Chapter 109: Bone Wall? map? (Second!) | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold with Stars | Tomb Raiders: 365 Days of Touching Gold With Stars Chapter Read-Siku Bookstore

Fastest update! No ads!The darker the color of the bones, the longer the death time of the bones, which means that the construction direction of the bone wall is from right to left!

And the west is the direction he is walking. It is likely to be in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains. The further you go, the less suitable it is for human habitation!

This also confirms Zhang Chen’s feeling that this bone wall is probably not built by humans!

But what surprised Zhang Chen was that if it wasn’t built by humans, what other creature in the world could build such a bone wall that conforms to engineering mechanics?

Zhang Chen felt incredible!

Everyone who was waiting in the distance saw Zhang Chen walking along the bone wall, stopping from time to time to observe and think, and a suspicious look flashed in his eyes.

Having had previous experiences, they knew that Zhang Chen must have found some clues, so they showed this contemplative look.

“Did you see it?”

Sun Honglei patted the nervous Rexi on the shoulder and pointed at Zhang Chendao with his eyes.

“Well..”Seven Six Three”.”

Rexi felt that her heart almost jumped out of her chest, and she was afraid that she couldn’t do it. When Sun Honglei slapped her like this, she shuddered all over.

Remember the URL m.luoqiuxzw.

“Look at how scared you are!”

Sun Honglei glanced at Rexi with contempt, and said suspiciously: “Tell me honestly, you dare to enter Kunlun Mountains even if you have the guts! Did you make up and fool us?”

Rexi shook his head, didn’t speak, just closed his eyes and stood on the spot, spreading his arms in front of the hazy sun and muttering prayers.

Sun Honglei felt bored and turned his head to Huang Lei and Huang Bo and said, “Look at these two guys, I’ll take a look at Zhang Chen…”

Huang Lei nodded and told Sun Hong to be careful.

In the live broadcast, Fang Tangyi saw all the pictures from Zhang Chen’s perspective. He pondered for a moment and analyzed to the audience:

“This bone wall is a bit strange. The bones on it should be animal bones. Judging from the color, it may have existed for a long time. It should have been built by humans, but I can’t analyze what it is used for at present!”

“It seems that Zhang Chen has seen the clue! Let’s hear how Zhang Chen analyzes it later!”

“Amazing!! Professor Fang can’t see the reason!”

“If it is to prevent sandstorms, why build such a low wall? And materials such as stones can also be used, aren’t they much stronger than bones?”

“I’m a little curious about what Zhang Chen will say later…”

The barrage is full of questions about the walls.

“Zhang Chen, did you find anything?”

Seeing that Zhang Chen was still thinking, Sun Honglei asked curiously.

“It’s a little weird!”

Zhang Chen turned his head and saw that it was Sun Honglei, and his eyes flashed suspiciously, but he still couldn’t figure out what was going on with this bone.

“How is it over there?”

Zhang Chen glanced at Rexi and asked.

“I let Xiaobo and Huang Lei watch, don’t worry, they can’t make any splash!”

Sun Honglei was a little disdainful, and then he glanced at the bone wall again. When he saw that it was full of bones, his eyes were full of surprise.

“Who is so boring, build walls out of bones!”

He turned his head, stared at Zhang Chen and asked, “By the way, did you find something wrong?”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly: “This bone wall is basically built with animal bones, and the gaps are glued together with special sand, and the direction of construction should be from right to left!”

“And I feel that this bone wall may be very long, and the position of the center of the bone wall should be the Kunlun Mountains!”

Sun Honglei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said: ‘Then we don’t care who built this bone wall, can’t we just go directly to the Kunlun Mountains? ’

“That’s the truth! But I don’t know why I always feel that this bone wall was not built by humans!”

Zhang Chen nodded slightly, but felt a little uneasy in his heart.

“Not human?”

Sun Honglei’s face changed greatly, he looked at Zhang Chen in horror, and whispered: ‘You mean there really is that kind of queen? ’

In the studio hall, Fang Tangyi heard Zhang Chen’s words, and his eyes flashed with surprise. Zhang Chen’s analysis was similar to his, but the last sentence was completely opposite to his!

It is not built by humans, so what can build such a wall that conforms to engineering mechanics?

“Audience friends, things have changed now. Zhang Chen may have some important clues. If this skeleton is really not built by humans, then my analysis is very likely to be built by some kind of creature!”

“After all, animals like Shuirai have a natural ability to build!”

Fang Tangyi analyzed the camera.

The barrage exploded again, and everyone’s eyes were fixed on the screen. Fang Tangyi’s analysis made him feel a little unbelievable.

However, it still depends on the conclusion given by Zhang Chen!

“I’m just guessing, I can’t find any evidence yet, but this wallBone does give us the right direction! ”

After speaking, Zhang Chen suddenly pointed in the direction of the center of the inner circle of the wall and said: ‘Go there! ’

Sun Honglei nodded, turned and walked in the direction of Huang Bo Huang Lei!

“Let’s go! Zhang Chen has found the location of the Kunlun Mountains!”

Sun Honglei glanced at Rexi and said…

“No! We are going back, you have already angered the queen in the glacier, and going forward is a dead end!”

Rexi shook her head uncontrollably and said to Tubal, “Let’s go!”

Tubal nodded and was about to leave with the camel.

“Wait! You can go if you want, but leave the camel behind!”

Sun Honglei suddenly stood in front of Tubal, staring coldly at Tubal and Rexi.

“No! If the camels are given to you, we won’t be able to find the way back!”

Rexi shook her head immediately.

Tubal also stared at Sun Honglei with a solemn expression, a hand slowly stretched under his waist, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

Sun Honglei frowned. Although he has mastered some fighting skills after a week of training, he is not sure about dealing with a sturdy man like Tubal who is armed with weapons!

Huang Lei and Huang Bo also sensed the smell of gunpowder, and immediately came over with a dignified expression!

But at this moment, Zhang Chen’s figure suddenly appeared behind the crowd.

I saw Zhang Chen grabbed it casually, and the dagger in Tubal’s hand fell into Zhang Chen’s hand. He glanced at Rexi and Tubal and said, “You can go, leave the camel! We will compensate you!”

“If you don’t leave, I’ll send us to our destination, and I’ll give you 200,000 yuan!”

Tubal felt extremely painful in his wrist. It was as if he was caught by a machine, and there was no room for resistance at all.

“Let’s go with them… Ten, I’m not Zhang Chen’s opponent…”

Tubal leaned against Resi’s ear and said.

Rexi’s face sank, Tubal is a 3.0 sturdy guy who can beat three, and he commented on Zhang Chen like this, it seems that he wants to lead a camel away!

And they can’t get out without the camels!

After pondering for a moment, Rexi sighed and said: ‘Since you are determined to go, then our brothers will sacrifice their lives to accompany the gentleman! ’

“But the guide fee will be doubled!”

Sun Honglei showed a look of contempt: “I know you don’t have any good farts!”

Zhang Chen handed the dagger to Sun Honglei, turned his head and took out a rectangular box from the camel, then opened it and took out the ancient black gold saber, put it on his back, stared at Re Xi and said, “You are not qualified to negotiate with me now. !”

Having said that, he took the lead and walked towards the depths.

Rexi was startled, and when he saw Zhang Chen’s back, he felt like a peerless powerhouse who came out of the great desert!

“Who the hell is he! The knife behind him only weighs three hundred pounds, right?”

Tubal said in shock. .

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