Chapter 113 The Gate of Hell! (2/10)|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days|Tomb Robbery: Touching Gold with Stars for 365 Days Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Everyone turned their heads to look, and sure enough, they saw more than a dozen corpses in military uniforms or protective suits lying on the iron shelves!

And the weirdest thing is that their postures are extremely weird, some are lying on the ground with their hands facing the top of the cave, some are lying on the iron bars, and a few pistols are aimed at their heads!

That looks like a mental breakdown and shot suicide!

Huang Lei felt a chill on his back, it was hard to imagine what happened here back then!

These people would rather commit suicide than run away and resist!

Although it looks like an abandoned base now, it gives people a huge sense of panic!

“There’s an iron cover underneath!”

“Damn it, this is too big!”

Huang Bo was lying on the swaying iron railings and took a flashlight to look down. At a depth of about 50 meters, he saw a huge iron cover that was as black as ink “two five seven”!

That iron cover covered the bottom of the entire cave!

It looks like the gate of hell!

Looking from above, in addition to being shocked, people will feel very small!

Huang Lei took a flashlight and took a picture of the surrounding rock walls, and found that the diameter of this large vertical hole was at least 100 meters!

How did the Japanese pirates build an iron cover to cover the entire entrance of such a huge cave?

What is their purpose?

Zhang Chen’s brows clenched, his eyes flickered with unease. For some reason, he always felt that the original intention of the construction of this secret base was because of the space under the iron cover!

“Why don’t we go down and have a look!”

Sun Honglei hesitated for a moment.

Huang Lei glanced at the black iron cover below, swallowed involuntarily, and said worriedly: “Why do I think there is something evil here?”

“Why don’t you just wait, it may be dangerous to go down rashly!”

“Why do I think this iron cover looks like a giant lock?”

Huang Lei has been observing the iron cover below, with a suspicious look in his eyes, and the light in his hand is just shining on the post.the middle of the lid.

There you can clearly see that there is a rectangular iron box about the size of two containers in the middle of the iron cover.

It looks like a huge round lock from above!

“It’s really a bit, you look around the iron cover, it seems to be embedded in the rock wall!”

“Is there something down there?”

Huang Lei said in surprise.

“Brother Lei, you’re not watching too much from the agency… how scary it is…”

Fat Di shuddered and couldn’t help but say, if it’s true as Huang Lei said, the only thing locked below is the ghosts in hell!

“Brother Lei, your imagination is so rich!”

Huang Bo was stunned for a moment, and gave Huang Lei a thumbs-up sarcasm.

“Didn’t you just say that this iron cover is like a lock! Since it is a lock, it is used to lock things, but have you seen the lock that locks the cave?”

Huang Lei asked rhetorically.


Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, then shook his head subconsciously.

“That’s right! I think there must be something weird under the iron cover, otherwise why did they spend so much work building this thing?”

Huang Lei Road.

Everyone glared at Huang Lei with contempt, this guy is getting more and more evil, but although he doesn’t want to believe what Huang Lei said, it is not unreasonable to think about what Huang Lei said.

Building an iron cover with a diameter of 100 meters underground in the mountains is a huge project even now, let alone at that time!

If it’s not necessary, why would they do it?

What’s more, in that era, this place was not an enemy-occupied area. If you want to secretly build a base here, you must transport it by plane, and the cost is very high!

“In the middle there may be a passage to the bottom!”

Zhang Chen’s voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and when they turned on the flashlight, they looked carefully again. Huang Bo’s eyes lit up. Sure enough, he saw a railroad track next to the iron box like a container in the middle!

The rails lead to the rock wall on one side!

“It really is!”

Huang Bo said in surprise, and immediately showed a suspicious look on his face. He was surprised again: “Why do I think it looks like a nuclear weapons research base?”


Lin Yu shook his head: “Let’s not say that the Japanese pirates did not master this technology at the time. Even if they did, they would not choose to establish a secret research base in a non-enemy-occupied area. The risk is too great!”


Huang Bo slammed his mouth and glanced at the crowd: ‘Then what should we do now? ’

Everyone had no idea, and their hesitant eyes finally moved to Zhang Chen…

Zhang Chen glanced around and found that the iron fence passage they were in now extended to the side of the entire cave, and there seemed to be a door on the opposite side.

It is estimated that there are caves dug by Japanese pirates in the rock walls of the cave, and their secrets should also be hidden in them.

It just so happens that he has a few keys in his hand, maybe you can open that iron door!

He raised his hand and pointed at the opposite: “There is a door over there, go and see!”

Although everyone was using flashlights, their eyesight in the dark cave couldn’t be compared with Zhang Chen’s. When they heard Zhang Chen’s words, they all took their flashlights and looked at the opposite side with surprise.

“Really! Zhang Chen, what kind of vision do you have? It’s too perverted?”

Huang Bo was surprised, Zhang Chen hadn’t taken a flashlight since he entered the cave, but he had more information than what they found. Could this guy have a sixth sense!

Zhang Chen didn’t answer Huang Bo but just shook his head lightly and walked towards the opposite side along the iron fence passage.

Everyone knows that Zhang Chen can’t use common sense to speculate.

The humidity in the cave is very heavy, and the iron shelf is very rusted, and the iron shelf will shake a few times without taking a step, making a creaking sound!

It seems that it will break at any time!

Everyone walks in trepidation. Below is an iron cover of dozens of meters. If it falls, I am afraid that all of them except Zhang Chen will be smashed into meat patties!

As Huang Lei walked, he cautiously flashed his flashlight and looked around. Suddenly, he saw a statue of 4.5 faces on the rock wall on the right!

The color of the statue and the rock wall is very similar, and it is difficult to detect if you don’t look carefully!

He rubbed his eyes and thought he had seen it wrong, but when he looked again, his heart trembled, and he saw that there were numerous statues above the statue.

“Why is there such a statue here?”

He felt that his mouth was a little dry and his palms were sweating slightly. Isn’t this the secret base of the Japanese invaders?

Why did so many statues come out?

When everyone saw that Huang Lei was not leaving, and heard his words, they immediately looked up.

They all look shocked!

After a long time, Bo Ge suddenly cursed: “Where is this statue!It’s a bat! ”

Everyone’s complexion changed greatly, and when they looked carefully, they saw a pair of black claws under the statue. .

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