Chapter 108 The Bone Wall is not built by humans! (First update!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

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Seeing Rexi crawling and crawling, looking terrified, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

Even Zhang Chen frowned, and he muttered, “Bone Wall?”

Tubal looked even more shocked, and was about to go back with the camel.

But at this time, how could Zhang Chen let him come back? He grabbed the camel’s neck and Tubal pushed it a few times and found that he couldn’t push it at all.

He couldn’t help but look at Zhang Chen in surprise.

He originally intended that Sun Honglei was the most capable of their group, but he didn’t expect Zhang Chen’s strength to be more or less than Sun Honglei’s.

“Stay honest!”

Zhang Chen snorted, and Tubal was stunned for a moment.

At this time, Rexi had already run into the crowd, Tubal hurriedly supported Rexi, and saw that Rexi was out of breath and turned pale and said to the crowd: “There is a bone wall in front of us and we can’t go any further, otherwise we will must die!”

“What is the bone wall, don’t be alarmist here, we haven’t seen anything, what’s there to be afraid of with a broken wall!”

“Go ahead for me!”

Sun Honglei snorted and pushed Rexi.

Rexi was so frightened that his whole body went weak. Sun Honglei almost pushed Rexi to the ground with such a push. Fortunately, Batur helped him barely stand up.

Rexi was also a little angry, and shouted loudly: “if you don’t want your life, you go, don’t drag us to bury! I don’t want 200,000!”

Batur was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and said to Zhang Chen, “When we meet the Bone Wall, the queen in the glacier is warning us not to go any further, or our lives will be in danger!”

“If you don’t believe me, just keep walking forward, and we will treat you as a free gift from our brothers!”

Everyone’s face changed slightly, people died for food and money, these two brothers are the kind of people who want money and not life, and now they give up 200,000 because of a wall, it seems that the wall may be really strange.

Zhang Chen also saw that the Rexi brothers were not pretending, and said, “Tell me about the bone wall in your mouth first?”

“We are not unreasonable people. If it is really dangerous, we will not drag you to death, but if you are playing tricks with us, and you are picky halfway, don’t blame me for being rude!”

Zhang Chen enthralled both of them. Rexi quickly calmed down after hearing this. The two brothers had realized that it was not them, but Zhang Chen.

However, Rexi’s hands and lips were still trembling. He took out a cigarette and hit it on the trembling point, and slammed it hard for a few sips. Only then did his pale expression regain some blood.

“Actually, I didn’t tell you before. It is said that there is a magical queen living in the Kunlun Glacier. She has an eye that can see the past and the future. Anyone who disturbs her will die in the desert cliffs!”

“And their bones will be built into a wall of bones by the Queen!”

Batur also nodded solemnly.

The crowd changed slightly.

But Zhang Chen shook his head and said, “Do you believe this?”

“I would rather believe it or not, and I didn’t believe it before, but the bone wall is really there. It’s all piled up with bones, and there is no end in sight. How many dead corpses must be there!”

Rexi’s face was full of horror.

“Take care of them, don’t let them run away, I’ll take a look!”

Zhang Chen gave Sun Honglei a wink and walked towards the bone wall.

Sun Honglei nodded heavily, pulling Huang Bo and Huang Lei to surround the Rexi brothers.up.

“Can’t go! You’ll kill us all…”

Rexi’s eyes flashed with despair.

“Look at your courage, let me tell you, don’t say it’s a pile of rotten bones, it’s the queen you said came in person, and Zhang Chen can also tear her apart and bury her!”

Sun Honglei glanced at the Rexi brothers and said with a smile.

Rexi was stunned for a moment, looking at Zhang Chen’s back with a hint of disbelief in his eyes.

At this moment, on the live broadcast screen, Fang Tangyi also began to explain to the audience.

“There are many mysterious legends in the Kunlun Mountains, especially the Kunlun Glacier, which hides many unknown secrets!”

“The camera is about to show the appearance of this bone wall, maybe we can analyze some clues from Zhang Chen’s perspective!”

“And as far as I know, thousands of years ago, there were many small countries in the Kunlun Mountains that were not recorded in historical books. Their existence was passed down in the form of legends. Perhaps the queen in Rexikou was a mysterious small country thousands of years ago. Queen!”

Fang Tangyi analyzed it.

The camera slowly advances with Zhang Chen’s perspective. From the panorama in the camera, the two ends of the bone wall go straight into the wasteland and cliffs, and there is no trace at all!

And what’s even weirder is that from the overall perspective, the bone wall is actually not a straight line, but an arc shape, like an extremely long arc!

If this bone wall is really like what Rexi said, it is all made of human bones, how many human bones will it take!

The audience only felt creepy all over the body. Although the picture is not terrifying, it makes people think carefully and fearfully!

“High energy ahead! The countdown begins…”

“I think this Rexi is lying, how could he have such bones! Even 100,000 people are not enough…”

“Didn’t you pay attention to Rexi’s expression? He shouldn’t be lying… His back is faintly cold in the daytime!”

・・・Please ask for flowers・・・

The barrage is lively again.

At this moment, Zhang Chen’s figure also walked to the bone wall, but he didn’t get close. Instead, he stopped at a distance of four or five meters from the bone wall, squinting his eyes to look around the environment.

He found a strange phenomenon. There were two completely different geological features on both sides of the bone wall. The place under his feet was full of ruins, but there was very little Sha Shuo.

But the other side of the bone wall is full of fine grains of sand!

And the height of the ground on one side of Shashuo is much higher than that of the place under his feet!

Zhang Chen draws two pieces of information from here!

First: The bone wall actually plays a role in resisting the wind and sand! And the direction of the arc is facing the wind direction, which is conducive to weakening the erosive force of wind and sand! Let the bone wall exist longer!

Second: The direction of the wind and sand here should be from east to west!

He glanced around and thought to himself, from the analysis of natural phenomena, the direction of the Kunlun Mountains must be against the direction of the wind and sand, so if you want to find the Kunlun Glacier, you must walk in the direction of the wind and sand!

… 0 …

In other words, the Kunlun Mountains are likely to be at the center of this arc-shaped bone wall!

They are walking in the right direction now, so they must not look back. At the same time, it can also prove that the Rexi brothers did not lie, they did take people to Kunlun Glacier!

He nodded slightly, walked a few steps to the bone wall, wiped the sand on the bone wall with his hand, and saw that the bone wall was full of dense bones!

The places between the bones are held together with a special glue.

Zhang Chen buttoned it with his fingers and found that the adhesive was not very hard. He rubbed it with his hands and it felt like something like sand.

He frowned and looked thoughtful. Although the scene in front of him was exactly the same as what Rexi said, in fact, the careful observation was slightly different.

Of course he wouldn’t believe the saying that the Queen killed people to build the bone wall, but the bone wall didn’t feel like it was built by humans.

He simply squatted down and blew the sand on the Bone Blowing Wall. Looking carefully, it didn’t matter. Sure enough, he made a new discovery.

Several of the bones on the bone wall are extremely thick. Unless it is a giant, it is impossible for humans to grow such thick leg bones!

Zhang Chen walked ten meters along the bone wall and continued to wipe, and sure enough, he saw bones similar to cattle, sheep, pigs, horses and dogs!

He let out a slight sigh of relief, as he expected, there is no legend of the queen killing the artificial wall, just animal bones!

But as the length of his wiping point got longer, he seemed to have found another surprising clue!

The color depth of the bones on the bone wall actually shows a decreasing pattern! Ding.

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