Chapter 118: Mummy worships the coffin! (7/10)|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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This seems to be an emergency passage. It is very narrow and can only accommodate one person to pass through. Just like the stairway in the community, it turns back and forth at a forty-five angle.

The passage was pitch-dark without any signs, and everyone kept going down like this. At the beginning, Huang Lei was still counting how many turns he walked!

But as time went by, he found that the stairs in this passage were almost countless!

He began to suspect that they entered a strange institution like last time, but thinking about it carefully, it was not right. This was an emergency passage built by the Japanese invaders!

Used to escape!

It’s impossible to build an organ here, unless they can’t think of it and make trouble for themselves.

Since he came in, Zhang Chen’s speed of going downstairs has not changed, and his steps are very steady, as if he knows that there is no danger ahead.

Huang Lei couldn’t bear it anymore, so he asked Zhang Chen, “How long until we can go out?”

“There are still about five meters!”

Zhang Chentou didn’t reply “June 43”.

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, and immediately showed a look of stunned expression. It turns out that Zhang Chen is also silently calculating the depth of the descent just like him!

Go out from this passage and you should reach the bottom of the big iron plate!

After hearing Zhang Chen’s words, the tired crowd regained their strength!

Sure enough, it didn’t take long, the stairs reached the bottom, and a huge iron door blocked in front of everyone!

Zhang Chen held a black gold ancient knife and cut it down with one knife!

Immediately, sparks flew everywhere!

The rusty iron lock was instantly exercised, and Zhang Chen kicked the iron door open!

A gloomy and cold breath came from the surface!

“Is this a warehouse…”

Huang Bo turned his flashlight towards it, and found that the space inside was very large, the light of the flashlight was swallowed up by black lines, and the sound had echoes.

“should be!”

Zhang Chen nodded, even he couldn’t see the end at a glance, he felt like he was in an underground garage.

“What are these bastards doing to repair such a large warehouse?”

Sun Honglei glanced at it with a flashlight, and after finding that there were only a few pillars empty, he couldn’t help but wonder.

“We should go to the bottom now, right? If we don’t go in and see, maybe there is an exit or something!”

Huang Lei groped his chin and suggested, and just after he finished speaking, he suddenly said to everyone in surprise as if he had remembered something: “Do you remember when we saw the iron disk when we saw an iron disk extending into the rock wall? rails?”

“What’s wrong?”

Huang Bo nodded, he was the first to discover that railroad track!

Everyone also looked at Huang Lei.

I saw Huang Lei open his mouth and said: “I suspect that the rail is extending into this warehouse!”

Huang Bo frowned and nodded slightly. According to the direction of memory, the rail should be in the warehouse!

After some discussion, everyone felt that after entering from this warehouse, they should be able to find the railroad track, and then they can enter the iron plate along the railroad track!

The warehouse is about five meters high, with neat rock walls on it. The surrounding walls and floors are all processed, and there will be a pillar every ten meters.

Everyone flashed their flashlights and walked towards the depths of the warehouse in the direction they remembered.

But the warehouse is really huge, and it hasn’t been there after a while.Find the location of the rails.

“There are lights on the pillars, let’s see if there are electric switches or something!”

Huang Lei used a flashlight to see the gas lamp on the pillar and said immediately.

“This place is as big as a square, you thought it was in the corridor, how could it be so easy to find!”

Sun Honglei complained, but even though he said so, he still lit the flashlight everywhere, hoping to find the light switch by chance.

“We have no direction at all now. If we can turn on the lighting system here, the line of sight will be much clearer!”

Lin Yu searched and said.

“Zhang Chen, Brother Lei, come here, I seem to have found a coffin!”

Suddenly, Fatty’s voice sounded abruptly.

When everyone heard the sound, they walked towards Fat Di with a puzzled expression. Looking at the light of Fat Di’s flashlight, they saw a coffin lying diagonally on the wall!

The direction of the coffin is very random, and the head of the coffin seems to be padded with something, it looks very high!

The coffin is pitch black, and the size and size look very similar to the coffin in the iron jar!

Everyone immediately became interested, Lin Yu shone on the coffin lid with a flashlight, and sure enough, he saw the familiar eye pattern!

“This should be the warehouse for their research, but why is there only one coffin?”

Lin Yu wondered.

“There’s a forklift here too!”

Standing on one side, Huang Lei turned his head and saw the handle of the forklift on the head of the coffin, so he stepped forward curiously, but just approaching the head of the coffin, he was suddenly stunned!

Lin Yu noticed Huang Bo’s strangeness and was a little surprised: “What’s the matter, Brother Bo?”

As soon as Lin Yu opened his mouth, he attracted everyone’s attention. Everyone looked at Huang Bo in confusion, only to see Huang Bo turned his head in surprise, pointed to the side and said, “There is a dead body!”

Everyone’s faces changed slightly, but they weren’t too scared, and it’s not like they haven’t seen the dead body above!

“Xiaobo, you are not even a girl now. A dead corpse scared you into this!”

Sun Honglei smiled, stretched out his head and walked towards the front of the coffin…  

But as soon as he got to the coffin, the smile on his face suddenly solidified, and he looked at the coffin with some anxiety.

“Don’t make trouble, you two, it’s not fun to joke at this time!”

Huang Lei was a little hairy by the expressions of the two and couldn’t help saying.

“That’s not right!”

Sun Honglei said solemnly.

Everyone has rarely seen Sun Honglei so serious, and basically guessed that he might have seen something strange.

Zhang Chen also frowned slightly and walked towards the head of the coffin, followed by Huang Lei, Lin Yupiandi and others.

Everyone turned on the flashlight, and sure enough, they saw a corpse wearing a protective suit, but this corpse was a little different from the corpse above.

The dead body is kneeling on the ground, and its head is pointed at the coffin!

The scene was dead silent for a while, and everyone looked at Zhang Chen with strange expressions, as if they were waiting for Zhang Chen to give an answer!

“Ready to open the coffin!”

Zhang Chen pondered for a moment and said, this corpse looks very weird, but the way of death should be the same as the people above, it died in an instant!

He doesn’t know the reason either, he only knows when he opens the coffin!

Everyone was stunned, and immediately flashed their flashlights at the coffin!

Under the illumination of six strong flashlights, the eye pattern on the back of the coffin looks extremely strange!

No matter what angle you stand at, you will feel that eyes are staring at you!

Everyone’s heart is a little hairy, and they dare not look at the center of their eyes, for fear of being emotionally infected by fear!

Huang Bo pulled out a candle from his bag and placed it at the corner of the coffin at 0.9.

Huang Lei said helplessly: “Xiaobo, the candles should be placed in the southeast corner, can you tell the difference between southeast and northwest now?”

“Don’t worry about him! Just be safe!”

Huang Bo didn’t lift his head.

The coffin in front of me is made of wood and looks very ordinary, not like some high-status deceased!

There are not many taboos to open this kind of coffin, so Zhang Chen simply and neatly lifted the lid of the coffin!

Everyone looked around with flashlight probes, but found that the coffin was empty!

“An empty coffin again?”

Huang Lei looked surprised, but now he hopes to see the corpse in the coffin, which will make him feel more at ease!

The more empty the coffin is, the more weird he feels!

“What’s the situation! Why is it all empty?”

Sun Honglei scratched his head and said.

“Will the meeting be the same as the one in the jar above, and this thing crawled out of it?”

Huang Bo was surprised. .

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