Chapter 121 Continue to open the coffin! | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Not only Huang Lei, in fact, everyone in the middle has seen it, the iron can in front of them is exactly the same as the one they saw above!

The only difference is that there is an Arabic numeral 10 below the tin can warning sign!

They still remember the contents of Huang Leinian’s notebook before. The day before the accident at the base, the No. 10 jar was found to be abnormal, and then the No. 10 jar was replaced with No. 11!

And on the 11th, something changed on the same day!

And the No. 11 mutation is likely to be the cause of the death of all creatures in the base!

“What the hell is going on! Why are there so many jars?”

Suddenly, Huang Bo’s voice came from a dark place in the distance, and a light flashed towards them. When they got close, they could see clearly. It turned out to be Huang Bo!

“Xiaobo, what are you talking about?”

Sun Honglei frowned and said, an inexplicably damaged No. 10 jar had already made him depressed, and Huang Bo’s words were even more incomprehensible. What does it mean to have such a jar, isn’t it…

Huang Bo’s face was not very good-looking, he seemed nervous, and couldn’t care to explain to Sun Honglei.

Panting, he pointed to the dark place not far away and said, “There are a bunch of these jars there!”

Everyone took a deep breath and hurriedly took a flashlight along the direction of Huang Bo’s finger.

Several flashlights illuminated the darkness, and everyone 123 was surprised to see a hundred huge iron cans in front of them!

“It seems that there are more than one group of experiments at the base. These may have been moved here after the experiment failed!”

Lin Yu analyzed.

“It should be like this. The labels on it seem to be from one to twenty! Many of them are repeated, and they are definitely not a group!”

Huang Lei hit the flashlight while watching.

“I said, let’s not study this thing, it’s so stinky! The one that made me cry is about to come out, let’s hurry to find that rail and go out?”

Sun Honglei coughed twice and said depressedly, he really has no interest in studying these tin cans anymore. If there are zongzi, it will be over!

“What are you in a hurry…”

Huang Lei glared at Sun Honglei in dissatisfaction. He was about to speak, but suddenly heard Zhang Chen’s voice.

“Don’t talk! Listen….what is that sound?”

Zhang Chen’s words were the focus of everyone’s attention. As soon as he finished speaking, everyone instinctively closed their mouths and listened carefully.

Although the sound was not loud, they could still hear the sound of “Cuckoo!” coming from behind them.

It’s like (cbfe) is a spring, and the location seems to be in the pile of jars behind them!

As if realizing something, Huang Lei hurriedly looked down with a flashlight, only to see that the ground was full of light blue liquid!

Everyone was surprised, these jars, like the No. 10 jar, were all damaged!

A terrifying thought suddenly flashed into Huang Bo’s mind, will these jars also have a difference?Changed jar?

He only felt a cold sweat on his back, but he didn’t say it, for fear of causing everyone’s panic again!

However, from the solemn expressions of everyone, it can be seen that they seem to be aware of this problem!

Lin Yu is very calm!

He squatted in front of the light blue liquid, took a flashlight to observe carefully, suddenly he looked puzzled, looked up at Zhang Chen and said, “There seem to be bugs here?”

Zhang Chen was stunned for a moment, then immediately walked to Lin Yu, lowered his head and looked carefully, within the light circle, he could see a tiny white nematode that was swimming rapidly!

Worms are only about one centimeter in size. Like earthworms, the thickness of their bodies will not exceed one millimeter!

These worms are in a light blue liquid, and these light blue liquids are the solution for soaking the coffin!

He suspected that the coffin was not a corpse before, so could it be these bugs?

“Don’t get close to these liquids!”

Zhang Chen immediately got up and said to the crowd, his expression was solemn, his eyes slowly turned to the position of the No. 10 jar, and then he suddenly walked towards the No. 10 jar in silence!

Sun Honglei noticed Zhang Chen’s solemn expression and guessed what he might have thought of, so he hurriedly called everyone to catch up with a flashlight.

Soon, Zhang Chen came to the No. 10 jar and slashed at the iron lock with the black gold ancient knife on his back!


With a crisp sound, Zhang Chen cut a big hole in the position of the iron lock!

He reached out and asked Huang Bo for a pair of gloves, and opened the jar door cautiously!

Sure enough!

The light blue liquid inside has already flowed out!

There is only a dark coffin lying inside!

The front of the coffin is still painted with a huge eye pattern. Zhang Chen glanced at everyone and motioned them to stand farther away!

He raised his hand and used a black gold knife to pry it along the coffin lid!

The lid of the coffin slid down from the coffin, and a white corpse appeared in front of everyone!

Sun Honglei’s face turned green immediately, and his stomach was sour!


Fat Di squinted his eyes with a dry look on his face.

Huang Bo and Huang Lei were not much better, both frowned.

It may be a professional reason. Although Lin Yu frowned, his reaction was not as big as everyone else!

Zhang Chen frowned slightly, this corpse is really disgusting!

“It’s all soaked like this, and it can still be turned into a corpse!”

Sun Honglei said suspiciously.

“It’s impossible, it might be filled with nutrient solution, the more you soak, the more powerful it is!”

Huang Bo also began to be full of nonsense.

Everyone is a little speechless, these two can really joke anytime.

“It seems that we all guessed wrong, there is indeed a corpse in the coffin!”

Lin Yu said solemnly, things started to get confusing again!

In the live broadcast, because the corpse was too disgusting, the program team had to put mosaics on it!

“Professor Fang, I can’t understand it now. Didn’t Zhang Chen speculate that the coffin might not be a corpse? And the inference that the zongzi caused the death of the base creature has proved impossible!”

“Why is there really a body in this coffin?”

Shen Ming asked in confusion.

Fang Tangyi looked very solemn, he glanced at Shen Ming and shook his head: “I can’t tell, but Zhang Chen’s speculation doesn’t seem to be wrong, let’s continue to see!”

Shen Ming nodded slightly.

But as soon as Fang Tangyi finished speaking, Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded on the screen.

“No! This is not a corpse!”

Everyone’s face changed to a ghostly look. What he saw was obviously a corpse. Why did Zhang Chenfei say it was not a corpse?

Zhang Chen, who was closest to the corpse, suddenly took a few steps back and stared at the whitish corpse in shock!

I saw that the corpse suddenly seemed to be decomposed by something, stretched, torn, twisted, and deformed!

Finally disappeared without a trace!

Only an empty coffin is left! .

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