Chapter 117 Disappearing Zongzi! (6/10)|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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The air velocity seems to be slowing down!

At this moment, the guests in the room, the support team of the show group, the staff, and nearly 100 million pairs of viewers are staring at the last tin can!

Judging from the current clues, all the strange clues in the base point to the last tin can!

“It seems that this secret base was really built in an abyss tomb. Their purpose is to study these coffins, but some unknown situation may occur during the research process, causing everyone to die in an instant~!”

Fang Tangyi looked solemnly speculated.

In the studio hall, the staff of the director’s team were shocked by Fang Tangyi’s words – they broke out in a cold sweat.

Die in an instant?

Unless it is the power of ghosts and gods, how can it be done?

Is it really the gate of hell blocked by the iron cover?

Even Daoist Ye Qiuyu had a solemn expression on his face after hearing Fang Tangyi’s words, and he stared at Fang Laodao and said, “The world is so big that there are no wonders, and I have never seen this kind of scene after practicing for decades. The coffin is fierce, and there are totems on it, the Japanese pirates are tantamount to courting death!”

Shen Ming’s face paled slightly. He is a wild survival expert, and he is faced with wild animals. He knows very little about this strange scene, but even just looking at the picture, he can feel a huge sense of crisis!

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

In all fairness, if he participated in the show, it would be impossible for him to be as calm as the star guest group!

Of course, it can’t be compared with Zhang Chen!

The strange picture and the reactions of the commentators have stimulated the fear in the hearts of more than 90 million viewers to the peak!

The overwhelming barrage keeps flashing!

“It’s terrifying! There won’t be a big mutant dumpling inside, right?”

“Japanese pirates are really disgusting, to actually make such a perverted thing!”

“Study on coffins is really mind-blowing!”



At the same time, Zhang Chen didn’t take everyone’s thoughts into consideration, and he also knew that there must be something strange in the last tin can!

He inserted the last key and turned it slowly. After the sound of the lock being opened, the familiar light blue light appeared again from the gap!

Zhang Chen slowly opened the iron gate!

The scene in front of me makesHe was a little stunned, and he even doubted his eyes, seeing that the coffin was still in the jar, but the light blue liquid inside had disappeared!

At the same time, the pungent stench almost enveloped him and everyone!

“I’m going! This stench comes from here!”

Sun Honglei pointed to No. 11 Jar Road.

Everyone also hurriedly covered their mouths and noses, with a look of nausea and retching.

Zhang Chen’s eyes were fixed on the coffin in the jar!

Unlike the other nine coffins, this one has the back facing everyone!

This foul smell should be emitted by the light blue liquid, and the light blue liquid in this jar has long since disappeared, which means that the jar should be broken!

Lin Yu also seemed to have noticed something abnormal, and suddenly went around behind the jar to observe, but helplessly the corner blocked his sight!

Zhang Chen frowned, a bad premonition hung over his heart, there must be something weird on the back of this jar!

He silently walked to the jar, spread his arms, and hugged the jar!

When everyone saw Zhang Chen’s appearance, they were all surprised, secretly thinking that this guy didn’t want to remove the huge jar by himself, right?

This iron pot is four meters high, and the whole body is made of steel. Plus a pair of coffins weigh at least one ton!

Zhang Chen didn’t seem to notice everyone’s surprise. He hugged the jar and dragged it out with all his strength!


The huge iron jar swayed slightly, but it really moved out slowly under Zhang Chen’s movement.

With a ton of iron jars, Zhang Chen used his flesh and blood to forcefully drag the corner of the coffin out!

Rao is because they know that Zhang Chen’s supernatural power is extraordinary. Seeing this scene, their hearts are still filled with a strong sense of shock!

Zhang Chen dragged the jar for three meters before getting down. Everyone swallowed dryly and flashed a flashlight to the back of the tin can!

It doesn’t matter if you look at it, almost at the same time, everyone behind the iron jar gasped!

I saw a huge opening on the back of the tin can, which was curled inward, as if it was torn open with great force!

That opening is right in front of the coffin, but the coffin is empty!

“The mutation recorded in the notebook means that the old zongzi ran out of the jar?”

Huang Lei exclaimed.

Everyone felt that their thinking became clear instantly. When the Japanese pirates used the coffin for experiments, an accident occurred, causing the corpse to change and killing all the creatures in the base!

So it seems that this corpse-turned dumpling is likely to be extremely difficult to deal with!

“These sons of a bitch, they really don’t know how high the sky is, how can the zongzi in our country be studied by them!”

Huang Bo sneered, and when he saw the nervous look on the crowd, he reassured everyone, “Don’t be too nervous, after all, it happened decades ago, and maybe the old zongzi is no longer here.”

When the three of Fat Di heard the words, their nervous expressions eased slightly.

But Lin Yu shook his head and said, “Don’t be careless, everyone, there may be living things in the base, don’t forget that rock rat!”

“They used to drill holes in the base to breed, but now they all run out suddenly, which shows that some kind of accident has happened in the base in the recent short period of time!”

・・・ Flowers・・・・・・・・・・・

“Perhaps, the thing that ran from the coffin is still there!”

Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly became serious, he slapped his forehead, and frowned with a headache.

“Forget this, it’s troublesome! We all have to be careful, who knows where that thing went!”

Huang Lei, Sun Honglei and others also nodded solemnly. The previous Cishan Tomb here is different. Although the old zongzi there is powerful, it is in the light!

But the dumplings here are in the dark!

The degree of danger is naturally higher!

“Then what do we do now? Go back, or keep going?”

Huang Lei pondered for a moment, but he still couldn’t make up his mind. He always vaguely felt that danger was approaching, but he couldn’t tell where the specific danger was.

“Where’s Zhang Chen?”

Sun Honglei rubbed his head, and suddenly glanced around, as if after removing the iron jar, Zhang Chen glanced at it, and the person was gone!


Just now, everyone’s attention was on the coffin, and they didn’t pay attention to Zhang Chen.

Fat Di and Yaya Chana hurriedly searched around with a flashlight. They had a wide field of vision and did not see Zhang Chen!

“Strange, it was still there just now…”

Fat Di looked suspicious, turned his head to look at the corner of the wall behind him, but suddenly saw Zhang Chen’s figure standing motionless in the corner!

“Zhang Chen….what are you doing…”

Fat Di was startled and said nervously.

Everyone looked for the sound, and sure enough, they sawWhen Zhang Chen’s figure was standing in the corner with his back to everyone, the corner was just blocked by the iron can, so they didn’t look at Zhang Chen just now!

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Zhang Chen slowly turned around, revealing a dark entrance behind him!

“Is there a hole here?”

Huang Bo looked surprised. He remembered that the jar was just in the corner of the wall, just blocking the entrance!

Zhang Chen nodded slightly, glanced at the crowd, and said solemnly: “The thing in the coffin may have entered from here, so prepare your hearts to go down!”


Huang Lei sucked in a breath of cold air, and a little struggle flashed in his eyes. After a long time, the look in his eyes firmed up again, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, and this is the purpose of their show!

Sun Honglei will pull out the pistol from his waist and just hold it in his hand.

The three girls Yaoyao’s lips, a flash of determination flashed in their eyes!

Lin Yu is a little calm, the pursuit of the unknown makes it easy for him to overcome his fears!

And Huang Bo, as if remembering something, ran to the door a few steps, and pulled out a pistol from the corpse at the door!

He shook it in his hand and said, “It’s safe to take this!”


Six lights shot into the dark entrance, and Zhang Chen walked in first. righteous.

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