Chapter 120 Mutation and regeneration! Ten jars! (9/10)|Grave Robbery: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars|Tomb Robbery: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Not a corpse?”

Sun Honglei even suspected that he had heard it wrong, and stared at Zhang Chen in a stunned manner. When he saw Zhang Chen’s firm eyes, he suddenly murmured in his heart.

Isn’t the body in the coffin still air?

Not only Sun Honglei, but also Huang Lei Lin Yu and the others looked at Zhang Chen with a bewildered expression. All their previous conjectures revolved around the corpse in the coffin.

Now Zhang Chen suddenly said that there is no corpse inside, which means that the core point of the conjecture has been directly changed!

The studio’s Fang Tangyi and Ye Daochang were also shocked when they heard Zhang Chen’s words. They all showed suspicious expressions. Everyone’s thoughts were the same.

If it wasn’t for the dumplings, it was really hard for them to figure out what else could be done!

“Did you find something, Zhang Chen?”

Lin Yu took a picture in front of Zhang Chen with a flashlight, but found that there was nothing, and a suspicious look appeared on her face.

“I’m also guessing, in fact, when I opened the tin can, I was thinking about this question!”

“If the dumplings did it, then why don’t these people even resist? Even their expressions indicate that they didn’t have any time to react when they died!”

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

“It’s like someone pressed the death switch and died in an instant!”

Zhang Chen stared at the crowd.

“It seems to make sense…but who can say about the zongzi, and it may be a big zongzi, maybe it has any special abilities 々〃?”

“Just like the King Zhou Yi we saw before, his ability is very strange!”

Huang Bo had a slightly hesitant look on his face.

“Xiaobo, your imagination is rich enough. King Zhou Yi is a three-thousand-year-old zongzi, a generation of monarchs, and it will only become like this after a lifetime of planning. Look at these coffins, they should be buried by ordinary people, how can they compare with King Zhou Yi? !”

Sun Honglei pouted.

“Hong Lei is right. Even if the zongzi in the coffin will turn into a corpse, that is, the lowest level of black-haired zombies, the Japanese pirates in the base have guns and ammunition, and they are specially trained. It is impossible to resist without resisting. was killed!”

Huang Lei also agreed.

“My speculation is not groundless, you should remember the bat on the cave wall?”

“Their death is the same as the corpses of these Japanese pirates! They all died instantly. Zongzi will attack people because people have a lot of yang energy, but they can’t attack bats!”

Zhang Chen analyzed.

“Really! How could Zongzi go to sand bats!”

Huang Bo showed a stunned expression.

“What Zhang Chen said really makes sense. If so many dumplings are attacking everywhere, then the base equipment must be damaged to varying degrees. When we came, the lighting equipment in the passage was still working, which means that the things that killed the people in the base were very likely. It’s not really a dumpling!”

Huang Lei also nodded.

Lin Yu looked at everyone and nodded slightly, but there was still a hint of doubt in his eyes.

“It looks like this is really possible!”

“But there’s one thing I don’t understand. If the coffin isn’t a corpse, why would that kind of monster be buried in a coffin?”

“Also, why is there such a coffin here? Where did you get it from?”

Lin Yu seems to have said the pointIn the same way, everyone suddenly quieted down and stared at each other stunned.

Huang Bo slapped his head violently and said in horror: “I see! These coffins must have been transported on rails under the iron plate, and there is a real possibility that hell is under that huge iron plate!”

Huang Bo’s guess seems to wake up everyone, it seems that everything is clear!

Even Zhang Chen nodded slightly, expressing his approval.

The Japanese pirates have to build such a huge underground base at all costs, just to mine the monsters under the gate of hell!

It’s just that I didn’t expect to be set on fire, and everyone died here!

Just, is there really hell? ”

Questions arose in the minds of everyone, and there was an urge to go under the giant plate to find out!

“¨.Perhaps the answer to everything is really clear only after entering the giant disk!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice, he looked around for a while, and suddenly pointed to the right: “The location of the coffin should not be too far from the entrance of the railroad tracks!”

(Wang Nuo’s) “Walk this way, you should see the entrance to the rails soon!”

Everyone nodded, and a strong sense of curiosity flooded their bodies. Perhaps this is the charm of exploration, even if they knew there was danger, they would venture there.

Everyone continued to walk forward, and after walking about fifty meters, an iron pot marked ten suddenly appeared in front of everyone!

The light blue liquid is dripping from under the tin can!

Pungent stench, almost zero people suffocate!

“Is this the mutated No. 10 jar recorded in the notebook? Why is it here?”

Huang Lei was surprised when he saw the mark on the jar that had not been corroded with a flashlight. .

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