Chapter 115 Cold Hair Stands Upside Down! Giant tin can! (Fourth!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Fat Di Yaya and the others turned pale. If one person said it looked like it might be wrong, but if two people said it looked like that would be a problem.

“Brother Hong Lei, do you really see it clearly?”

Fat Di said eagerly.

Four flashlights hit Sun Honglei’s face, but Sun Honglei showed a little nervous expression: “I didn’t see it clearly, it was like I saw a face vaguely…”

Everyone’s expressions became solemn again. If they were real people, then Bacheng would be a monster!

Contact the strange scene in the base, they feel a little creepy.

“Not a living thing!”

At this moment, Zhang Chen suddenly opened his mouth and said, although he did not see the thing clearly, his touch told him that the thing could not be alive!

Huang Lei patted his chest and let out a long sigh of relief: “It’s okay if you don’t live!”

Everyone’s faces softened a bit, but Zhang Chen’s next sentence made them nervous again.

“What is it, just go in and see it!”

After speaking, Zhang Chen slowly pushed open the iron door.

Everyone turned on the flashlight and looked at the dark iron door with shortness of breath. The iron door made a creaking sound, completely revealing the space inside!

As the iron door opened, an icy smell with a little strange stench came out!

Everyone hurriedly put on masks and scarves to prevent being smoked by the smell!

“Why does it smell so bad!”

Sun Honglei frowned and complained, but his eyes were still looking at the depths!

I saw a mummified corpse in a dark green protective suit lying four or five meters away from the door!

“No wonder I said it looked like a human, but it turned out to be a mummified corpse!”

Sun Honglei suddenly realized that the mummy must have been leaning against the door just now. Zhang Chen pushed the door open, and the mummy that lost its support fell down!

“A false alarm!”

Huang Lei showed a relaxed smile and waved to everyone, signaling not to be nervous.

Zhang Chen stared at the mummified corpse and walked in first!

He looked a little nervous, and the strange smell in the room made him feel a little uneasy. With his years of experience, he could smell the smell of corpse in the air!

I’m afraid the corpses in here are not as good asLess outside!

The crowd followed closely behind, patrolling around with flashlights.

There are floor tiles under your feet, the construction is relatively fine, and your feet feel slippery when you step on them!

As soon as they entered, everyone felt that the air was a little colder, and the coldness seemed to penetrate the clothes easily.

“It’s so eerie, what the hell is this place?!”

Sun Honglei used a flashlight and muttered while looking around.

The space here is not very large, only about 400 square meters, there are four pillars in the middle, and there are danger warning signs on them!

Maybe due to the age, the spray paint on the warning sign has faded!

There is a row of tables on the wall to the right of the iron gate. There are many beakers and test tubes on the table, but most of them are damaged, but I still see a few well-preserved beakers and test tubes!

There is still light yellow liquid in one of the beakers!

On one side of the table, there are several corpses in protective suits lying on them. They look similar to the one at the door. They are all mummified corpses!

The more people look at it, the more terrifying it becomes!

These people are in an extremely strange state of death, just like those bats on the wall, they died in an instant!

No resistance!

And the facial features are magnified, it looks like something extremely terrifying has been scared to death!

“Why do I feel that these mummified corpses are more scary than the thousand-year-old dumplings!”

Sun Honglei’s voice trembled.

“Fear comes from the unknown. Zongzi is a powerful zombie, and it’s not so scary when you know it, but these mummified corpses, no one knows what they experienced in their lifetime!”

“That’s why you can feel fear!”

Lin Yu was playing on the flashlight. Compared with everyone else, Lin Yu’s progress was faster. From a weak scholar to an underground expert now, even if he saw a dead body, his performance was very calm.

Huang Lei also nodded in approval. Indeed, the unknown is the most terrifying!

Lin Yu used a flashlight to take a picture of a circle of corpses, and then moved towards the opposite wall.

“What it is?”

Suddenly Lin Yu lost his voice.

Six flashlights hit the wall instantly!

“This is….”

At this moment, everyone’s faces showed shocked expressions, and they saw a row of cylindrical iron jars placed on the wall!

From one corner to another, one every two meters!

One, two, three, four… ten!

A total of ten tin cans!

Huang Lei suddenly opened his eyes wide and pulled out the leather notebook Zhang Chen had given him before. The ten research subjects recorded on it exactly matched the ten jars in front of him!

Everyone flashed a flashlight at Huang Lei, all with a stunned expression.

“I feel that there is something in here, and it is very dangerous. Fatty Huang, please translate the above content!”

Sun Honglei said solemnly.

Huang Bo glanced at Sun Honglei, and suddenly said with disdain: “¨.Aren’t you talking nonsense? Isn’t there a skull and a cross on the jar?”

“I also know the danger!”

Just as Sun Honglei was about to reply, he suddenly saw Zhang Chen walking straight to the big jar, and was stunned. Everyone seemed to realize something was wrong and turned to stare at Zhang Chen.

This kind of scene looks extremely horrifying, but it seems that Zhang Chen was really afraid of something when he was underground!

No one made a sound, just stared at Zhang Chen, only to see Zhang Chen stretched out his long fingers and wiped the lock in the middle of the jar, and then sniffed in front of his nose!

Everyone broke out in a cold sweat. No one knew what was in the jar, so Zhang Chen just smelled it directly?

What if it’s poisonous, isn’t it just burping?

Everyone’s heart came to their throats again, but luckily, Zhang Chen didn’t seem to have any abnormality. After a few seconds, Zhang Chen turned his head and stared at Huang Lei: “Read it!” (Good Zhao)


Only then did Huang Lei recover and read according to the contents of the diary.

“The first page: No. 1 is normal, No. 2 is normal…”

“The second page: No. 1 is normal, No. 2 is normal…”

“Page 3: No. 1 is normal, No. 2 is normal, No. 7 is abnormal… (Urgent improvement!)”

“Page 4: No. 1 is normal, No. 2 is normal, No. 7 is restored… (The improvement effect is obvious!)”

“Page 5:……..”


“Page 27, Mutation No. 11 (urgent improvement)… The rest is gone…”

Everyone listened to Huang Leinian’s content, and then compared the jar with a strange expression on his face.

“That’s not right, there are ten jars in total, how can there be number eleven?”

Huang Bo was surprised. .

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