen such a thin-line bug before, even a corpse-eating corpse was not so strange!

“Everyone calm down! Listen to what Zhang Chen has to say…”

Huang Lei turned his gaze to Zhang Chen. Facing this unexplainable situation, he only had to rely on Zhang Chen!

Lin Yu’s heart was also stunned, and his face was a little pale. He suddenly looked at Zhang Chen. In the underground world, Zhang Chen is the expert!

“Zhang Chen, do you know what’s going on?”

Everyone swallowed and looked at Zhang Chen nervously.

Seeing 100 million viewers live, plus all the members of the program team and commentators, all attention at this moment is on Zhang Chen.

I saw Zhang Chen slowly turn his head and his eyes fell on Lin Yu: “Remember those bugs you just saw in the liquid?”


Lin Yu nodded subconsciously.

“What we saw just now was not a corpse!”

・・・・ Flowers・・・・・・

“It’s those bugs that get together!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.


Everyone gasped, only to feel goosebumps all over their bodies!

A corpse composed of bugs, how many bugs must there be!

Lin Yu twitched the corners of his mouth and murmured, “Where did the bug go?”

Zhang Chen shook his head, looked around, and found that there were no traces of insects!

“Everyone cheers me up! These bugs are probably the real killers that caused the death of the base creatures!”

Zhang Chen roared, although he didn’t know what these bugs were, he was sure that they would attack people!And the bugs are so small that they are hard to detect at all!

Everyone’s faces turned pale instantly, and their eyes cautiously looked at the surrounding environment!

…… 0

Suddenly, Sun Honglei’s body suddenly trembled. He pointed to a black line on the ground and said, “Zhang Chen, is this something?”

Everyone looked behind Sun Honglei in horror, only to see a black line shooting towards Sun Honglei from a distance!

Everyone is stupid!

No one has ever encountered such a situation, and they don’t know what to do for a while!

The speed of the black line is very fast, almost in the blink of an eye!

Huang Honglei looked pale and subconsciously stepped back, but there was a speed comparable to the black line!

Just when the black line was about to reach Sun Honglei, the ancient black gold knife suddenly flew on the floor!

Block the black line!

The strange thing is that the black line seems to be afraid of the black gold ancient knife, but it slowly retreats!

Zhang Chen took a few steps forward, pulled out the black gold ancient saber, and said to everyone, “Come on!”

After speaking, turn around and rush to the depths!

Everyone was so scared that their scalps felt numb when they thought of the black line!

Followed behind Sun Honglei desperately and ran away!

In the studio, Fang Tangyi was shocked. He never expected that the corpse was actually disguised by a bug!

Shen Ming also felt that his scalp was numb for a while. He had seen a lot of insects, and he had even been bitten by poisonous insects, but this was the first time he had seen such disgusting and terrifying insects!

Contacting the expressions of the dead Japanese pirates, he suddenly felt horrified. If these bugs entered his body, I am afraid the end would be the same as those Japanese pirates! people.

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