Chapter 116 Coffin in a Jar! (5/10)|Grave Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days|Grave Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“Isn’t this manual recorded here? Or is there another room?”

Huang Lei shook his head and guessed.

Fat Di used a flashlight to take pictures along the four corners of the wall, but found no other exit, and his face also showed a puzzled look.

“the last page…..”

Zhang Chen suddenly said, “Is there a jar label missing?”

Huang Lei was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned to the end and counted…

“Really! The No. 10 jar is gone…it’s become No. 11…and there are twenty-six pages of changes in the No. 10 jar!”

Huang Lei looked at Zhang Chen dumbfounded.

“In other words, one of the jars has been replaced, but the labels on it seem to be corroded…otherwise, you can determine which one it is!”

Lin Yu analyzed.

But Zhang Chen shook his head: “Since No. 11 has replaced the original position of No. 10, then it’s not the last one or the first one, maybe you will find out with this!”

Zhang Chen took out the key and shook it in his hand, then walked towards the first jar.

He just observed that there is a keyhole in the middle of each jar, which means that the iron jar can be opened!

And he just smelled the liquid on the surface of the jar, which is the same as the smell in the air, which means that the smell 887 is emitted from the jar!

When everyone saw this, they gathered around curiously.

Zhang Chen looked over and found that the key did not have a number identification. He took out the first key from left to right, put it in and tried it, and found that it was wrong!

Changed the first one on the right!

Then slowly twist!


With a crisp sound, a gap suddenly appeared on one side of the jar, and a pungent stench suddenly emanated from the gap!

Then something even weirder happened. It was like pulling a switch. The sound of the motor rotating suddenly sounded in the room, and the dark room suddenly lit up!

And a dazzling blue light flashed in the gap of the can!

Everyone was shocked. They didn’t know what happened, and they became nervous again. From the time they entered the hole to the present, it seemed that all the weirdness was surrounding these jars!

Now they don’t think it’s strange that a big dumpling pops out from the jar!

And Zhang Chen also showed a solemn expression, he turned his head to look at everyone, nodded slightly, and then pulled the jar open!

The dazzling blue light engulfed everyone!

Everyone covered their eyes with their arms in horror. When they found that the light was no longer dazzling, they dared to slowly open their eyes!


Everyone is almost colleagues gasping for breath, their pupils are slowly getting bigger, they are shocked, puzzled, and the emotions of fear are constantly changing in their eyes!

In line of sight, Zhang Chen was bathed in light blue light, the black gold ancient knife behind him was already in his hand, and his whole body was tense!

In front of Zhang Chen, there was actually a layer of transparent glass in the huge jar, which was filled with light blue liquid, and suspended in the light blue liquid was a pitch-black coffin!

At this moment, the atmosphere was suppressed to the extreme, no one would have thought that the coffin was stored in the jar!

Everyone stared blankly at the coffin suspended in the light blue liquid, with puzzled and shocked expressions on their faces!

With the light blue light, they can even see the rotten edges and corners of the coffin, as well as the suspended matter attached to the coffin!

Even the well-informed Zhang Chen was surprised and didn’t move for a long time!

And what’s even weirder is that on the front of the coffin, there is a pattern of huge eyes!

Standing in front of the coffin, everyone only felt that the huge eye was staring at them!

In the studio, Fang Tangyi took a deep breath and stared at the picture on the screen with wide eyes. He never imagined that the purpose of the military base was actually to study these coffins!

And Zhang Chen still showed the secret of the base in front of him in such an abrupt and shocking way!

“If there is a coffin, there must be a tomb! Audience friends, can this (cbeg) not only be a base, but also a tomb!”

Fang Tangyi was surprised: “The eye pattern on this coffin should be the totem of a heritage tribe or a small country! Important people will engrave the totem on the coffin after they die!”

“For totem blessing!”

Fang Tangyi’s voice sounded, and the silent barrage suddenly boiled. In just one minute, the number of live broadcast screen barrages on major platforms was almost zero!

Audiences don’t want to miss any shots, it’s superfluous to post barrage at this time!

A lot of peopleThey even suspected what secret weapon was inside, or zongzi mutants, but they never thought that there would be a coffin inside!

“It’s incredible! Why did they put the coffin inside?”

“I’m going… I’m sweating all over my body…”

“Barrage body protection, it’s terrifying!”

For a while, the barrage exploded again.


“What are these bastards trying to do?”

Sun Honglei cursed in a low voice, although he didn’t know the purpose of the Japanese pirates back then, everyone knew that according to the perverted characters of this group of people, they must be studying extremely terrifying things!

“It’s definitely not good!”

Huang Lei hummed.

“What a bunch of lunatics!”

Huang Bo also shook his head contemptuously, he never expected to see such a scene underground!

The three girls’ faces were a little pale, and they stood aside cautiously. They had watched ghost movies for a week and were desensitized to horror scenes, but they didn’t expect that after seeing the scene in front of them, they were still nervous. The palms are still sweating.

Facing everyone’s speculation, Zhang Chen kept silent all the time, he suddenly turned around and walked towards the second jar, took out the key and quickly opened it!

A light blue light appeared instantly!

The same scene, the same plot, Zhang Chen opened the lid, the blue light once again flourished, and a dark coffin was quietly suspended in the light blue liquid!

“So, are these jars filled with coffins…”

Huang Bo looked surprised.

Continue to open, the third jar is still a coffin!

the fourth……

the fifth……


Until the tenth time, everyone couldn’t bear it any longer!

According to the records of the leather notebook, the last jar should be the eleventh jar that mutated…

It’s just how the coffin can mutate….

Everyone just felt a burst of sweat and stood upside down! .

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