Chapter 114 Dead Space! (Third!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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“This is too big…”

Fatty took a deep breath. She and Yaya and the others spent a week in the training camp, and made up a lot of illustrations of wild creatures. They knew a lot about the types of bats, but they had never seen a bat that looked like a human-faced statue. , and this head is about the same as a big goose.

You can imagine what it would feel like to have a huge mouthpart inserted into your body if you disturbed them!

“I know why the group of mice outside didn’t dare to come down, because they were afraid of this thing!”

Huang Lei said in surprise.

Everyone nodded slightly, mice have always been in the recipe of bats, so many bats, no matter how many mice are not enough to eat!

“Don’t disturb them!”

Zhang Chen glanced at the Bat Road lying on the cave.

Everyone immediately fell silent, even breathing carefully, for fear of making a sound.

Seeing that the bat didn’t mean to wake up, Zhang Chen continued to walk forward, but he suddenly stopped after a few steps, and secretly said that he was unlucky.

I saw many giant bats hanging on the iron fence not far away.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

The iron fence is already rotten, and it shakes a few times without taking a step. As long as you get close, you will definitely startle these bats!

When everyone saw Zhang Chen stop, they immediately looked up. When they saw the bat blocking their way, they secretly thought bad luck!

Sun Honglei took out the pistol hidden in his waist, and said cautiously to Zhang Chen, “Would you like to kill it?”

Zhang Chenyao’s head: “There are a total of twelve bullets in your gun. If you count the number of these bats, it is not enough to give you a machine gun!”

Huang Lei was afraid of Sun Honglei’s chaos, so he stepped forward and pulled Sun Honglei behind him.

But I didn’t expect that Sun Honglei’s feet suddenly became unstable, and the whole person fell to the side!

Below is a space of dozens of meters high, if you fall, you will die!

Sun Honglei’s expression changed greatly, but he didn’t dare to shout, and instinctively grabbed the railing!


The railing was broken and suddenly snapped, and the iron fence passage lost its support instantly and fell to one side suddenly!

Everyone’s faces turned pale, and they hurriedly grabbed the iron railing on the side of the wall!

The sloping iron fence swayed in the air, and finally stabilized.

Sun Honglei breathed a long sigh of relief, he was really scared to death just now!

Huang Lei’s face was pale, and he almost fell off. Fortunately, it was rather fat, and it got stuck in the gap of the iron fence. .

The eyes suddenly turned forward, and the sound just now must have alarmed the bats here!

A huge sense of crisis is shrouded in everyone’s heart. They can’t take care of themselves now, let alone resisting and running away, they have to be careful when they move. If those bats come over, they will only have to wait to die!

Zhang Chen stood at the front, and the situation was much better than everyone else. He grabbed the railing of the iron fence with one hand and straddled his feet to stabilize his body.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Zhang Chen’s eyes also turned to the bats in front of him. The iron fence passage was still shaking, and the bodies of those bats were also shaking violently with the vibration!

It’s just that there is no sign of waking up!

Zhang Chen’s eyes flashed with suspicion!

In the shocked eyes of everyone, he grabbed one of the bats!


Everyone gasped and stared at Zhang Chen dumbfounded, thinking that this is the end!

But the expected scene did not appear. The bat in Zhang Chen’s hand seemed to be dead, and stood there with his head tilted!

“It’s all dead!”

Zhang Chen said in a deep voice.


Everyone was shocked and thought it was incredible. What about the inexplicable deaths of these bats?

Although the crisis was lifted, Zhang Chen had a strange feeling in his heart. He looked up at the rock wall, and poked the bat on the rock wall with the black-gold ancient knife in one hand!


With the sound of rocks falling off, a few bats lying on the rock wall fell into the darkness below strangely.

“It’s all dead!”

Zhang Chen’s voice was a little surprised, these bats seemed to be taken away by some kind of magic power in an instant!

Everyone was stunned, and felt a faint chill on the back!

After a while of silence, Zhang Chen said to everyone, “Maybe there will be new discoveries at the entrance!”

Everyone nodded, supporting each other carefullyof continue to move forward.

At this time, in the live broadcast screen, Fang Lao, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said: “These bats are already dead, obviously it is not the reason why the rock rats left the cave in groups!”

“Maybe there are hidden mysterious creatures here!”

After speaking, Fang Lao stopped talking.

“I know this kind of bat. It’s called the king bat. It’s huge, and its wings are spread out nearly one meter two. It likes to live in a dark cave and has no natural enemies!”

“It’s really weird that so many king bats die together!”

Shen Ming also said solemnly.

The words of the two once again made the audience watching the live broadcast feel horrified. Their eyes were fixed on the screen. Although there was no sound in the picture, the number of viewers was still increasing rapidly!

About twenty minutes later, Zhang Chen and others in the picture came to the iron gate on the rock wall.

Zhang Chen just wanted to take out the key to open the iron door, but found that the iron door was not locked, but a gap was exposed.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he gently pushed open the iron door with his hand, but the iron door seemed to be very heavy, he pushed it hard, and the iron door popped open!

At this moment, a shadow suddenly rushed over from the iron gate!

Everyone’s faces turned white instantly!

In such a strange scene, a black thing suddenly appeared, and it almost cost someone’s life!

But Zhang Chen reacted quickly and kicked the shadow!


With a muffled sound, the shadow was kicked back into the door by Zhang Chen!

But the strange thing is that after a muffled sound, there is no sound!


There was the sound of people swallowing saliva in the air, but Zhang Chen didn’t enter rashly. Although he has night vision ability, he couldn’t see the shadow just now!

“Why do I look at that thing like a person?”

Sun Honglei was closest to him. When the shadow appeared, the flashlight in his hand lit it up, but Zhang Chen’s footsteps were too fast!

He didn’t see what it was!

“Impossible! No one can live here for so long, unless it’s zongzi!”

Huang Bo immediately shook his head, this is a base and not a tomb, how could zongzi exist!

“I also feel like a person…”

Lin Yu, who hasn’t spoken much, also frowned.

Everyone was shocked again! .

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