Chapter 119: Coffin Mountain (8/10)Fastest update! No ads!

The atmosphere fell into a strange silence again, and everyone just felt extremely depressed, and the feeling of being wrapped in fear was even more uncomfortable than when facing the three-thousand-year-old dumpling!

At this moment, Sun Honglei can’t wait to find a zongzi to fight hard!

Everyone can guess that there are zongzi out of the coffin, but the problem is that they can’t find one!

Zhang Chen stared at the dark coffin for a while, with a gloomy expression, unable to see what he was thinking, suddenly a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he turned his head suddenly to look behind him!

From the perspective of the corpse and the forklift, he should have wanted to push the coffin to the opposite position, but an accident happened in the middle, causing him to die here!

Then there should be a coffin on the opposite side!

Sure enough, the expected black coffin appeared in the line of sight, but the difference is that the number of these coffins is a bit too much!

The space behind the ten pillars is full of neatly arranged coffin mountains!

Rao is Zhang Chen who is well-informed and knowledgeable, and a flash of shock could not help flashing in his eyes!

Everyone noticed Zhang Chen’s weirdness, and took a flashlight to take a picture, and saw a strange mountain of thousands of coffins appearing in front of them!

Everyone gasped, this kind of visual shock is difficult to describe in words!

Everyone just feels cold and terrifying!

And there is an even more terrifying scene, I saw that the lids of those coffins were all open!

In other words, the coffin is likely to be empty too!

The atmosphere is suppressed to the extreme at this moment!

Everyone could only hear each other’s heavy breathing and the sound of their own heart beating.

“Have all the dumplings in here run away?”

Huang Bo’s surprised voice sounded.

Everyone’s heart trembled again. In fact, they had thought about this idea just now, but they didn’t dare to think about it. After all, the picture was too terrifying!

But Huang Bo’s words led them to think in this direction!

Panic spread across everyone!

“Bo Ge, I beg you to keep silent for a while, don’t you know that you are a crow’s mouth?”

Huang Lei gritted his teeth.

Huang Bo’s eyes are still on the coffin mountain, and it seems that he has not recovered from the shock, so he turned a deaf ear to Huang Lei’s words!

“Whether it’s empty or not, you’ll know when you see it!”

Zhang Chen turned his head and glanced at everyone. When he saw the terrified expressions on everyone’s faces, a hint of helplessness flashed in his eyes. Not to mention them, even when he thought of thousands of zongzi crawling out from somewhere, his whole body burst into flames. Goosebumps!

However, with years of experience, he has already mastered the emotions of fear, and will not let the thoughts of fear grow in his heart!

It’s a blessing, not a disaster, it’s a disaster that can’t be avoided!

Escape and fear will not play any substantial role!

This is his life creed!

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he waved to everyone and walked towards Coffin Mountain.

Everyone followed Zhang Chen nervously, staring at the coffin mountain in front of them.

Zhang Chen stopped, and the light of everyone’s flashlights shone on Coffin Mountain!

All the truth is revealed!

Faces full of shock and fear stared at the thousands of coffin mountains in front of them!

The atmosphere suddenly solidified into freezing point again!


A deadly silence!

In the live broadcast, Daoist Ye Qiuyu took a deep breath and said with a deep horror in his eyes: “This is a big trouble!”

“Looking at this, I’m afraid there will be two or three thousand coffins, if all of them are corpses…”

Speaking of this, he paused, and his tone suddenly became low: “Judging from the current situation, there may be no if…”

“Look at it again, maybe there is a miracle, or maybe the things in the coffin have left the base, no one can say that, after all, nearly a hundred years have passed!”

Fang Tangyi sighed and said, when he saw that the coffins in the coffin mountain were all empty, his heart was cold!

The barrage is surprisingly quiet at the moment. At this time, it seems that it is difficult to express the fear in their hearts!

From the beginning of entering the underground, to a series of strange things, and now, the mysteries seem to have all been revealed!

It’s just that the result is chilling!

Thousands of coffins, all empty!

The bodies inside are all gone!

Just thinking about it makes your scalp tingle!

Not only the audience, but also the guest members in the picture at this moment fell into a dignified silence, and the guest’s sense of despair can be felt across the screen!

After Zhang Chen looked at the empty coffin, he was also silent.

Sun Honglei seemed to be unable to accept this reality, and frantically searched for clues that might overturn this inference with a flashlight, but unfortunately, all the coffins were empty!

“Two possibilities!”

Huang Lei suddenly broke this strange aura 22At 0 atmosphere, he stared at the crowd and continued: “First, as we are thinking now, all the dumplings in this coffin are gone!”

“Second, these coffins are empty coffins! There are no corpses in them!”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly, as if he felt that what Huang Lei said made sense!

But Huang Bo shook his head and retorted: “Your second guess is completely untenable. Why was the empty coffin opened in the first place?”

“Secondly, have you seen the guy in the jar above? If there is nothing, can the jar be destroyed like that?”

“Well! Pogo is right!”

Sun Honglei nodded again.

“I said it was a guess. Although the second possibility is extremely small, it is not that it does not exist!”

“What if, right! Let’s think for the best!”

Huang Lei sighed.

Everyone was silent for a while, and naturally they understood that Huang Lei’s intention was to appease everyone, but it seemed to be of no avail!

“Have you ever thought that the coffin may not contain corpses…”

Zhang Chen, who had been staring at Coffin Mountain, suddenly turned his head and stared at everyone. .

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